

单词 前列
释义 前列1. front row前列 qiánlièfront row/rank; forefront; van前列qiánlièthe very front前列forefront走在我们时代的前列 be at the forefront of our era前列 qián liè front row; front rank; forefront; van:  游行队伍的前列 the forward ranks of the paraders;  主席台前列 the front row on the rostrum 前列[qián liè] 最前面的一列 forefront; front row or rank;〈比喻 fig.〉带头的地位 in the van of; vanguard; leading position:站在斗争的最前列 be in the van of the struggle前列a.leading首位的;前列的;(新闻报道等)刊登在显著地位的前列1. the head; the front row (or rank); the forefront前列front row (or rank); forefront; van♦ 主席台~ the front row on the rostrum♦ 年轻力壮的小伙子们站在与洪水搏斗的最~。 The able-bodied young men were at the forefront in the fight against the flood.英華英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞Advanced英華☞ADVANCE英華☞FIRST英華☞HEAD




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