

释义 剪1. clip2. scissors3. shears4. snip5. to cut剪 jiǎnI v.cut (with scissors); clip; trim我的头发该剪了。 I need a haircut.II b.f.1) scissors; shears; clippers (剪刀)2) wipe out; exterminate (剪除)剪Jiǎnsurname JianjiǎnscissorsshearsclippersCL:把[bǎ]to cut with scissorsto trimto wipe out or exterminate剪 n. 剪刀scissors(plural)形如剪刀的器具scissor-like implement or instrument夹剪 tweezers火剪 tongs v. 切断;用于剪毛发等to cut off; to trim剪纸花 cut paper designs剪鞋样 cut a shoe pattern剪发 cut hair剪羊毛 shear a sheep剪辫子 cut off a plait剪指甲 cut one's nails剪成两半 cut in half把纸边剪剪齐 trim the edges of the paper to make it neat这个简讯是从报上剪下来的。 This news item was cut out of the newspaper.除去to eliminate剪 jiǎn 名 (剪刀) scissors; shears; clippers (姓氏) a surname:  剪成 Jian Cheng 动 (用剪刀等使细的或薄片的东西断开) cut (with scissors); clip; trim; snip; shear:  剪开 cut open;  剪羊毛 shear a sheep;  剪指甲 trim one's nails;  别把头发剪得太短了。 Don't cut the hair too short.  信被剪开了。 The letter was cut open. (除去) wipe out; exterminate:  剪除 wipe out; annihilate 林语堂林语堂★◀▶剪剪 1069A20  80.50  部居  畫數 11ㄐㄧㄢˇ [jian3] N.Scissors: 剪刀 ditto;指甲剪 (finger) nail-clippers;燭剪 candle snuffers.V.i. & t.(1)  V.i., to cut, divide, separate, lop off: 剪短 to trim;剪髮 haircut;剪開 cut open, sever;剪綵 [jian3cai3], 剪影 [jian3ying3]↓;剪接 splice films.(2)  Annihilate, destroy completely: 剪除 [jian3chu2], 剪滅 [jian3mie4]↓;剪草除根 (lit. & fig.) uproot, eradicate.(3)  V.i., tie hands together.Words1. 剪報 [jian3bao4], n., newspaper clippings.2. 剪除 [jian3chu2], v.t., wipe out, exterminate.3. 剪刀 [jian3dao1], n., scissors.4. 剪伐 [jian3fa2], v.t., (AC) (of trees) to prune or cut, lop off (branches).5. 剪拂 [jian3fu2], v.t., (1) to purge off, cleanse, wash away; (2) (MC underworld sl.) greet with a deep bow.6. 剪剪 [jian2jian3], adj., (AC) (1) narrow-minded, bigoted, prejudiced; (2) (of wind) cutting, chilly, piercing.7. 剪徑 [jian3jing4], v.i., (of robbers) hold up travellers.8. 剪綹 [jian2liu3], v.i., pick a person's pocket; v.i., n., a pickpocket.9. 剪滅 [jian3mie4], v.t., annihilate, exterminate.10. 剪綵 [jian2cai3], v.i. & n., ribbon-cutting ceremony.11. 剪裁 [jian3cai2], v.i., (1) (tailoring) cut cloth to make dress or suit; (2) (of litr. works) polish, refine, cut out superfluous words and phrases.12. 剪子 [jian3zi0], n., scissors.13. 剪影 [jian2ying3], n., (1) silhouette; (2) a cross-section, a sketch.剪剪 [jian2jian3], adj., (AC) (1) narrow-minded, bigoted, prejudiced; (2) (of wind) cutting, chilly, piercing.剪[jiǎn](ㄐㄧㄢˇ)1.剪刀 scissors; shears; clippers 2.形状像剪刀的器具 instruments in the shape of scissors:夹剪 tweezers; tongs火剪 fire-tongs 3.用剪刀等使东西断开 cut (with scissors); clip; trim:剪裁 tailor clothing; cut out dresses剪纸 paper-cuts剪指甲 trim one's nails剪羊毛 shear a sheep剪几尺布做衣服 buy several chi of cloth for making clothes 4.除去 wipe out; exterminate:剪除 wipe out; exterminate; annihilate剪灭 annihilate; wipe out剪草除根 cut the grass and remove its root; cut the weeds and dig the roots; wipe out all and everything; stamp out the source of trouble相关词组背剪 | 裁剪 | 倒剪 | 反剪 | 火剪 | 夹剪 | 疏剪 | 修剪剪报 | 剪裁 | 剪彩 | 剪除 | 剪床 | 剪刀 | 剪辑 | 剪接 | 剪灭 | 剪票 | 剪贴 | 剪影 | 剪纸 | 剪子 | 剪刀差 | 剪纸片 | 剪纸片儿剪n.cut(刀、剑、鞭等的)切;割;剪;砍;削;劈;击;抽clip剪;修剪;剪毛cutting切;割;剪;砍shear剪;切;修剪clipping剪;修剪snip(一)剪;剪刀的咔嚓声vi.cut切;割;剪;截;砍;削clip剪;修剪snip剪vt.cut切;割;剪;截;砍;削clip剪;修剪;剪短;剪除;删去trim剪,修剪;修理,整修shear剪(羊毛等)snip剪;剪断stow〈苏格兰〉剪;修剪scissor(游泳等中)剪式打(腿);(摔跤等中)剪(对手)(指用双腿钳住)(用剪刀)剪(off, up, into); (从报纸或书籍上)剪下(out)剪1. scissors; shears; clippers2. to cut; to trim (with scissors, etc.)剪clippers剪shear双向☞剪切--剪--剪[切]机双向☞截波器--削波器--剪双向☞剪机--剪刀 --双向☞截波器--剪双向☞剪--剪力双向☞剪切--剪双向☞剪--切剪[jiǎn]名scissors; shears; clippers动1. cut (with scissors); clip; trim♦ 别把头发~得太短了。 Don't cut the hair too short.♦ 把图片从杂志上~下来 cut the pictures out of the magazine♦ ~指甲 trim one's nails♦ ~羊毛 shear a sheep2. wipe out; exterminate♦ 剪除




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