

单词 削弱
释义 削弱1. to weakenABCABC★◀▶削弱 xuēruòweaken; cripple敌人的力量被削弱了。 The enemy has been weakened.削弱 xiāoruòsee xuēruò 削弱削弱xuēruòto weakento impairto cripple削弱变弱to be weakened几名主力队员离队后,球队实力有所削弱。 The power of the team was weakened after several key players left.使变弱to weaken削弱敌人的力量 weaken the enemy's strength削弱 xuē ruò weaken; cripple; relax; relaxation; put a brake on; deadened; abate:  削弱敌人的力量 cripple the enemy; weaken the enemy;  削弱某人的地位 weaken the position of sb.;  登陆部队是从亚历山大将军的兵力中抽调出来的, 这就削弱了他的军事力量。 The troops for the landing were taken from Alexander's force and that put a brake on his operations. 削弱 [xUe4ruo1], v.t., to weaken.削弱[xuē ruò]1.(力量、势力)变弱 (of strength and power) weaken; die down; enfeeble:几名主力队员离队后,这支球队实力有所削弱。The strength of the football team has been sapped since several top players left. 2.使变弱 weaken; cripple; enfeeble; undermine:削弱敌人的力量 cripple or weaken an enemy削弱n.relaxation放宽;缓和;减轻;削弱SAP削弱,破坏;〈喻〉挖墙脚erosion削弱,减少,损害dent削减;削弱;损害attrition(尤指军事上的)削弱,消耗whittling削减;削弱vi.dull减轻;削弱dent削减;削弱vt.clip削弱lower削弱,减弱relax放宽;缓和;减轻;削弱dull减轻;削弱weaken使虚弱,使衰弱;削弱,减弱SAP削弱,破坏;〈喻〉挖…的墙脚dilute削弱;减轻;降低impair削弱;减少shatter削弱;驳斥(主张、意见等)dent削减;削弱;损害hamstring使陷于瘫痪;使无能为力;使不起作用;使受挫;削弱puncture削弱;损坏;戳穿,揭穿erode逐步毁坏,削弱,损害depress削弱,抑制undercut削弱;暗中破坏unsettle削弱;使不确定scant减少;削弱whittle削减;削弱(away, down)mortify〈废〉削弱,减弱diffract打碎,压碎,碾碎,粉碎;削弱,减弱defang缴…的械;使无害;削弱geld除去…的精华(或天然、基本)部分;削弱;剥夺unknit使变松;削弱;破坏attrit消耗,削弱phr.chip away at削弱;损害削弱1. to weaken; to cripple; to wear down; to whittle away (or down); to cut the claws of; to make a dent in国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞解体--削弱削弱weaken; cripple英華字典資料庫英漢部分☞Enervation




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