

单词 budd
释义 budd攀Words5. 攀緣 [pan1yUan2]1, v.i., (Budd.) be distracted by material world, like monkeys swinging from branch to branch.求Words10. 求化 [qiu2hua4], v.i., (Budd.) to ask for subscriptions.十Words5. 十方 [shi2fang1], n., (Budd.) the ten directions, north, south, east, west, four intermediate and above, below.生N.放生 (Budd.) buy fish and turtle and keep them alive in a pond (called 放生池).七Words1. 七寶 [qi1bao3], n., (Budd.) seven kinds of gems (and other explanations): 七寶樓臺 tower of seven jewels.梵Words7. 梵王 [fan4wang2], n., (Budd.) the King of Heaven.慧N.(2)  (Budd.) intelligence, latent or developed in man, for knowledge of God: 慧心 wisdom-mind, see 慧心,慧劍,慧根,慧眼 [hui4xin1], [hui4jian4], [hui4gen1], [hui4yan3]↓Words1. 慧根 [hui4gen1], n., (Budd.) born, latent intelligence for understanding God or religious enlightenment.2. 慧劍 [hui4jian4], n., (Budd.) the sword of wisdom which cuts through the illusions of material world.3. 慧心 [hui4xin1], n., (Budd.)th enlightened mind, wisdom.4. 慧眼 [hui4yan3], n., (Budd.) the eye of wisdom, religious insight; (complim.) your penetrating insight.真Words6. 真諦 [zhen1di4], n., (Budd.) true meaning of teaching or doctrine.19. 真如 [zhen1ru2], n., (Budd.) the unconditioned, unchanging reality, dist. changing form and appearance.28. 真妄 [zhen1wang4], n., (Budd.) reality and illusion.持Words8. 持戒 [chi2jie4], v.i., (Budd.) observe monastic rules.17. 持行 [chi2xing2], v.i. & n., (Budd.) conduct.打Words57. 打醮 [da3jiao4], v.i., say (Taoist, Budd.) mass for departed souls.92. 打坐 [da3zuo4], v.i., (Budd.) to go into meditations; to sit in crossed-leg position as physical regimen.招Words40. 招提 [zhao1ti2], n., (Budd.) a monastery; the Sangha or Buddhist Church (corruption from 拓斗提舍 Sanskr.-Katurdisa).舍Words7. 舍身 [she3shen1], v.i., (Budd. & gen.) risk one's life to (save others, country).把Words16. 把素 [ba3su4], v.i., (Budd.) keep vegetarian vow.損V.i. & t.損陰壞德,損陰騭 (Budd.) to sin and thus have to pay for it later;拔Words14. 拔舌地獄 [ba2she2di4yU4], n., (Budd.) hell where tongues are split; “you will go to such hell” said of person with vicious tongue.棒Words6. 棒喝 [bang4he4], n., (orig. Budd.) a blow and a shout to waken one from error, esp. 當頭棒喝 direct sharp warning.檀Words3. 檀越 [tan2yUe4], n., (Budd.) almsgiver; donor to temples.相N.無相 (Budd.) beyond material distinction or material reality;輪Words7. 輪回 [lun2hui2], n., (1) (Budd.) transmigration of souls; (2) eternal cycle of birth and death.救Words2. 救度 [jiu4du4], n., (Budd.) salvation.孝Words16. 孝養 [xiao4yang3], v.t., (1) to serve (parents) with all material needs; (2) (Budd.) say masses with offerings for parents.老Words32. 老佛爺 [lao3fo2ye0], n., (1) (Budd.) popular name for the Buddha; (2) (Manchu court.) the queen mother or the emperor's father.超Words1. 超拔 [chao1ba2], (1) adj., outstanding (personality); (2) v.t., (Budd.) to save from sin or hell.5. 超度 [chao1du0], v.t., (Budd.) to save from sin, esp. to say mass for deceased person: 超度眾生 to save mankind from the sea of misery which is life.去Adj.去今來 (Budd.) the past, present and future;執Words10. 執著 [zhi2zhuo2], v.i., (Budd.) to persist in error.報N.(3)  (Budd.) retribution, God's reward and punishment (果報 41.01): 善有善報,惡有惡報 there is (heavenly) justice in this world;在Words10. 在家 [zai4jia1]., (1) n., (Budd.) live at home, not in monastery (opp. 出家 one who has left home and become a monk or nun); (2) adv., at home.布Words10. 布施 [bu4shi1], v. i., (Budd.) give charities, donate to religious causes.大Words15. 大千 [da4qian1], n., (Budd.) a universe of many universes (大千世界)57. 大覺 [da4jUe2], n., (Budd.) the great awakening.89. 大乘 [da4sheng4], n., (Budd.) Mahayana doctrine or school, opp. 小乘 Hinayana.96. 大師 [da4shi1], n., (1) the master, a term of respect among scholars; (2) a Budd. monk or abbot; 大師傅 common address to a cook, also a monk.蘭Words10. 蘭盆 [lan2pen3], n., (1) (Budd.) (盂蘭盆會) the Feast of All Souls held on the 15th day of the 7th lunar month, with floating lanterns or candles on water, for the deliverance of hungry ghosts; (2) a basin, a bathtub.12. 蘭若 [lan2re3], n., (1) (bot.) Chinese and Japanese thoroughwort, Eupatorium chinensis and japonica; (2) (Budd.) monastery, a hermit's cell.孽Words1. 孽障 [nie4zhang4], n., retribution for evil one has committed; wicked children born to one for evils one is supposed to have committed, (var. 業障); (Budd.) karmic obstruction.茶Words38. 茶毗 [cha2pi2], n. & v.i., (Budd.) cremation, from Sanskr. Jhapita.藥Words1. 藥叉 [yao4cha1], n., (Budd.) a ferocious demon that flies by night (from Sanskr. yaksha, also wr. 夜叉),莊Words11. 莊嚴 [zhuang1yan2], adj., solemn, august, oft. used in Budd. worship.藍N.(2)  (Abbr. of 伽藍) (Budd.) a monastery or convent.苦Words6. 苦海 [ku2hai3], n., (Budd., said of human life) a sea of woes: 苦海無邊 the endless sea of tribulations; n., 脫離苦海 to escape from the human world of woes and find salvation.33. 苦業 [ku3ye4], n., (Budd.) normal sufferings of human life.若N.(1)  (*[re3]) 蘭若 (Budd.) a monastery, hermitage (from Sanskr. aranya);般若 (Budd.) understanding, wisdom (from Sanskr. prajna).菩Words1. 菩薩 [pu2sa0], n., (Budd.) Bodhisattva; 小菩薩 doll, term of endearment for baby; 菩薩蠻 [pu2sa0man2], name of melody; 菩薩心腸 a great kind heart; 菩薩低眉 kind face.2. 菩提 [pu2ti2], n., (Budd.) the bodhi tree; true awakening.萬Words18. 萬劫 [wan4jie2], n., (Budd.) all ages, eternity (劫 Sanskr. kalpa, an aeon).藏N.(3)  Collection of Buddhist or Taoist sutras: 大藏,大藏經 or 藏經 the Tripitaka, the whole collection of Budd. sutras;觀V.t.觀觀 to watch silently, (Budd.) meditation on life;Words16. 觀音 [guan1yin1], n., (Budd.) the Goddess of Mercy (usu. spelled Kwanyin): 觀音菩薩 the Kwan-yin boddhisattva; 美的像觀音似的 as beautiful as the Goddess of Mercy; 觀音兜 ([guan1yin1dou1]), formerly, a woman's soft, warm shawl reaching down to the shoulders, (lit.) a cowl like that worn by the Goddess of Mercy; n., 觀音粉 [guan1yin1fen3], n., a white clayish substance oft. used by people as food during famine (also called 觀音土).歡Words9. 歡喜 [huan1xi3], (1) adj., happy, delighted; (2) v.t., to like a person: 我歡喜她 I like her--euphem. for “I love her”; v.t., 歡喜錢兒 tips to servants on celebrations; 歡喜佛 (Lama Budd.) image of spirits in sexual embrace, understood as a god subjugating a demon.岸N.彼岸 (Budd.) that shore of salvation;回頭是岸 (Budd.) turn back and you are ashore (from sea of sorrows);出Words11. 出塵 [chu1chen2], (1) v.i., (Budd.) leave the secular world; (2) adj., (writing, ideas) far above the common run.46. 出陣 [chu1zhen4], v.i., to leave ranks and come out for combat or (Budd.) for meeting people.90. 出息 [chu1xi2]2, (1) v.i., bear interest: 出息若干 how much interest does it bear? (2) n., (Budd.) exhalation; (3)([chu1xi0]) (a) n., chance to better one's circumstances: 有出息(兒),沒出息(兒) (also 不出息) (a person) has ambition, no ambition; (4) n., interest, profit: 出息很大 great profit; (5) 出息得 v.i., see [chu1luo0de1]↑.幽Words20. 幽冥 [you1ming2]2, (1) adj., dark, shadowy; (2) n., (Budd.) Hades.22. 幽壤 [you1rang3], n., (Budd.) Hades.世Words22. 世論 [shi4lun4], n., (1) philosophy dealing with human world, as opp. Budd.; (2) current criticism.32. 世俗 [shi4su2], n., (1) customs, manners of a place; (2) (Budd. or Christianity) those outside the church, non-believer.35. 世尊 [shi4zun1], n., (Budd.) devotees’ name for Buddha (the Revered One of the World).上Words72. 上乘 [shang4sheng4], adj., best, exquisite (goods, writing); (Budd.) mahayana (=大乘).止Words3. 止觀 [zhi3guan1], phr., (Budd.) maintain mental calm while observing the universe--a sect emphasizing mental discipline.虛Words11. 虛幻 [xU1huan4], adj., vain, vainglorious; adj.,(Budd.) illusive, false (appearance of sensuous experience).22. 虛空 [xU1kong1], n., (1) the upper space; n., (2) (Budd.) void, emptiness of the material world, also adj., unreal, insubstantial.皆Pron.Everybody, all: 皆大歡喜 (orig. Budd.) satisfaction of everybody concerned;斷Words2. 斷七 [duan4qi1], phr., (Budd.) mass on 49th day of death.業N.(5)  (Sanskr. karma; Budd.) total accumulation of thoughts and actions which determines or influences person's future: 業障 [ye4zhang4]↓.水Words150. 水田 [shui3tian2], n., paddy field; 水田衣 Budd. monk's cassock (in pattern of squares like rice fields).坐Words2. 坐禪 [zuo4chan2], v.i., (Budd.) sit still in Zen meditation.13. 坐關 [zuo4guan1], phr., (Budd.) shut oneself up to chant the sutras and be lost in contemplation for a fixed period of time.16. 坐化 [zuo4hua4], v.i., (Budd.) die remaining seated cross-legged.常Words15. 常住 [chang2zhu4]1, (Budd.) (1) n., resident monk: 常住物 his things; (2) n., temples; (3) adj., eternal, invariable.當Prep.當頭棒喝 (Budd.) give sharp advice for one to wake up from error;皮Words8. 皮袋 [pi2dai4], n., leather bag; (Budd.) physical body, also 皮囊.迷Words2. 迷岸 [mi2an4]2, n., (Budd.) the shore of sensuous error.8. 迷津 [mi2jin1], n., wrong path (ferry where one goes astray): 指破迷津 (Budd.) point out where one has gone astray from right path.性Words10. 性根 [xing4gen1], n., (Budd.) man's inborn root of character, basic endowment (refined, coarse, intelligent, stupid); 劣根性 or 性根 stupidity, coarseness of nature.21. 性相 [xing4xiang4]2, n., (Budd.) nature and manifestations in man.懺Words1. 懺七 [chan4qi1], n., (Budd.) saying of mass for the dead on the seventh day and multiple of seventh.3. 懺禮 [chan4li3], n., (Budd.) ceremony of penance or penitence.精Words6. 精氣 [jing1qi4], n., (1) (Chin.) the vital principle in man; n., (2) (Budd., Taoism) vitality, virility.18. 精進 [jing1jin4], adj., (1) pushing, aggressive, enterprising; (2) vigorous, energetic; (3) (Budd.) making earnest efforts to cultivate virtue and get rid of evil.36. 精舍 [jing1she4], n., (1) a villa, a scholar's retreat; (2) (Budd.) a monastery or nunnery.數Words13. 數息 *[shu3xi2], v.i., (in Zen Budd.) count beats in respiration.二Words1. 二八 [er4ba1], adj., sixteen (2×8): 二八佳人 a pretty young girl of sweet sixteen; (poet.) also used for sixteenth day of month; (Budd.) sixteen as a full round number: 二八弘規 the full regulations.三Words1. 三寶 [san1bao3], phr., (Budd.) the Three Treasures: the Buddha, the dharma, and the church-sacred depository of divine truths.57. 三昧 [san1mei4], n., (1) (Budd.) purity and calm arising from correct realization (also 三摩地 from Sanskr. “samadhi”); (2) secret, expert knowledge (of poetry, good tea, etc.): 個中三昧 secrets known only to experts.74. 三涂 [san1tu2], phr., (Budd.) 火涂,刀涂,血涂 three kinds of punishment in hell, by fire, chopping by knife and tearing apart by beasts.頑Adj.頑石點頭 (Budd. allu.) even the rocks nod in approval during preaching.圣N.超凡入圣(Budd.) become a saint;正Words22. 正果 [zheng4guo3], n., (Budd.) spiritual progress through right path.33. 正覺 [zheng4jUe2], n., (Budd.) real awakening to truth.盂N.盂缽真傳 inherited teachings of a Budd. master (see 缽 92S.10).西Words10. 西方 [xi1fang1], n. & adj., the western world, also (Budd.) referring to after world.18. 西凈 [xi1jing4], n., (Budd.) western lavatory (as eastern lavatory is called 東凈); see [xi1xU4]↓.面V.t.面壁 face the wall, do nothing, (Budd.) face the wall and meditate;惡Words10. 惡鬼 [e4gui3], n., (abuse) devil; (Budd.) evil spirit.12. 惡果 [e4guo3], n., bad results; (Budd.) evil results of evil-doing.21. 惡魔 [e4mo2], n., (1) (Budd.) devil; (2) evil person or force.41. 惡業 [e4ye4], n., (Budd.) evil thought, speech or conduct.43. 惡因 [e4yin1], n., (Budd.) cause or antecedent of evil results, see [e4guo3]↑.天Words36. 天花 [tian1hua1], n., (1) smallpox; (2) (Budd.) flowers dropped from the sky; 天花亂墜 said of extravagant talk; 天花板 ceiling.遷Words6. 遷化 [qian1hua4], v.i., (1) to change, deterioriate; (2) (Budd.) to die.理Words7. 理障 [li3zhang4], n., (Budd.) hindrances to truth.瑞Words6. 瑞相 [rui4xiang4], n., (1) (Phrenology) facial signs portending good luck or luck in gen.; (2) (Budd.) auspicious signs.現Words16. 現身 [xian4shen1], n., (1) (Budd.) the present body of flesh; (2) different manifestations of Buddha, representing his different capacities: 現身說 Buddha bodily appeared and taught; (fig.) personally appear (at meetings, etc.).17. 現生 [xian4sheng1], n., (Budd.) the present incarnation.醍Words1. 醍醐 [ti2hu2], n., essential oil of butter; (Budd.) Buddha nature in man; n., 醍醐灌頂 phr., pleasure of understanding or receiving wisdom (like “pouring rich liquor over one's head”).雷Words23. 雷音 [lei2yin1], n., (Budd.) the Buddha's sayings (lit., “the voice of thunder”).功Words2. 功德 [gong1de2], n., (1) an achievement or contribution 功德無量 a great service to mankind; (2) (Budd.) meritorious works.阿Words3. 阿鼻 *[a1bi2], n., (Budd.) the hell of uninterrupted torture, last and deepest of eight hot hells (from Sanskr. avici).39. 阿難 [e1nan2], n, (Budd.) Ananda, the most learned disciple of Buddha.44. 阿旁 [e1pang2], n., (Budd.) ox-head torturers in Hades.50. 阿修羅 [e1xiu1luo2], n., (Budd.) a frightful demon (from Sanskr. asura).隨Words18. 隨喜 [sui2xi3], n. & v.i., (1) (Budd.) visit temples, join in celebrations; (2) join in the fun in gen.31. 隨緣 [sui2yUan2]2, adv., (Budd. & gen.) (donate) according to situation.喇Words3. 喇嘛 [la3ma0], n., (Tibetan Budd.) Lama; 喇嘛教 Lamaism.唪V.i.(Budd.) to incant text: 唪經,唪誦經文 read or incant Buddhist text.唱Words12. 唱禮 [chang4li3], n., (Budd.) prayer at end of mass with “five forgiveness” and “five wishes.”唵Excl.(Budd.) rendering of Sanskr. om, opening syllable in charms.吃Words6. 吃齋 [chi1zhai1], v.i., take vegetarian food (a Budd. vow).吹V.i. & t.吹法螺 to brag, also to blow the conch shell in Budd. ceremony.Words20. 吹網 [chui1wang3], v.i, (Budd.) to inflate a fish net by blowing--obviously futile.跏Words1. 跏趺 [jia1fu2], v.i., (Budd.) sit cross-legged.因Words4. 因果 [yin1guo3], n., (Budd.) retribution, chain of cause and effect: 前因後果 antecedents and consequences; 因果報應 retribution for sin; 因果律 principle of efficient casuality.20. 因緣 [yin1yUan2], n., (1) a chance, opportunity (cf. 姻 緣 93A.41); (2) (Budd.) the chain of cause and effect; 因緣生法 the law of mutual causation of all actions.回Words44. 回頭 [hui2tou2], (1) adv., by and by: 我回頭就來 I will come in a moment; (2) v.i., turn back: 回頭一看 turn back to look; v.i., 回頭是岸 (Budd.) just repent and salvation is at hand.圓Words17. 圓寂 [yUan2ji2], v.i., (of Budd. priests) pass away.四Words11. 四大 [si4da4], phr., (1) (Budd.) the four elements of earth, water, fire, air; (2) 四大金剛 the statues of four guardian spirits at entrance to temple; (3) 四大門兒 the fox, the skunk, the porcupine and the snake, superstitiously considered as spirits to influence human life.14. 四諦 [si4di4]2, n., (Budd.) the four “truths” of life: 苦 misery and pain, 集 acquisition, 滅 extinction, and 道 salvation by the right path.黑Words40. 黑業 [hei1ye4], n., (Budd.) black deeds.懸Words26. 懸曠 [xUan2kuang4], adj., (Budd.) abstruse, difficult to follow.明V.i. & t.明心見性 (Confucianism, Budd.) “find thy true self.”羅Words7. 羅漢 [luo2han4], n., (Budd.) lohan, arahat, Buddhist saint: 十八羅漢 the eighteen disciples of Buddha; 羅漢松 the Chinese yew; 羅漢柏 a kind of cypress; 羅漢果 mangosteen; 羅漢椅子 a wooden easy chair; 羅漢床 a divan; 羅漢齋 special vegetarian dish; 羅漢 pyramiding (gymnastics).凡N.The secular world, life of the senses: 塵凡,凡世 (Budd. & LL) the material world, life of the senses;夙Adj.(3)  (Interch. 宿) (Budd.) inborn, inherited: see 宿緣,宿^業 62.41.Words2. 夙慧 [su4hui4], n., (Budd.) inborn intelligence.8. 夙緣 [su4yUan2], n., (Budd.) fate inherited from previous incarnations (also wr. 宿).勝Words19. 勝義 [sheng4yi4], n., (Budd.) higher understanding of truth.習Words4. 習定 [xi2ding4], v.i., (Budd. & Neo-Confucian) mental discipline to free mind of thoughts and desires.7. 習滅 [xi2mie4], phr., from 習善滅惡 (Budd.) learn good and forsake evil.引Words5. 引磬 [yin3qing4], n., a brass hand bowl, struck like a bell by Budd. priest during service.彌Words12. 彌陀 [mi2tuo2], n., (Budd.) Amitabha, the perfect one.賢Words13. 賢士 [xian2shi4], n., distinguished men; (Budd.) a teacher living at home.鬘adj.鬘華 Budd. term for jasmin.選Words5. 選佛 [xUan3fo2chang3], n., (Budd.) ground where monks are ordained.居Words22. 居士 [jU1shi4]1, n., (1) a recluse, a hermit; (2) a person practising Budd. at home.聞V.i. & t.如是我聞 (Budd.) thus I have heard from Buddha;閻Words2. 閻羅 [yan2luo2], n., (Budd.) King of Hades (short from 閻魔羅社 Sanskr. Yama Raja).齋N.長齋念佛 a pledge to eat vegetarian food and say prayers (Budd.);Words1. 齋飯 [zhai1fan4], n., (Budd.) food obtained by begging by monks.旁Words11. 旁生 [pang2sheng1], n., (bot.) plant which sprouts from side of trunks; (Budd.) animal kind.六Words6. 六根 [liu4gen1], n., (Budd.) the six senses: eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind: 六根不凈 the senses still in control; 六根不全 the senses are deficient.游Words4. 游方 [you2fang1], v.i., (Budd. & Taoism) travel widely.玄Adj.(Budd.) 玄關 the path to right doctrine;玄軌 (Budd.) the mysterious way.Words5. 玄根 [xUan2gen1], n., (1) (Taoist) the mysterious root of all things; (2) (Budd.) person's endowment at birth.11. 玄津 [xUan2jin1], n., (Budd.) the ferry to salvation.12. 玄籍 [xUan2ji2], n., (Budd.) the sutras.15. 玄流 [xUan2liu2], n., (Budd.) the monks and nuns (in black, or grey robes).16. 玄門 [xUan2men2], n., (1) (Budd.) the Buddhist truth or doctrines; vestibule; (2) Taoism; Taoist church.諦N.True meaning, esp. religious: 真諦,妙諦 true meaning (of Budd., etc.).證Words2. 證果 [zheng4guo3], n., (Budd.) consummation of religious enlightenment or cultivation.語Words9. 語錄 [yU3lu4], n., transcripts of master's sayings by disciples (Budd. or Suhng Confucianists), largely in vernacular style.說Words17. 說法 [shuo1fa3], v.i., (Budd.) to expound teachings: 另外一種說法 another way of looking at it; 現身說法personally appear to teach or explain; 憑你的說法 according to what you say.認V.t.認賊作子 (Budd.) take the seeming as real;敲V.t.敲木魚 to beat the wooden fish (about 6-10 ft. long) serving like bells at Budd. temples;放Words35. 放生 [fang4sheng1], v.i., (Budd.) buy (caught birds, fish) to stop slaughter; 放生池 [fang4sheng1chi2], n., fish pool in temple.旋Words4. 旋火輪 [xUan2huo3lun2], n., (Budd.) a "wheel of fire," expression showing the futile cycle of life and death.塵N.(4)  (Budd., Taoist) incarnation: 前塵 previous incarnation;Words8. 塵勞 [chen2lao2], n., (Budd.) worldly occupations.17. 塵妄 [chen2wang4], adj., (Budd.) unclean and untrue (thoughts, beliefs).魔Words4. 魔障 [mo2zhang4], n., (Budd.) temptations, evil influence.宗Words7. 宗風 [zong1feng1], n., (Budd.) the characteristic features of a sect.密Words5. 密教 [mi4jiao4], n., (Budd.) esoteric sect, opp. 顯教 exoteric.8. 密宗 [mi4zong1], n., (Budd.) esoteric doctrine; 真言宗 Jenyarn (Shingon) Sect.宣Words9. 宣講 [xUan1jiang3], v.i. & t., to preach (Christian or Budd.).宿Adj.(4)  (Budd.) inherited, inborn, carried over from previous incarnation: 宿慧,宿根,宿緣,宿業 [su4hui4], [su4gen1], [su4yUan2], [su4ye4]2↓.Words1. 宿根 [su4gen1], n., (Budd.) inborn gift for wisdom.3. 宿慧 [su4hui4], n., (Budd.) inborn gift for understanding.23. 宿業 [su4ye4]2, n., (Budd.) karma, accumulated past, good and bad.24. 宿因 [su4yin1], n., (Budd.) cause going back to previous incarnation.寶Words3. 寶筏 [bao3fa2], n., (Budd.) ferry for crossing over from confusion to the other shore (彼岸) of light; (fig.) way to understanding and clarity.寂Words4. 寂滅 [ji2mie4] n., (Budd.) nirvana, relief from senses; death, true peace.定N.(1)  (Budd.) state of complete cessation of thought: 入定.Words24. 定力 [ding4li4], n., (Budd.) strength of training in concentration.安Words36. 安樂 [an1le4], adj. & n., happy, happy-iness; 安樂窩 a happy retreat, a place for contented living; a love nest; adj. & n., 安樂國 n., a Utopia, (Budd.) Paradise.空N.(2)  (Budd.) emptiness, void of the world of senses: 空即是色,色即是空 the void is the world of senses, (reality is unreal) and vice versa;Adj.(2)  (Budd.) void, unreal, see N. 2↑.染Words9. 染習 [ran3xi2], v.i., (Budd.) be contaminated by bad habit or customs.永Words5. 永劫 [yong3jie2], adv., (Budd.) forever and ever.凈Words7. 凈瓶 [jing4ping2], n., (Budd.) a washing pot.10. 凈土 [jing4tu3], n., (Budd.) the Pure Land or Paradise of the West.11. 凈桶 [jing4tong3], n., (Budd.) a urinal or stool.涅Words5. 涅盤 [nie4pan2], n., (Budd.) nirvana.清Adj.清心寡欲 (Budd. & Taoism) a pure heart and few desires;清課 (Budd.) daily lessons;Words22. 清梵 [qing1fan4], n., (Budd.) sound of religious litany, chanting.28. 清規 [qing1gui1], n., (Budd.) monastic rules.35. 清齌 [qing1zhai1], n., (1) (Budd.) vegetarian fast, abstinence from meat; (2) a clean studio.45. 清凈 [qing1jing4]1, (1) adj., clean, not cluttered; (2) (Budd.) not bothered by material concerns.93. 清揚 [qing1yang2], adj., (1) (AC) bright-eyed, clear-featured; (2) widespread influence (of Budd.).潮Words12. 潮音 [chao2yin1], n., (Budd.) swelling sound, litany.消Words28. 消釋 [xiao1shi4]2, v.i., (1) (Budd.) explain difficult text or passage; (2) remove (misunderstandings, worries); are removed.漏N.(2)  (Budd.) depravity, defilement: 無漏,有漏 free, not free, from defilement.海N.苦海 (Budd. of the material or human life) a sea of troubles;渡V.t.(Budd.) 超渡,渡化,渡過苦海 rescue from life of pains and misery and reach the other shore (彼岸) of salvation.沙Words37. 沙彌 [sha1mi2], n., (Budd.) an acolyte, novice; also 沙彌子 ([sha1mi2zi0]).法N.(5)  (Budd.) the Law, the church, the teachings of the church: 法師,法座 term of address to abbot, master;Words2. 法寶 [fa2bao3], n., (1) the almsbowl, walking stick of Budd. monks; (2) gen. term for magic weapon or formula, most precious secret: 隨身法寶 a standby (like a good dictionary).24. 法門 [fa3men2], n., initial approach to become Budd. believer: 不二法門 gen. term, the only correct approach to subject, success.28. 法師 [fa3shi1], n., (Budd., Taoist) master.40. 法緣 [fa3yUan2], n., destined union with Budd. church.禪N.(1)  (Budd.) meditation, from Sanskr. channa (zen being Japanese spelling): 坐禪,參禪 observe [chan2] with crossed legs in quiet meditation for cleansing the mind of thoughts and for supreme realization of essence of reality, see 禪悟 [chan2wu4]↓.Words10. 禪寂 [chan2ji2], v.i., (Budd.) pass away (cf. 寂滅 62.82, Nirvana).祈Words5. 祈念 [qi2nian4], v.i., (Budd.) to pray to God.初Words21. 初祖 [chu1zu3], n., (Budd.) first founder of sect.襯Words2. 襯錢 [chen4qian0], n., (Budd.) gifts to the temple, see [chen4shi1]↓.11. 襯施 [chen4shi1], n., (Budd.) gifts to temple.心Words13. 心法 [xin1fa3], n., (Budd.) personal insight or understanding, aside from study of scriptures.20. 心證 [xin1zheng4], n., (Budd.) realization of truth of teachings in scriptures by personal experience.30. 心經 [xin1jing1]2, n., (1) a Budd. sutra; (2) 走心經 use the head (in meeting difficulties).68. 心印 [xin1yin4], n., (Budd.) appreciation of truth by meditation.前Words44. 前世 [qian2shi4]2, n., (1) former generation(s); (2) (Budd.) previous incarnation(s).尊Words16. 尊者 [zun1zhe3], n., (1) one's elders; (2) (Budd.) a saint, a sage.34. 尊宿 [zun1su4], n., (Budd.) a venerable old monk.善Adj.(2)  Charitable, kind, (Budd.) devout: 慈善 kind (person);Words5. 善根 [shan4gen1], n., (Budd.) good endowment; capacity for spiritual development.7. 善果 [shan4guo3], n., (Budd.) good rewards from good deeds.9. 善會 [shan4hui4], n., (Budd.) monks’ dinner to thank donors.15. 善男(信女) [shan4nan2], phr., 善男信女 (Budd.) the good believers, devout men and women; also 善男子,善女子.20. 善緣 [shan4yUan2], n., (1) some special friendship, lucky meeting of good friends; (2) as in 結善緣 (Budd.) give donations to temple.普Words2. 普度 [pu3du4], n. & v.t., (Budd.) festival similar to All Souls’ Day in seventh lunar month, with prayers for those unburied and drowned at sea: 普度(渡)眾生 (of Buddha) save the masses of mankind.慈Words4. 慈航 [ci2hang2], n., (Budd.) the Merciful Ferry, way of salvation.道N.得道 (of person) have attained wisdom (Budd. Taoist or Confucian);Words2. 道場 [dao4chang2], n., mass (Budd. or Taoist); place where it is held.公Words1. 公案 [gong1an4], n., (1) office desks; (2) official business; (3) a much discussed issue, a standing problem, esp. in Zen Budd.合Words22. 合掌 [he2zhang3], v.i., (Budd.) to close palms together in greeting or worship.36. 合十 [he2shi2]1, v.i., (Budd.) to put palms together.肉Words21. 肉身 [rou4shen1], n., (Budd.) the physical mortal body; the flesh.29. 肉胎 [rou4tai1], n., (Budd.) mummy of a dead monk's body.人Words8. 人道 [ren2dao4], n., (1) kindness, humanity, mercy: 人道主義 humanitarianism; (2) sexual intercourse: 不能人道 impotency,-t; (3) (Budd.) the stage of human existence.16. 人根 [ren2gen1], n., (Budd.) the human reproductive organ.62. 人身 [ren2shen1]2, n., (1) the human body: 人身保護狀 a writ of habeas corpus; (2) man's physical frame: 投生人身 (Budd.) be reincarnated in human form; (3) personal character: 人身權 (law) personal rights.入Words2. 入道 [ru4dao4], v.i., (Budd.) become a monk.4. 入定 [ru4ding4], v.i., (Budd.) sit quietly and meditate.12. 入骨 [ru4gu3], v.i. & adv., (1) v.i., (Budd.) bury the bones of a devotee in a grave; v.i. & adv., (2) adv., deeply, strongly, vehemently: 恨之入骨 hate s.o. to the bones.21. 入眾 [ru4zhong4], v.i., (Budd.) live with the assembly of monks.23. 入龕 [ru4kan1], v.i., (Budd.) put the body of a dead monk in monastic vault.45. 入塔 [ru4ta3], v.i., (Budd.) bury a dead monk in a pagoda.53. 入院 [ru4yUan4], v.i., (1) (of a sick person) be hospitalized; (2) (Budd.) be committed to a temple at birth.缽N.(Budd.) monk's alms-bowl.鈍Words1. 鈍根 [dun4gen1], n., (Budd. & LL) a dull spirit, incapabable of understanding, low intelligence.餓Words2. 餓鬼 [e4gui3], n., (1) (abuse) overgreedy person; (2) (Budd). ghost condemned to be forever hungry in hell.剎N.Budd. temple: 古剎 ancient temple;Words1. 剎那 [cha4na4], n., (Budd. & current) (in) the twinkling of an eye: 剎那間 in a flash.殺Words8. 殺戒 [sha1jie4], n., (Budd.) commandment against killing.12. 殺生 [sha1sheng1], n., (Budd.) killing of living things.秉Words1. 秉持 [bing3chi2], n. & v.t., (esp. Budd.) self-discipline.重N.九重天 (Budd.) the nine layers of heaven or the ninth layer.丘Words4. 丘井 [qiu1jing3], n., (Budd.) dried up well, (fig.) of old, used-up person.香Words47. 香室 [xiang1shi4]2, n., a hall of Budd. temple.50. 香湯 [xiang1tang1], n., perfumed bath, practised in esoteric Budd. sects.63. 香嚴 [xiang1yan2], adj., (Budd.) austere, august.看Words18. 看破 [kan4po4], n., see through (trick, falseness); decide to quit, after seeing through: 看破紅塵 (Budd.) see through the emptiness of the material world.兜Words12. 兜率天 [dou1shuai4tian1], n., (Budd.) one of the highest abodes in heaven.受Words8. 受持 [shou4chi2], v.i., (Budd.) to believe and hold on to the faith.13. 受戒 [shou4jie4], v.i., (Budd.) take oaths as monk.愛Words8. 愛根 [ai4gen1], n., (Budd.) love and desire as the root of troubles.14. 愛著 [ai4zhuo2], n., (Budd.) the entanglements of love and desire.稗Words3. 稗沙門 [bai4sha1men2], n., (Budd.) reprobate monk.種Words12. 種因 *[zhong4yin1], v.i., (Budd.) “sow the cause” and reap consequences.和Words16. 和南 [he2nan2], v.i., (Budd.) to put palms together in greeting.拜V.i. & t.usu. perform gesture of respect, varying from simple bow, hands at side (鞠躬 [jU2gong1]), or hands cupped one on top of the other (揖 [yi4]), or palms together, fingers stretched (Budd. 合十 [he2shi2]);Words4. 拜懺 [bai4chan4], v.i., (Budd.) say mass for people.印Words10. 印可 [yin4ke3], v.t., (Budd.) approve.Words3. 生 [zhong4sheng1], n., (Budd.) the myriad living things;自Words46. 自性 [zi4xing4], n., (Budd.) one's original nature.63. 自在 [zi4zai4], adj., (1) able to do anything of one's own free will; (2) (also [zi4zai0]) carefree, without the least worry; (3) ([zi4zai0]) comfortable, pleasant; (4) (Budd.) (of the mind) free of delusion.鬼Words1. 鬼道 [gui3dao4], n., (1) witchcraft, sorcery; (2) (Budd.) the way of destiny of hungry ghosts.臭Words9. 臭皮囊 [chou4pi2nang2]., n, (Budd.) a bag of stinking fluids, i.e., the human body.火Words28. 火宅 [huo3zhai2], n., (Budd.) the world of troubles of the senses (“house on fire”); 火宅僧 a married Buddhist monk.邊Words8. 邊際 [bian1ji4], n., (1) border: 邊際效用,成本, marginal utility, cost; (2) (Budd.) extremity of material universe; (3) clue, point in talk: 說話不著邊際 talk far off the mark or subject.傳N.衣缽真傳 (Budd.) true teachings: 家傳 inherited in the family;Words10. 傳燈 [chuan2deng1], v.i., (Budd.) to pass the lamp of doctrine from master to pupil.14. 傳法 [chuan2fa3], phr., (Budd.) to pass on teaching from master to disciple.作Words21. 作佛事 [zuo4fo2shi0], v.i., (Budd.) say mass.信Words8. 信幡 [xin4fan1], n., (1) (AC) a banner bearing title of commander; (2) (Budd.) banner of believer.24. 信女 [xin4nU3], n., female believer, usu. 善男善女 (Budd.) men and women believers.伽Words1. 伽藍 [qie2lan2], n., (Budd.) temple; 伽藍鳥 the white pelican.化V.t.(5)  To beg: 募化 (Budd.) solicit contributions;Words2. 化度 [hua4du4], v.t., (Budd.) to convert to Buddhist way of life.9. 化身 [hua4shen1], v.i., (1) (Budd.) transformation of Buddha in different manifestations; (2) (of persons) a personification (of love, piety).10. 化生 [hua4sheng1], v.i., (Budd.) the creation of life or animals; become s.t. from nothing.修Words27. 修羅場 [xiu1luo2chang2], n., (Budd.) battlefield between giant demons, Asuras, and Indra-scene of bloody slaughter.42. 修行 [xiu1xing1] ([xiu1xing0]), (1) to practise moral teachings; [xiu1xing1] ([xiu1xing0]), (2) ([xiu1xing4]) (Budd.) to practise Buddhist conduct.行N.修行 (Budd.) follow the religious order;彼Words1. 彼岸 [bi3an4], n., (Budd) the other shore of salvation, as contrasted with the bitter sea 苦海 of this sentient life.獅Words2. 獅子國 [shi1zi0guo2], n., (Budd.) Ceylon.焰Words1. 焰口 [yan4kou0], n., (Budd.) hungry ghosts spitting fire; 放焰口 serve food to hungry ghosts.歸Words11. 歸真 [gui1zhen1], v.i., (1) (Budd.) attain nirvana, pass away, die; (2) rediscover one’s true self: 返樸歸真 recover man's original simplicity.須Words6. 須彌山 [xU1mi2shan1], n., (Budd.) a fabulous mountain, abode of gods.智Words5. 智慧 [zhi4hui4], n., wisdom; 智慧板 see 七 巧板 70.70; 智慧劍 (Budd.) the “sword of wisdom” to cut through mortal involvements.無Words43. 無遮 [wu2zhe0], adj., (Budd.) as in 無遮大會 meeting open to all.色Words10. 色相 [se4xiang4], n., (Budd.) material appearance of things, sensory impressions; woman's sex appeal.解Words29. 解脫 [jie3tuo1], (1) v.t., to set free; (2) v.t. & n., (Budd.) release, liberate from worldly cares.外Words16. 外道 [wai4dao4], (1) n., (Budd.) not orthodox teaching: 有了外道兒了 indulging in immoral conduct; (2) ([wai4dao0]) adj., standing on ceremonies, treating person as one of outer circles of friends.參V.i. & t.(4)  (Budd.) to penetrate (truth), to reach into the realm of understanding: 參悟,參襌,參透 [can1wu4], [can1chan2], [can1tou4]↓;Words22. 參悟 [can1wu4], v.i., (Zen Budd.) to understand (mystery) from meditation,to see truth flash through the mind.好Words34. 好事 [hao3shi4]1, phr., (1) good thing, a charitable act; (2) (Budd.) 作好事 say prayers, mass for the dead; phr., (3) (*[hao4shi4]) adj., prone to take up things not strictly one's duty and perhaps get into trouble.如Words15. 如來 [ru2lai2], n., (Budd.) the title for Sakyamuni.23. 如是 [ru2shi4]1, adv., (1) (Budd.) thus: 如是我聞 “thus have I heard (from the Buddha)”; (2) such, in this (that) way.緣N.(6)  (Budd.) contributions to temple, like “storing up treasures in heaven”: 化緣 solicit contribution to Budd. church;Words3. 緣分 [yUan2fen4], n., (1) (Budd.) destiny, luck as conditioned by one's past; (2) good luck (to meet s.o.); (3) natural affinity among friends.9. 緣業 [yUan2ye4], n., (Budd.) a man's fate as conditioned by his past.紅Words8. 紅塵 [hong2chen2], n., (Budd.) the material or secular world.經Words36. 經藏 [jing1zang4], n., (Budd.) the “sutra-pitaka,” collection of sutras.細Words21. 細色 [xi4se4], n., (Budd.) handsome looks.綱Words5. 綱維 [gang1wei2], n., (1) cardinal principles underlying the morals of a nation; (2) (Budd.) a ruling priest.Budd, Mount巴德山外國地名譯名




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