

单词 剥蚀
释义 文馨英漢☞剝蝕剥蚀 bōshí1) v. denude; corrode2) n. denudation剥蚀bōshíto corrodeto expose by corrosion (geology)剥蚀因风化而损坏to erode【地质】to denude剥蚀平原 plain of denudation侵蚀to corrode受风雨剥蚀 eroded by the wind and rain该闸底板剥蚀破坏情况严重 the bottom panel of the sluice is badly corroded剥蚀 bō shí (侵蚀) denude; corrode; erode; wear away; weather:  风雨的剥蚀 eroded by weather  {地质} erosion; denudation:  冰川剥蚀 glacial erosion;  海岸剥蚀 coast erosion 剥蚀地貌 denudational landform; 剥蚀残山 torso mountain; 剥蚀高原 scabrock; 剥蚀面 plane of denudation; 剥蚀平原 plain of denudation; 剥蚀土壤 denuded soil; 剥蚀作用 {地质} denudation剥蚀[bō shí]1.物质表面因风化而逐渐损坏 erode; wear away; corrode; denude; (of the surface of things) be gradually worn away because of weathering:因受风雨的剥蚀,石刻的文字已经不易辨认。The weather-beaten inscriptions on the stone are barely legible. 2.风、流水、冰川等破坏地球表面,使隆起的部分逐渐变平 (of the earth's surface) be levelled because of the erosion caused by wind, water, glacier, etc. 3.侵蚀 embezzle or seize bit by bit剥蚀n.disintegration【地】崩解,剥蚀denudation【地】剥蚀(作用)vi.disintegrate【地】(岩石)崩解,剥蚀vt.disintegrate【地】使(岩石)崩解,使剥蚀denude【地】使剥蚀,使(岩石等)裸露剥蚀1. [Geology] erosion; denudation; degradation2. to erode; to corrode; to denude; to wear away; to degrade剥蚀exfoliation剥蚀denudation剥蚀ablation剥蚀denude双向☞--减坡作用--剥蚀双向☞减低--退化--剥蚀双向☞减削--减低--退化双向☞剥蚀--消蚀--烧蚀双向☞剥蚀--磨损--磨耗双向☞崩解--蜕变--裂变双向☞磨耗--剥蚀--磨损双向☞剥蚀作用--剥蚀双向☞剥蚀--滥伐剥蚀1. (侵蚀)denude; corrode; erode; wear away♦ 由于风雨~, 碑文已无法辨认。 Owing to the ravages of wind and rain, the inscription on the stone tablet is already undecipherable.2. erode♦ 冰川~ glacial erosion~作用 [地质]denudation




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