

单词 前台
释义 文馨英漢☞前臺前台 qiántái1) stage2) proscenium3) foreground前台qiántáistageprosceniumforeground in politics etc (sometimes derog.)front deskreception desk(computing) front-endforeground前台舞台之前的部分;借指演出的事务工作proscenium; odd tasks related to stage plays表演的舞台stage比喻公开的地方in public他只是在前台表演,背后还有人指挥。 He was just acting in public, but others were pulling the strings behind the scenes.前台 qián tái (舞台) proscenium  {计}foreground (公开) (on) the stage:  幕后的敌人比前台的更危险。 Enemies behind the scene are more dangerous than those on the stage. 前台处理 foreground processing; 前台调度程序 foreground scheduler; 前台划分 foreground partition; 前台区 foreground partition前台[qián tái]1.剧场中在舞台之前的部分。借指演出的事务工作。 proscenium; part in the front of a theatre stage; routine work of performance 2.舞台面对观众的部分,是演员表演的地方 stage; downstage; part of a stage that faces the audience 3.〈比喻 fig.〉公开的地方(含贬义 derog.)onstage; in public:他只是在前台表演,背后还有人指挥。He was acting onstage, while others were pulling the strings behind the scenes.[补义 new sense] 指酒店、旅馆、歌舞厅等负责接待、登记、结算工作的柜台 front desk; front counter in a restaurant, hotel, song and dance hall, etc. for reception, registration and accounts settlement前台phr.front desk(宾馆等处的)前台,总(服务)台前台1. the proscenium2. (on) the stage前台front office前台front stage双向☞前台--前景双向☞前景--前台前台1. proscenium2. 喻 on the stage♦ 有人在~表演, 有人在幕后指挥。 Some appeared on the stage, while others pulled strings behind the scenes.




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