

释义 刀1. falchion2. katana3. knife4. sword刀 dāoI n.1) knife; sword; blade2) sth. shaped like a knifeII m.100 sheets (of paper)刀Dāosurname Daodāoknifebladesingle-edged swordcutlassCL:把[bǎ](slang) dollar (loanword)classifier for sets of one hundred sheets (of paper)classifier for knife cuts or stabs刀 n. 切割工具;兵器knife; knives(plural); sword军刀 army knife菜刀 kitchen knife铅笔刀 pencil sharpener刀状物blade冰刀 blade of an ice-skate闸刀 guillotine measure word 纸张单位one hundred sheets of paper三刀纸 three hundred sheets of paper刀 dāo 名 (切、割、削、砍、铡的工具) knife; sword:  餐刀 table knife;  钝刀 dull (blunt) knife;  锋利的刀 trenchant sword;  快刀 sharp knife;  磨刀 sharpen a sword (形状像刀的东西) sth. shaped like a knife:  冰刀 ice skates (古代一种形状像刀的货币)ancient coin in form of knife (姓氏) a surname:  刀强 Dao Qian 量 (计算纸张的单位, 通常为一百张) one hundred sheets (of paper):  一刀草纸 one hundred sheets of toilet paper;  按刀数卖 sell by the set of one hundred sheets 刀刀 730C20  50.50  部居  畫數 2ㄉㄠ [dao1] N.(1)  The radical 刀, appearing on right as .(2)  Various kinds of knives: 一把刀 a knife;菜刀 kitchen chopper;鐮刀 sickle;剃刀,刮鬍刀 razor;剪刀 scissors;大刀 long-handled sword;單刀 broad sword;刺刀 bayonet;刀背 dull side of knife;刀口 knife edge;這刀沒有口 knife is dull;刀靶 knife handle;(fig.) 叫人拿刀靶兒 let opponent hold the power.(2)  (AC) ancient coin in form of knife.Words1. 刀筆 [dao1bi3], n., in 刀筆吏,刀筆先生 man versed in law or in charge of legal documents (who uses the pen like a knife).2. 刀兵 [dao1bing1], n., war, battle.3. 刀創藥 [dao1chuang1yao4], n., herb for treating wounds.4. 刀尺 [dao1chi3], n., (1) scissors and tapeline; (2) standards for judging the fitness of people for jobs.5. 刀豆 [dao1dou4], n., bean, Canavallia ensiformis.6. 刀斧手 [dao1fu2shou3], n., executioner.7. 刀圭 [dao1gui1], n., ancient small measure of Chin. medicine; the practice of medicine.8. 刀錐(之利) [dao1zhui1], n., small amount (of profit).9. 刀螂 [dao1lang2], n., (zoo.) mantis (=螳螂).10. 刀兵 [dao1bing1], n., war, battle.11. 刀馬旦 [dao1ma3dan4], n., actress versed in swordplay.12. 刀牌手 [dao1pai2shou3], n., soldier equipped with knife and shield.13. 刀片兒 [dao1piaher0], n., razor blade.14. 刀俎 [dao1zu3], n., chopping board: 人為刀俎,我為魚肉 at people's mercy (like fish or meat on chopping board).15. 刀魚 [dao1yU2], n., the long-tailed anchovy, Coilia nasus.刀[dāo](ㄉㄠ)1.古代兵器,泛指切、割、削、砍、铡的工具,一般用钢铁制成 ancient weapon; generally referring to steel tools for cutting, mowing, hacking or chopping:菜刀 kitchen knife; butcher knife军刀 soldier's sword; sabre铡刀 folder chopper; hand hay cutter铣刀 milling cutter 2.形状像刀的东西 sth. shaped like a knife:冰刀 ice skates双刀电闸 twin-knife main switch; twin-knife master switch 3.〈量词 classifier〉计算纸张的单位,通常一百张为一刀 [unit for counting sheets of paper that entails 100 sheets of paper] 4.(Dāo) 姓 a surname相关词组宝刀 | 冰刀 | 菜刀 | 吃刀 | 刺刀 | 锉刀 | 单刀 | 刮刀 | 光刀 | 火刀 | 尖刀 | 剪刀 | 绞刀 | 戒刀 | 军刀 | 开刀 | 砍刀 | 镰刀 | 麻刀 | 马刀 | 刨刀 | 跑刀 | 劈刀 | 剃刀 | 屠刀 | 瓦刀 | 錾刀 | 铡刀 | 战刀 | 主刀 | 捉刀 | 滚刀肉 | 剪刀差 | 软刀子 | 一刀切 | 保险刀 | 二把刀 | 伽马刀 | 花样刀 | 激光刀 | 螺丝刀 | 指挥刀 | 拔刀相助 | 宝刀不老 | 大刀阔斧 | 单刀直入 | 风刀霜剑 | 借刀杀人 | 牛刀小试 | 一刀两断 | 火海刀山 | 安全剃刀 | 两面三刀 | 笑里藏刀 | 快刀斩乱麻 | 割鸡焉用牛刀 | 磨刀不误砍柴工 | 人为刀俎,我为鱼肉 | 放下屠刀,立地成佛刀背 | 刀笔 | 刀兵 | 刀儿 | 刀锋 | 刀具 | 刀锯 | 刀口 | 刀螂 | 刀片 | 刀枪 | 刀刃 | 刀子 | 刀俎 | 刀把儿 | 刀马旦 | 刀削面 | 刀子嘴 | 刀耕火种 | 刀光剑影 | 刀山火海刀n.steel钢制品;刀,剑;(在燧石上打火用的)(打)火镰;磨刀钢棒knife刀;餐刀sword剑,刀;〈军俚〉刺刀whittle〈英方〉刀;大刀;屠刀slasher砍具;刀;剑shiv〈美口〉(尤指用作武器的)刀;开门闸刀;剃刀trencher〈废〉刀falchion〈古〉刀;剑chiv匕首,刀pigsticker〈口〉大号折刀;〈美俚〉刺刀;刀;剑phr.gamma knife【医】刀,伽玛刀刀1. a knife2. something shaped like a knife3. a sword with a curving edge4. a unit of 100 sheets of (paper)刀knife"刀knife双向☞刀--拉钩刀[dāo]名1. knife; sword2.机cutting tool; tool3. sth. shaped like a knife♦ 冰~ ice skates量one hundred sheets (of paper)




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