

释义 到1. to arrive2. to reach3. to leave for到 dàoI v.1) arrive; reach2) go toII cov.up untilIII s.v.thoughtful; considerateIV cmp.completion of verbal action你看到第几页了? What page have you gotten to?V cons.到 ... (wéi)zhǐ: reach ... as a stopping point; as far as ...到现在为止,我们只收到二十篇论文。 Up to now we have received only twenty papers.到dàoto (a place)until (a time)up toto goto arrive(verb complement denoting completion or result of an action)到 v. 达到to be until到明天 until tomorrow到第二天 until the following day到星期三就可完成。 It can be finished by Wednesday.到星期三只有一天了。 Wednesday is only one day away.到半夜 until midnight到十月底为止 till the end of October到老年 until old age到一定程度 to a certain degree从下到上 from bottom to top到那时就晚了。 It will be too late by then.到现在仍无消息。 There is still no news.到今天我还记得。 To this day I still remember.别急,到时候你就会知道了。 Don't worry, you'll find out when the time comes.来到;表示时间结束to arrive; time is up时间到了。 The time has come.期限快到了。 The deadline is approaching.期限已到。 Time is up.春天到了。 Spring has come.信到得很快。 The letter arrived very quickly.火车到了上海了。 The train has arrived in Shanghai.我们是夏天到北京的。 We arrived in Beijing in summer.代表团还没有到。 The delegation still hasn't arrived.他马上就到。 He will be here any minute.部队一到立即向敌人进攻。 As soon as the troops arrived, they began to attack the enemy.这个字眼已经到了嘴边。 The word is on the tip of my tongue.你怎么也到上海来了? How come you've also come to Shanghai?往;出发to; to go to到街上去 go out onto the street到戏院去 go to the theatre到北京去 go to Beijing到外国去 go abroad文学艺术工作者要到工农兵群众中去。 Writers and artists must go in among the workers, peasants, and soldiers.你到哪儿去? Where are you going?明天我到你那儿去。 I'll go over to your place tomorrow.党派我到哪儿,我就到哪儿。 I go wherever the Party sends me.表示动作有结果used with a verb to indicate the result of an action看到 catch sight of听到 hear about读到第10页 read through page ten办得到 can be managed飞机还没有飞到北京。 The plane has not yet got to Beijing.今天我们就讲到这里。 That's as much as we'll discuss for today.竟落到如此地步! So this is how bad things have got! adj. 周到considerate想得很到 thoughtful and considerate到 dào 动 (达到某一点; 到达; 达到) arrive; reach; get to:  春天到了。 Spring has come.  到了多少人? How many people were present?  到! (点名时的回答) Here!  火车到站了。 The train has arrived at the station.  我们是昨晚到家的。 We got home last night. (往; 去) go to; leave for:  到上海去 go to Shanghai;  到群众中去 go among the masses; go into the midst of the masses;  他到过非洲。 He has been to Africa. (用做动词的补语, 表示动作达到目的或有了结果):  办得到 can be done;  说到做到 be as good as one's word;  他买到了一本汉英词典。 He's bought a Chinese-English dictionary.  想不到你来了。 I didn't expect you would come. 介 (表示动作或行为达到的时间) up until; up to:  从星期三到星期五 from Wednesday to Friday;  到次日 up to the next day;  我将留在这里一直到十二点钟。 I shall stay here until twelve o'clock. 形 (周到) thoughtful; considerate:  不到之处请原谅。 Please excuse me if I have been incosiderate in any way. 名 (姓氏) a surname:  到彦之 Dao Yanzhi 到到 518C20  31S.00-2  部居  畫數 8ㄉㄠˋ [dao4] V.i & t.(1)  Arrive: 到家 arrive at home, also see [dao4jia1]↓;已經到了 have arrived;時間到了 the (appointed) time has come.(2)  Go to (destination): 到日本去 go to Japan;到那裡去 where are you going?(3)  到過 been to;沒到過 have never been to.Vb. complement.Showing completed action: 看到,聽到 see, hear (as dist. look, listen);收到 have received, 找到 have found;來到 come to;拿到 got hold of;做不到 cannot do it;想得到,做得到 what he wanted to do, he accomplished;想不到 never thought or imagined that;夢想不到 never dreamed (that).Prep.At, up to , upon: 到次日 upon the next day;到今天 up to today;到此(地)為止 stop here;到處 [dao4chu4]↓.Words1. 到案 [dao4an4], v.i., appear at court.2. 到岸價格 [dao4an4jia4ge2], n., cost, insurance and freight (c.i.f.)3. 到差 [dao4chai1], v.i., arrive at post, appear for duty.4. 到場 [dao4chang2], v.i., be present (at party, meeting).5. 到期 [dao4qi2], phr., when time is due; phr.,到期日 date of maturity.6. 到處 [dao4chu4], adv., everywhere: 到處去找 look for it everywhere.7. 到達 [dao4da2], v.t., reach: 到達某地 reach certain place; 到達目的 reach goal.8. 到得 [dao4de2], conj., until, as soon as: 到得那個時候 when that time arrives.9. 到底 [dao4di3], adv., (1) after all: 到底不是壞 after all this is not a bad thing; 到底沒錯after all there was nothing wrong; (2) to the end: 抗戰到底 fight to the bitter end.10. 到家 [dao4jia1], (1) adj., (of art, artist) accomplished, skilled, proficient; (2) v.i., come home.11. 到了 [dao4liao3], v.i., (1) [dao4le0], arrive: 到了那個時候 when the time comes; v.i., (2) 到了兒 [dao4liao1er0], adv. phr., in the end.12. 到任 [dao4ren4], v.i., assume post.13. 到手 [dao4shou3], phr., succeed in getting: 錢拿到手 have money in hand; 弄不到手 fail in getting.14. 到頭來 [dao4tou2lai2], adv., phr., in the end (lose everything, etc.).到[dào](ㄉㄠˋ)1.达于某一点;到达;达到 get to a place; arrive; reach:到期 become due; mature; expire迟到 be late火车到站了。The train has arrived at the station.从星期三到星期五 from Wednesday to Friday 2.往 go to; leave for:到郊外去 go to the suburbs到群众中去 go to the masses (people) 3.用做动词的补语,表示动作有结果 [as the complement of a verb indicating the result of an action]:看到 have seen sth.办得到 can do sth.说到一定要做到。One must do what one says; be as good as one's word想不到你来了。I didn't expect that you would come. 4.周到 considerate; thoughtful; thorough:想得很到。You have thought of everything.有不到的地方请原谅。Hope you will forgive me if I have not been thoughtful enough. 5.(Dào) 姓 a surname相关词组报到 | 迟到 | 达到 | 得到 | 等到 | 独到 | 感到 | 画到 | 驾到 | 精到 | 老到 | 临到 | 签到 | 直到 | 周到 | 想不到 | 想得到 | 马到成功 | 手到擒来 | 水到渠成 | 一年到头 | 一天到晚 | 初来乍到 | 面面俱到 | 先来后到 | 一竿子到底 | 不到黄河心不死 | 车到山前必有路 | 打破沙锅问到底到案 | 到场 | 到处 | 到达 | 到底 | 到点 | 到顶 | 到家 | 到来 | 到手 | 到头 | 到位 | 到职 | 到了儿 | 到头来到a.ready〈废〉在场的;[用于点名时应答]到,有prep.TO[表示时间]到,直到;在…之前[表示方向、目的地]向,朝,往;到[表示程度、 范围等]到,达UP〈口〉到;在till〈苏格兰〉及于;到,往,向(= to,= unto)到1. to reach (a place)2. to be present (at a meeting, class, party, etc.)3. to leave for4. up to (a figure or time)5. (used in old times) sufficiently thoughtful; considerate6. (when answering a roll call) Present or Adsum!到[dào]动1. arrive; reach♦ 火车~站了。 The train has arrived at the station.♦ ~了多少人? How many people were present?♦ 时间~了。 Time's up.♦ ~! (answer to roll call) Here!2. go to; leave for♦ ~兰州去 go to Lanzhou♦ ~群众中去 go among the masses; go into the midst of the masses3. (used as a verb complement to show the result of an action)♦ 办得~ can be done♦ 说~做~ be as good as one's word介up until; up to♦ 从星期三~星期五 from Wednesday to Friday♦ ~目前为止 up to the present; until now; so far♦ 工作~深夜 work late into the night形thoughtful; considerate♦ 不~之处请原谅。 Please excuse me if I have been inconsiderate in any way.




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