

单词 别有用心
释义 文馨英漢☞別有用心别有用心 biéyǒuyòngxīnhave an ulterior motive别有用心biéyǒuyòngxīnto have an ulterior motive (idiom); a hidden agenda别有用心to have ulterior motives别有用心的人 person with an ulterior motive别有用心的曲解 distortion of ulterior motives这一说法显然是别有用心的。 There is obviously an ulterior motive behind this wording.别有用心 bié yǒu yòng xīn have an ulterior motive; be done with ulterior motives; be ill-intentioned; have an axe to grind; have an ulterior object in view; have an underlying motive in; have another motive; have sth. up one's sleeve; have ulterior motives; with ulterior motives 别有用心者 ax-grinder; axe-grinder别有用心[bié yǒu yòng xīn] 言论或行动中另有不可告人的企图 have ulterior motives; have an axe to grind别有用心a.ulterior隐秘不明的,有意隐瞒的,别有用心的别有用心1. to have ulterior motives; to have a hidden purpose; to have an axe to grind2. with ulterior motives别有用心have ulterior motives; have an axe to grind




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