

单词 划归
释义 文馨英漢☞劃歸划归 huàguīput under (sb.'s administration/etc.); incorporate into划归huàguīto incorporateto put under (external administration)划归to assign划归...管辖 put under the administration of该区已划归市区。 This district has been incorporated into the metropolitan area.把部分工作划归第二队 assign some of the work to team two划归 huà guī put under (sb.'s administration, etc.); incorporate into:  这个企业已划归地方管理。 The enterprise has been put under local administration. 划归1. to incorporate into; to put under划归put under (sb.'s administration, etc.); incorporate into♦ 这个企业已~地方管理。 The enterprise has been put under local administration.




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