

单词 到处
释义 文馨英漢☞到處到处 dàochùeverywhere到处everywhere到处叫喊 call around到处打听 ask around到处传播 broadcast far and wide到处流浪 roam from place to place到处碰壁 hit a brick wall wherever one turns到处都找不到 can't find it anywhere到处呈现一片繁荣景象 scenes of prosperity appear all around这种情况到处都有。 This kind of situation can be found everywhere.到处是稻田。 Paddy fields are all around.他到处受欢迎。 He is popular wherever he goes.先进经验到处推广。 Advanced experience is promoted far and wide.到处 dào chù at all places; everywhere; in every place; in all places; all over; up hill and down dale; high and low; from Dan to Beersheba:  到处插手 stretch tentacles to every corner;  到处碰壁 bump (run) against the wall everywhere; run into snags everywhere;  到处流浪 wander from place to place;  到处似乎都很安静。 Everywhere seemed to be quiet. 到处[dào chù] 各处;处处 all about; at all places; everywhere:祖国到处是欣欣向荣的景象。Signs of prosperity are everywhere in our motherland.到处找也没有找到。I looked all around for it but still could not find it.到处ad.about到处,各处around到处;随便地throughout到处;自始至终,贯穿全部地round在四处;到处;在各处;从各方面everywhere到处;各处;无论何处universally到处,处处;在所有情况下;无一例外地passim各处,到处,处处(用于书后的索引或注释,表示提到的问题在书的某页各处常出现)everyplace〈美口〉处处,到处;各个地方everywhither到处;向各个方向,向四面八方n.everywhere每个地方;所有地方;到处;四面八方phr.the length and breadth整个地区,到处on all hands在各方面;到处;四面八方far and near远近,到处,四面八方every hole and corner每个角落,处处,到处up hill and down dale翻山越谷,到处all over the show到处all over the shop到处,四处from China to Peru遍天下,到处hic et ubique〈拉〉到处all along the line〈口〉在全线;全部地;到处all over the auction〈澳俚〉到处,处处all over the place到处;乱七八糟on all sides在各方面;到处high and low楼上楼下,上上下下,到处right and left向(或在)左右两方;在四面八方,到处;不分青红皂白and everywhere在许多不同的地方,到处,各处;向各处at intervals不时;到处;每隔…时间(或距离)到处1. everywhere; here, there and everywhere; all over; far and near; far and wide; high and low到处passim双向☞到处--各处双向☞到处--四处到处at all places; everywhere♦ 烟头不要~乱扔。 Don't drop cigarette ends about.♦ ~碰壁 run into snags everywhere




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