

单词 到期
释义 到期1. to expire2. to fall due到期 dàoqī1) become due这本书到期了吗? Is this book due for return?2) mature3) expire到期dàoqīto fall due (loan etc)to expire (visa etc)to mature (investment bond etc)到期to become due到期日 expiration date到期归还。 Return it by the due date.到期债务 expired debt到期未付票据 expired unused voucher到期了 expired合同快到期了。 The contract is up for renewal soon.合同已经到期了。 The contract has expired.合同尚未到期。 The contract has not yet expired.到期 dào qī become due; mature; expire; at maturity; due (of an obligation):  他们的执照已到期。 Their licences have expired.  这票据什么时候到期? When does the bill fall (become) due?  签证下月到期。 The visa expires next month. 到期保险费 due premium; premium due; 到期本金 matured principal; 到期付款 payable at maturity; 到期股金和股息 due share capital and dividends; 到期利息 interest due; 到期年金现值 present value of an annuity due; 到期全部付清 be paid in full at the appointed time; at maturity; become due; due (of an obligation); mature; 到期收益 yield of maturity; 到期通知书 renewal notice; 到期未付票据 overdue bill; 到期月份 contract month; 到期值 maturity value林语堂林语堂★◀▶到期 [dao4qi2], phr., when time is due; phr.,到期日 date of maturity.到期at the appointed time, time set or time of maturity;到期a.due期满的,到期的mature(票据等)到期的,应支付的payable应(支)付的,到期的n.maturity(票据等的)到期;到期日vi.maturate(票据等)到期mature(票据等)到期phr.become due期满,到期at term到期终时;到期到期1. (of a note) to mature; (of a license, visa, railroad pass, etc.) to expire; (of payment) to fall (or become) due2. at maturity到期due双向☞到期日--到期双向☞到期--满期到期become due; mature; expire♦ 这本书已经~了。 This book is due for return.♦ 这张票据什么时候~? When does this bill mature (or become due)?♦ 签证下月~。 The visa expires next month.英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞EXPIRATION英華☞Fullness英華☞EXPIRE英華☞FALL英華☞HIGH英華☞DUE




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