

单词 切实
释义 文馨英漢☞切實切实 qièshí1) s.v. feasible; practical; realistic这个计划切实可行。 This is a realistic plan.2) adv. practically; honestly; conscientiously; realistically切实qièshífeasiblerealisticpracticalearnestlyconscientiously切实切合实际realistic切实的保证 realistic pledge切实有效的措施 practical and effective measures切实的步骤 practical steps切实可行 feasible切实可行的办法 viable measures提出切实的理由 put forward practical reasons方案不切实。 The plan is not practical.实实在在conscientiously切实执行 implement earnestly切实地工作 do one's job conscientiously切实地解决 settle something in earnest切实地对待自己的缺点 conscientiously address one's failings切实地改变自己的工作作风 adjust one's style of work in real earnest切实 qiè shí (切合实际) practical; feasible; realistic:  切实可行的计划 a workable plan; a realistic (feasible; practical) plan;  切实有效的办法 practical and effective measures;  听起来不切实。 It doesn't sound feasible. (实实在在) conscientiously; earnestly:  切实改正错误 correct one's mistakes in real earnest 切实[qiè shí] 切合实际;实实在在 down-to-earth; practical; realistic; in earnest:切实可行 feasible; workable; realistic or practical切实改正 correct (one's mistakes) in real earnest切切实实地做好工作 do one's job in a down-to-earth way切实1. feasible; practical; realistic; real; sure; cogent切实1. feasible; practical; realistic♦ ~有效的办法 practical and effective measures♦ ~可行的计划 a feasible (or realistic) plan2. conscientious; earnest♦ ~改正错误 correct one's mistakes in real earnest♦ 切切实实地工作 do one's job conscientiously




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