

释义 創1. to found2. to set3. to create創創 1134A10  81S.00-2  部居  畫數 12ㄔㄨㄤˋ [chuang4]  (*ㄔㄨㄤ [chuang1] ). [Anc. var.刱]N.(*[chuang1]) U.f. 瘡 a knife cut, wound: 自受重創 severely wounded;創傷 wound (from spear, etc.);創世記 Genesis.V.t.(1)  To found, establish: 創下 leave (record, example);創立,創辦,創設 [chuang4li4], [chuang4ban4], [chuang4she4]↓;創紀錄 make a record (athletics, etc.);創事業 to found project, undertaking, firm, etc.;開創 to found, open (school, hospital).(2)  To create: 創造 ditto, [chuang4zao4]↓.Words1. 創辦 [chuang4ban4], v.t., to found (an organization); 創辦人 founder.2. 創獲 [chuang4huo4], v.t., to discover, make (new results theory).3. 創見 [chuang4jian4], n., a new idea or viewpoint.4. 創制權 [chuang4zhi4qUan2], n., (Law) right of initiative.5. 創舉 [chuang4jU3], n., a new undertaking.6. 創立 [chuang4li4], v.t., to found, open (school, institute, etc.), see [chuang4ban4]↑; 創立會 inaugural meeting.7. 創設 [chuang4she4], v.t., ditto.8. 創始 [chuang4shi3], v.i. & t. & n., to begin; beginning, new venture.9. 創造 [chuang4zao4], v.i. & t., to create (new theory, literature); 創造力 creative power; 創造力 creative power; 創造文學 creative literature.10. 創作 [chuang4zuo4], n., new creation in arts, literature; 創作者 creator (of new vogue), author.11. 創業 [chuang4ye4], v.i., (1) to start an enterprise; (2) to found new royal house.12. 創艾 [chuang4yi4], v.t., to take as warning.




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