

释义 刷1. to brush2. to scrub3. to rustleABCABC★◀▶刷 shuāI v.1) brush; scrub2) daub; paste up3) coll. eliminate; remove甲队给刷下去了。 Team A has been eliminated.4) fire from a job5) skip class (of students)II b.f.brush (刷子)III on.swish; rustle刷 shuàb.f. select (刷选)刷shuāto brushto paintto daubto paste upto skip class (of students)to fire from a jobshuàto select刷 v. 挑拣<方>to pick刷出最熟的苹果 pick the ripest apples打这堆菜里刷出几个好的来 pick out some good vegetables from this pile刷 shuà (构词成分)见下。另见 shuā。 2) 刷(唰) shuā 名 (刷子) brush:  板刷 scrub (laundry) brush;  鞋刷 boot (shoe) brush;  牙刷 toothbrush;  油漆刷 paintbrush 动 (用刷子清除) brush; scrub:  刷锅 clean (scour) a pot;  刷鞋 brush shoes;  你的上衣需要刷一刷了。 Your jacket needs brushing down. (用刷子涂抹) daub; paste up:  给门刷上油漆 brush paint onto a door;  用石灰浆刷墙 whitewash a wall  (口) (淘汰; 清除) eliminate; remove:  他在第一轮比赛中就被刷下来了。 He was eliminated in the very first round. 象 (形容迅速擦过去的声音) swish; rustle:  树叶在微风中刷刷作响。 Leaves rustled in the breeze.  雨刷刷地下起来了。 It's raining rustlingly. 另见 shuà。刷刷 802B25  52S.00-2  部居  畫數 8ㄕㄨㄚ [shua1]  (*ㄕㄨㄚˋ [shua4] ).N.([shua1zi0]) A brush: 牙刷 tooth-brush;鞋刷 shoe brush.V.t.(1)  To brush (teeth, clothing, shoes, horse), polish (floor);洗刷 clean, clean up generally;刷清 to brush clean.(2)  To apply color, whitewash: 刷色 [shua1shai3]↓;刷油漆 ink, apply varnish;印刷,刷印[shua4yin4]↓.(3)  (*[shua4]) (MC) 刷選 [shua1xUan3]↓.Adj.Descriptive of sound: 刷刷的響 arousing, crackling sound;刷拉[shua1la1]↓.Words1. 刷扮 [shua1ban4], v.i., (MC) brush up personal appearance.2. 刷白 *[shua4bai2], adj., pale (face).3. 刷括 [shua1gua1], v.t., (dial.) scrape together (journey expenses).4. 刷拉 [shua1la1], adj., descriptive of rustle (of falling leaves, etc.), also 刷拉拉.5. 刷色 [shua1shai3], v.t., to paint (walls).6. 刷洗 [shua1xi3], v.i., (1) to perform morning ablutions; (2) scour country for money from the people; (3) clear (s.o.’s name).7. 刷新 [shua1xin1], v.t., to renovate, put on new look on (politics, education, etc.).8. 刷選 *[shua4xUan3], v.t., (MC) to pick, select.9. 刷印 [shua1yin4], v.t., to print (usu. 印刷 91S.22).刷1[shuā](ㄕㄨㄚ)1.(刷儿 shuār)刷子 brush:牙刷 toothbrush鞋刷子 shoe brush 2.用刷子清除或涂抹 brush; scrub; clean or paint with a brush:刷牙 brush one's teeth刷鞋 brush shoes刷锅 clean (or scour) a pot用石灰浆刷墙 paint the wall with limewash; whitewash a wall 3.〈比喻 fig.〉除名;淘汰 eliminate (through selection or competition); remove:由于他不守劳动纪律,让厂里给刷了。He was dismissed from the factory due to his failure to follow labour discipline.今年高考他被刷了下来。He flunked this year's college entrance examination.刷2[shuā](ㄕㄨㄚ)(唰)〈拟声词 onom.〉形容迅速擦过去的声音 swish; rustle; quick sweeping sound:风刮得树叶子刷刷地响。The leaves of the trees rustled in the wind.刷刷地下起雨来了。The rain came down with a swooshing sound.另见 shuà刷[shuà](ㄕㄨㄚˋ)〈方 dial.〉挑拣 select; pick out:打这堆梨里头刷出几个好的给奶奶送去。Select a few good pears from this pile and give them to grandma.另见 shuā相关词组板刷 | 冲刷 | 粉刷 | 洗刷 | 牙刷 | 印刷 | 雨刷 | 振刷 | 水刷石 | 印刷品 | 印刷体 | 活字印刷刷白 | 刷卡 | 刷拉 | 刷洗 | 刷新 | 刷子刷ad.swish刷地;嗖地;哗地;窸窸窣窣地n.brush(一)刷,(一)掸,(一)拂,轻碰,轻抹,轻擦(毛、钢丝等制的)刷,刷子;毛笔;画笔vi.brush刷,掸,拂擦(at);刷牙(或头发等)vt.brush(用刷子)刷;(用毛笔或画笔)写;画;涂抹;掸,拂;擦wipe刷(磁卡)swipe〈口〉刷(卡)刷1. a brush2. to brush双向☞刷掉--电刷--刷双向☞刷--刷子双向☞刷--电刷刷[shuā]名a brush♦ 油漆~ paintbrush动1. clean with a brush; brush; scrub♦ ~鞋 brush shoes♦ ~地板 scrub the floor♦ ~锅 clean (or scour) a pot2. paint, daub, paste up, etc. with a brush♦ 用石灰浆~墙 whitewash a wall♦ ~标语 paste up posters3. 口 eliminate; remove♦ 那个队直到半决赛才给~下来。 That team was not eliminated until the semifinals.象swish; rustle♦ 玉米叶子被风吹得~~响。 The corn leaves rustled in the wind.另见 shuà刷[shuà](构词成分)另见 shuā




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