

单词 buddha
释义 Buddha  [ˈbʊdə]WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文Buddha, the Buddha nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (Indian spiritual figure)佛 fó  佛陀 fó tuó  佛祖 fó zǔ Buddhists follow the teachings of the Buddha.  在这些条目还发现'Buddha':中文:佛 - 菩 Buddha ['budə] n. [亦称 Butsu, Gautama, Gautama Buddha] (Prince Siddhāttha or Siddhartha) 佛,如来佛,佛陀(悉达多王子,乃对释迦牟尼的尊称,约公元前566~前480,印度宗教领袖;佛教创始人) 释迦牟尼(佛的化身) [b-]【佛教】成佛之人,“觉行圆满”者阿罗汉 佛 佛像 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 BuddhaˈbʊdəBuddhaBuddhasn.①[the Buddha]佛陀(釋迦牟尼的尊稱,釋尊)② 佛像新世纪新世纪★◀▶buddha/ˈbʊdə/n.1.【宗-佛】(person who has achieved enlightenment)佛;佛陀2.(image)佛像Buddha/ˈbʊdə/n.the Buddha佛陀(佛教徒对释迦牟尼的尊称)详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社专四 n /ˈbʊdə/the Buddha:佛陀(佛教徒对释迦牟尼的尊称)词形变化复数: Buddhasbuddha青Words32. 青蓮 [qing1lian2]2, n., lotus, (fig.) Buddha's eyes.南Words19. 南無 [nan2mo2] ([nan2mo0]), v.t., (Sanskrit) Namo, take refuge in (the Buddha, the dharma or the sangha).造Words11. 造像 [zao4xiang4] n., (1) a statue of the Buddha or of a god; (2) a photographic portrait; n., (3) v.i., to make a statue.抽Words2. 抽簽(兒) [chou1qian1]([chou1qia1er0]), v.i., to draw lots; v.i.,to draw divination sticks before Buddha.抱V.t.平時不燒香,臨時抱佛腳 neglect one’s prayers in times of peace, then embrace the Buddha's feet in a crisis;老Words32. 老佛爺 [lao3fo2ye0], n., (1) (Budd.) popular name for the Buddha; (2) (Manchu court.) the queen mother or the emperor's father.蓮N.(2)  Buddha's seat and symbol of purity.Words10. 蓮臺 [lian2tai2], n., Buddha's seat in the form of lotus flower.出Words99. 出世 [chu1shi4]3, v.i., (1) see V.t.3↑. (2) (of Buddha) to be born into this world or appear bodily; to leave the secular world; (3) be born.世Words35. 世尊 [shi4zun1], n., (Budd.) devotees’ name for Buddha (the Revered One of the World).三Words1. 三寶 [san1bao3], phr., (Budd.) the Three Treasures: the Buddha, the dharma, and the church-sacred depository of divine truths.圣Words1. 圣誕 [sheng4dan4], n., Christmas (also 耶穌圣誕); birthday of sages (Buddha, Confucius); 圣誕節 Christmas festival; 圣誕老人 Santa Claus.現Words16. 現身 [xian4shen1], n., (1) (Budd.) the present body of flesh; (2) different manifestations of Buddha, representing his different capacities: 現身說 Buddha bodily appeared and taught; (fig.) personally appear (at meetings, etc.).醍Words1. 醍醐 [ti2hu2], n., essential oil of butter; (Budd.) Buddha nature in man; n., 醍醐灌頂 phr., pleasure of understanding or receiving wisdom (like “pouring rich liquor over one's head”).雷Words23. 雷音 [lei2yin1], n., (Budd.) the Buddha's sayings (lit., “the voice of thunder”).阿Words34. 阿彌陀佛 [e1mi2tou2fo0], n., Amitabha, Buddha of boundless light, or eternal life (from Sanskr. amitabha); 南無阿彌陀佛 Namo -- Blessed be, glory to Amitabha!39. 阿難 [e1nan2], n, (Budd.) Ananda, the most learned disciple of Buddha.呼Words13. 呼圖克圖 [hu1tu2ke4tu2], n., the Mongolian Living Buddha.甲Words10. 甲馬 [jia2ma3], n., (1) armor and horses; (2) painted images of Buddha on paper.羅Words7. 羅漢 [luo2han4], n., (Budd.) lohan, arahat, Buddhist saint: 十八羅漢 the eighteen disciples of Buddha; 羅漢松 the Chinese yew; 羅漢柏 a kind of cypress; 羅漢果 mangosteen; 羅漢椅子 a wooden easy chair; 羅漢床 a divan; 羅漢齋 special vegetarian dish; 羅漢 pyramiding (gymnastics).還Words13. 還愿 [huan2yUan4], v.i., to redeem a vow pledged before Buddha.彌Words5. 彌勒(佛) [mi2le0] ([fo2]), n., Buddha Maitreya, the “Laughing Buddha” (with big belly), the friendly Buddhist Messiah.臨Words14. 臨時 [lin2shi2], (1) adv., at the time: 臨時想出來 thought of idea at last moment; adv., 平時不燒香,臨時抱佛腳 to neglect saying prayers when there is no need and then hug the Buddha's feet during a crisis; (2) adj., temporary, provisional: 臨時政府 provisional government.屠N.放下屠刀,立地成佛 lay down the butcher's knife and immediately become a buddha - admonition for repentance.聞V.i. & t.如是我聞 (Budd.) thus I have heard from Buddha;訶V.i.To shout at, to curse or abuse: 訶佛罵祖 to “curse at Buddha”.放V.t.放下屠刀,立地成佛 put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha right on the spot;座N.寶座 the most honored seat such as that occupied by the Buddha, the king's throne;浮Words27. 浮屠 [fu2tu2], n., Buddha (also translated as 佛陀); pagoda; 浮屠道 Buddhism.活Words4. 活佛 [huo2fou2], n., Living Buddha (in Tibet, Mongolia): 班禪活佛 Panchan Lama.法Words36. 法眼 [fa2yan3], n., (court.) your esteemed judgment (of art); Buddha's eyes of magic power.祥Words4. 祥云 [xiang2yUn2], n., beautiful, auspicious clouds, used esp. in describing the skies accompanying appearances of Buddha.成V.i. & t.成仙,成佛 become an immortal, a Buddha;Words16. 成佛 [cheng2fo2], v.i., become a Buddha (possible for every man).尊N.(3)  An image or statue of a god or the Buddha.Words26. 尊容 [zun1rong2]1, n., (1) your looks (appearance), generally used in complim. sense but also occasionally to show contempt. 看你那副尊容 see what a spectacle you are! (2) the dignified appearance of the Buddha.普Words2. 普度 [pu3du4], n. & v.t., (Budd.) festival similar to All Souls’ Day in seventh lunar month, with prayers for those unburied and drowned at sea: 普度(渡)眾生 (of Buddha) save the masses of mankind.金Words56. 金身 [jin1shen1], n., the Buddha's image gilt with gold.59. 金仙 [jin1xian1], n., (1) a fairy; (2) th Buddha.舍Words3. 舍利 [she4li4], n., a Buddhist relic; 舍利子 a luminous stone reputed to come out of the ashes of Buddha's cremated body; 舍利鹽 (min.) magnesium sulphate.念Words4. 念佛 [nian4fo2], v.t., chant Buddhist scriptures or say prayers to Buddha.乘N.三乘 the three orders of Buddha's disciples or saints: 菩薩乘 the bodhisatva;聲聞乘 Buddha's personal disciples.拜V.i. & t.拜佛 worship Buddha at temple;迦N.(1)  釋迦 (translit. from Sanskr.) Sakya, the clan or family of the Buddha.Words2. 迦葉 [jia1ye4], n., Kasyapa Buddha (also wr. 迦攝).佛N.(2)  Buddha, (Sakyamuni 釋迦牟尼, see 佛陀 [fo2tuo2])↓;Buddhahood, state of holiness and wisdom, also different manifestations of Buddha;佛龕 niche for Buddha: 佛堂 hall with statue of Buddha, Buddhist sutra;佛國,佛經 country of Buddha, Buddhist sutra;禮佛,拜佛 to worship Buddha;念佛 repeat the name of Buddha;佛誕日 Buddha's birthday, the 8th of 4th lunar month;浴佛節 festival of bathing of Buddha, 8th of 4th lunar month;放下屠刀,立地成佛 “lay down the butcher's knife and become Buddha on the spot”--the Buddha nature being innate in man;佛口蛇心 words of Buddha and heart of a serpent;活佛 living Buddha;Words1. 佛法 [fo2fa3], n., power of Buddha; the law of Buddha.8. 佛老 [fo2lao3], n., Buddha and Laotse, their teachings oft. considered related in respect to life phenomena.11. 佛像 [fo2xiang4], n., statue of Buddha.12. 佛性 [fo2xing4], n., Buddha nature.15. 佛陀 [fo2tuo2], n., translit. of term Buddha, quite exact in pronunciation of 600 A.D.16. 佛祖 [fo2zu3], n., respectful address of Buddha.化Words9. 化身 [hua4shen1], v.i., (1) (Budd.) transformation of Buddha in different manifestations; (2) (of persons) a personification (of love, piety).低Words6. 低眉 [di1mei2], adj., looking downward in submission or (of Buddha) kindly.供V.i. & t.(1)  (*[gong4]) V.i., to offer sacrifices: 供佛 to worship the Buddha;佞V.t.To flatter: 佞佛 praise (“flatter”) Buddha;行Words11. 行道 [xing2dao4], phr., promote teachings (usu. Confucian); (2) practise medicine (=行醫) (euphem. used by physicians); (3) go around the image of Buddha during worship.獅N.(b) the voice of Buddha (also 獅子吼).無Words57. 無量 [wu2liang4], n., without limit; 無量壽佛 Amitabha, the Eternal Buddha; 無量光佛 Buddha of Infinite Light.如Words23. 如是 [ru2shi4]1, adv., (1) (Budd.) thus: 如是我聞 “thus have I heard (from the Buddha)”; (2) such, in this (that) way.經N.講經 expound the teachings of Buddha or Confucius;英汉大英汉大★◀▶佛Buddhist Buddhistic Buddha 英汉大☞JOSS電腦雙向電腦雙向★◀▶Bud·dha/`bʊdə; ˈbudə/《源自梵语“开悟的”的意思》名词1 [the ~]佛, 佛陀, 浮屠((释迦牟尼的尊称))2 (C)佛 (陀) 像Buddha名词1 佛陀, 大澈大悟的人2 释迦牟尼的代表Buddhan.(名詞 noun)佛;佛陀(cf. Gautama)(釋迦牟尼的尊稱)佛像;達到悟境的人,大徹大悟者document.write('function myFunction(n){var c=document.getElementById("maintb").children;for(i=0;i');詞目:BUDDHA 1822馬禮遜英華字典BUDDHA1BUDDHA is sometimes called 法王法王1822馬禮遜英華字典 1筆p 55 1847-48麥都思英華字典BUDDHA1佛度、佛祖、佛尊、浮度、𡱽2names of Buddha毗慮、真如、阿閦、釋迦牟尼、伽藍3name of Buddha in the west瞿曇4titles of Buddha世主、世尊、學皇、覺王、浄覺、天尊、法王、象王5Amida Buddha阿彌陀佛6the three precious Buddhas三寳佛7all the Buddhas諸佛子8the Buddha that is past過去佛、彌勒佛9the Buddha that is present現在佛、如來佛10the Buddha to come未來佛11the religion of Buddha佛法、佛教、佛門、釋教、象教12books of Buddha佛經13do. called by them西天真經、楞嚴、金剛經14the image of Buddha佛像15the nature of Buddha, said to be possessed by all mankind佛性16the heaven of Buddha蘭若17the precepts of Buddha佛訣18the truth of the Buddhist religion正菓19amalgamation into Buddha因菓20the 18 disciples of Buddha十八羅漢21the place of Buddha's residence麾尼22Magǔdhǔ. the birth-place of Buddha摩竭提國、摩伽陀23praise be to Buddha南無阿彌陀佛24a priest of Buddha苾芻、僧、僧伽、和尚、衲子、衲弟、沙門、上人、桑門、梵僧、海𨶶黎25devoted to Buddha與佛有緣26the bathing of Buddha浴佛誕27the mother of Buddha麾耶28the adherents of Buddha佛家1847-48麥都思英華字典 1筆p 172 p 173 1866-69羅存德英華字典Buddha1Boodh佛、佛祖、佛圖(註1)、佛尊、浮屠、浮度(?)2names of Buddha𡱽、毗盧、阿閦、眞如、如來、釋迦牟尼、伽籃、瞿曇3titles of Buddha世尊、天尊、尊者、世主、覺王、法王、象王4the three Buddhas三寶佛5the past Buddha過去佛、彌勒佛6the present Buddha現在佛7the future Buddha未來佛8all the Buddhas諸佛子9the religion of Buddha佛教、釋教、浮圖、象教、佛門、佛法、禪法10the mother of Buddha摩耶、佛母11the image of Buddha佛像12the heaven of Buddha蘭若13the precepts of Buddha佛訣、佛偈14books of Buddha佛經、西天眞經、金剛經、楞嚴15absorption into Buddha因菓16the truth of the religion of Budda正菓17the 18 desciples of Buddha十八羅漢18Buddha's birth-place, Magadha摩竭提國、摩伽佗、梵19the place, where Buddha lived as hermit鷲嶺、祇園20to embrace Buddha's feet, when in distress抱佛脚21the anniversary of the bathing of Buddha浴佛誕22followers of Buddha從佛者、佛家、釋家23to worship Buddha拜佛、參禪24Amida Buddha阿彌佗佛25oh Buddha南無佛26hear us, oh Buddha南無,阿彌佗佛27a priest of Buddha沙門、和尚、僧人、僧伽、上人、衲子、衲弟、桑門、㭝僧、禪師、空桑子、苾芻、海𨶶黎、大師、秃僧、秃子28to meditate, as Buddhists do禪29to recite prayers to Buddha念佛經30principal instructors attached to the monastery of the priests of Buddha僧錄司左善世31assistant ditto僧錄司右善世1866-69羅存德英華字典 1筆註1:According to Kanghi's Dictionary 佛圖 signifies the doctrine of Buddha.p 269 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Buddha1佛爺、佛祖2Buddha and Laochun,佛老3eyes of Buddha佛眼4Buddha that is past,過去佛、彌勒佛5Buddha that is present,現在佛、如來佛6Buddha that is to come,未來佛7precepts of Buddha佛訣818 disciples of Buddha十八羅漢9mother of Buddha摩耶10Amida Buddha阿彌陀佛11Sacyamoone Buddha釋迦牟尼佛12Buddha really came down and enquired saying,佛果降臨問曰1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆p 52 1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典Buddhan.1Boodh佛、佛祖、佛圖、佛尊、浮屠、浮度(?)、佛度、佛爺2names of Buddha𡱽、毗盧、阿閦、眞如、如來、釋迦牟尼、伽籃、瞿曇3titles of Buddha世尊、天尊、尊者、世主、覺王、法王、象王4the three Buddhas三寳佛5the past Buddha過去佛、彌勒佛6the present Buddha現在佛、如來佛7the future Buddha未來佛8all the Buddhas諸佛子9the religion of Buddha佛敎、釋敎、浮圖、象敎、佛門、佛法、禪法10the mother of Buddha摩耶、佛母11the image of Buddha佛像12the heaven of Buddha蘭若13the precepts of Buddha佛訣、佛偈14books of Buddha佛經、西天眞經、金剛經、楞嚴15absorption into Buddha因菓16the truth of the religion of Buddha正菓17the 18 disciples of Buddha十八羅漢18Buddha's birthplace, Magadha摩竭提國、摩伽佗、梵19the place, where Buddha lived as hermit鷲嶺、祇園20to embrace Buddha's feet, when in distress抱佛脚21the anniversary of the bathing of Buddha浴佛誕22followers of Buddha從佛者、佛家、釋家23to worship Buddha拜佛、參禪24Sacyamoone Buddha釋迦牟尼佛25Amida Buddha阿彌佗佛26oh Buddha南無佛27hear us, oh Buddha南無阿彌佗佛28a priest of Buddha沙門、和尚、僧人、僧伽、上人、衲子、衲弟、桑門、梵僧、禪師、空桑子、苾芻、海闍黎、大師、禿僧、禿子29to meditate, as Buddhists do禪30to recite prayers to Buddha念佛經31principal instructors attached to the monastery of the priests of Buddha僧錄司左善世32assistant instructors attached to the monastery of the priests of Buddha僧錄司右善世33Buddha and Laochun佛老34eyes of Buddha佛眼35Buddha really came down and enquired saying佛果降臨問曰1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典 1筆p 169 1899鄺其照華英字典集成Buddha1佛、佛祖2the 18 disciples of Buddha十八羅漢3to recite prayers to Buddha念佛經1899鄺其照華英字典集成 1筆p 44 1908顏惠慶英華大辭典Buddhan.1The title of an incarnation of self-abnegation, virtue, and wisdom or a deified religious teacher, of the buddhists, 佛, 佛祖, 釋迦; titles of Buddha, 世尊, 天尊, 覺王; the three Buddhas, 三寶佛; the past Buddha, 過去佛, 彌勒佛; the present Buddha, 現在佛, 如來佛; the future Buddha, 未來佛; the mother of Buddha, 摩耶, 佛母; the image of Buddha, 佛像; the heaven of Buddha, 佛天, 蘭若; the precepts of Buddha, 佛訣, 佛偈; the books of Buddha, 佛經, 西天眞經, 金剛經; absorption into Buddha, 因果; the anniversary of the bathing of Buddha, 浴佛誕; followers of Buddha, 從佛者, 佛家, 釋家; to worship Buddha, 拜佛, 參禪; Amida Buddha! 阿彌陀佛; oh Buddha! 南無佛; hear us, oh Buddha! 南無阿彌陀佛; a priest of Buddha, 沙門, 和尚, 僧人, 上人, 禪師, 禿僧; to recite prayers to Buddha, 念佛經佛、佛祖、釋迦、世尊、天尊、覺王、三寶佛、過去佛、彌勒佛、現在佛、如來佛、未來佛、摩耶、佛母、佛像、佛天、蘭若、佛訣、佛偈、佛經、西天眞經、金剛經、因果、浴佛誕、從佛者、佛家、釋家、拜佛、參禪、阿彌陀佛、南無佛、南無阿彌陀佛、沙門、和尚、僧人、上人、禪師、禿僧、念佛經1908顏惠慶英華大辭典 1筆p 264 1911衛禮賢德英華文科學字典Buddham.1Buddha佛1911衛禮賢德英華文科學字典 1筆p 73 1913商務書館英華新字典Buddhan.1佛、佛祖、眞如、如來佛、釋迦牟尼1913商務書館英華新字典 1筆p 61 1916赫美玲官話Buddhan.1佛爺、佛、釋迦2titles of ~世尊、天尊、覺世王、如來佛3Amida ~阿彌陀佛、南無佛4Buddha's hand (fruit)佛手5Shakyamuni ~釋迦牟尼佛p 166 1916赫美玲官話 1筆英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶禪meditation sacrifice contemplation buddha cession to cede resign abstraction to meditate religiously to resign or transfer to another religious meditation to change a dynasty to resign, as a throne in favor of another to transfer to another family an arena for sacrificing religious abstraction, or disregard of worldly affairs 禪師buddha contemplator priest abstraction budhist a priest devoted to contemplation priests devoted to contemplation a contemplative person a priest of buddha buddhist priest, 釋迦牟尼BUDDHA Shakyamuni Sakyamuni KALPAS SHAKHU MOO-NEE SHAKYA MOONEE names of Buddha name of Buddha) Shakyamuni 沙門Priester Shaman BUDDHA SHAMANISM SHAMANS a priest of Buddha a Buddhist priest a priest of Budpha 浴佛誕BUDDHA BATHING-ROOM Festival of bathing Buddha, the anniversary of the bathing of Buddha the bathing of Buddha the festival of bathing Budha 佛經buddha liturgy buddhist books books of buddha a buddhist classic buddhistic classic uddhistic liturgy 上人buddha a priest of buddha a buddhist priest a boodhist priest a priest of budpha fall on somebody 從佛者buddha votary boodhist a votary of buddha votary of buddha, a followers of buddha 參禪meditation contemplation buddha contemplate comtemplate to worship buddha 如來佛buddha buddha that is present, the buddha that is present the present buddha titles of buddha 眞如Realität BUDDHA Ding an sich Sein, das wahre names of Buddha 現在佛BUDDHA Buddha that is present, the Buddha that is present the present Buddha 未來佛BUDDHA Buddha that is to come, the Buddha to come the future Buddha 彌勒佛buddha buddha that is past, the buddha that is past the past buddha 過去佛buddha buddha that is past, the buddha that is past the past buddha 天尊buddha supreme the supreme ruler of the buddhists titles of buddha 佛訣buddha precept the precepts of buddha precepts of buddha 佛像buddha buddha image buddhist image the image of buddha 正菓BUDDHA the truth of Buddhism the truth of the religion of Buddha 僧錄司右善世buddha assistant instructors attached to the monastery of the priests of buddha 三寳佛buddha the triad of the buddhists triad of the buddhists 佛偈buddha the precepts of buddha a buddhistical enigma 摩耶buddha the mother of buddha mother of buddha 拜佛buddha to worship buddha worship buddha 南無佛buddha amida buddha oh buddha 念佛經BUDDHA to recite prayers to Buddha 南無阿彌陀佛buddha praise be to buddha 佛母buddha the mother of buddha 蘭若buddha the heaven of buddha 西天眞經BUDDHA books of Buddha 禿僧BUDDHA a priest of Buddha 覺王buddha titles of buddha 楞嚴buddha books of buddha 𡱽buddha names of buddha 英華☞SAKYA英華☞triad英華☞whole英華☞budha英華☞cause英華☞stupa英華☞SECT英華☞sect英華☞monk英華☞lama英華☞west英華☞fo




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