

单词 分辩
释义 分辩 fēnbiàndefend oneself (against a charge); offer an explanation请让我为自己分辩一下。 Would you please let me defend myself, OK?分辩fēnbiànto explain the factsto defend against an accusation分辩to defend oneself无可分辩 require no explanation不由分辩 not allowed to explain证据俱在,无需分辩。 All the evidence is here; there is no need for further explanation.他们说什么,就是什么,我不想分辩。 Let them say what they like. I have no desire to argue further.用不着你来分辩。 There's no need for you to offer an explanation.我要想分辩几句。 I would like to offer a few words of explanation.分辩 fēn biàn (辩白) defend oneself (against a charge); offer an explanation:  分辩清楚 offer a clear explanation;  不要再分辩了, 有错误就承认嘛! Don't try to explain away the situation. If you have made mistakes, just admit them. 林语堂当代汉英繁简☞分辯分辩[fēn biàn] 辩白 defend oneself (against a charge); offer an explanation:证据俱在,无需分辩。The evidence is all here; no excuse is acceptable.他们说什么就是什么,我不想分辩。They can say what they like; I will not argue.分辩1. to explain; to make excuses




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