

单词 划拨
释义 文馨英漢☞劃撥划拨 huàbō1) transfer (funds)2) assign; allot划拨huàbōto assignto allocateto transfer (money to an account)划拨【会】to transfer由银行划拨 transfer from the bank划拨金额 transfer the amount划拨转账 transfer to a different account拨给to allocate划拨一部分粮食外运 allocate some of the grain to be transported out把空地划拨给第二生产队 assign the empty ground to the second production team划拨 huà bō (从一单位或户头转入另一单位或户头) appropriate; transfer:  划拨一笔款子 appropriate a sum (分出来拨给) assign; allot:  划拨一间屋子作阅览室 assign a room for reading 划拨[huà bō]1.(款项或账目)从某一单位或户头转到另一单位或户头 transfer (money or accounts) from one account to another, or from one unit to another:这笔款子由银行划拨。The money will be transferred through the bank. 2.分出来拨给 assign; allocate:划拨钢材 allocate steel划拨物资 allocate goods and materials划拨1. to appropriate; to transfer; to assign; to allot划拨1. transfer♦ 这笔款子由银行~。 The money will be transferred through the bank.2. assign; allocate♦ 把节余的钢材~给农具厂。 Allocate the spare steel to the Farm Tools Factory.




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