

释义 文馨英漢☞鑿ABCABC★◀▶凿 záo1) v. cut a hole; chisel; dig2) n. chisel凿 zuòsee záo 凿凿záochiselto bore a holeto chisel or digcertainauthenticirrefutablealso pr. [zuo4]凿 n. 参见:凿子[záozi]扁凿 flat chisel卯眼mortise v. 打孔;挖掘to cut a hole; to bore凿一道槽 cut a groove凿个门洞 knock through a door opening在墙上凿个洞 cut a hole in the wall把孔凿宽 widen the hole adj. 真实<书>authentic凿 záo 名 (凿子) chisel 动 (打孔; 挖掘) cut a hole; chisel ; dig:  凿冰窟窿 make a hole in the ice;  凿个墙眼 bore or chisel a hole in the wall 另见 zuò。 2) 凿(鑿) zuò 形 (书) (明确; 真实) certain; accurate; true; authentic; irrefutable:  证据确凿 an authentic proof 名 (卯眼) mortise; socket:  方枘圆凿 like a square tenon for a round mortise 另见 záo。凿1[záo](ㄗㄠˊ)(鑿)1.凿子 chisel:扁凿 flat chisel; plain chisel圆凿 circular chisel 2.打孔;挖掘 bore a hole; chisel; dig:凿井 dig, sink or bore a well凿一个窟窿 bore a hole凿2[záo](ㄗㄠˊ)(鑿)(也有读 also pronounced zuò)〈书 fml.〉卯眼 mortise; hole:方枘圆凿 square peg in a round hole; incompatible凿3[záo](ㄗㄠˊ)(鑿)(也有读 also pronounced zuò)〈书 fml.〉明确;真实 certain; sure; authentic:确凿 irrefutable; beyond doubt相关词组穿凿 | 斧凿 | 开凿 | 确凿 | 枘凿 | 旋凿 | 圆凿方枘 | 方枘圆凿凿空 | 凿枘 | 凿凿 | 凿子 | 凿岩机凿n.pick凿,掘,挖gouge凿;挖;掘;(似)用半圆凿凿成的槽(或孔等)peck啄;凿;琢vi.pick凿,掘,挖chisel凿,雕,刻peck凿;琢vt.drive凿,挖掘;钻凿出(洞);【矿】掘进(平巷)cut凿(出);挖成;剪出pick(用镐等尖头工具)凿,掘,挖;凿(或掘、挖)成(洞等)sink凿;钻,打,挖掘(井等)tunnel掘,凿,挖(隧道、地道、洞穴等)bore钻(孔);凿(井);挖(通道);【机】镗(孔)flake削,凿chisel凿,雕,刻peck凿;琢;凿开;凿成croze(在桶板任何一端)凿(槽)chipper錾(子);凿(子);(造纸木材的)削片机phr.peck at啄;凿;不断击打;用手指连续敲打凿1. certain; authentic; irrefutable2. to mortise\\zao\\ㄗㄠˊ\\1·a chisel2. to dig a hole; to chisel; to dig凿Chisel双向☞凿--錾双向☞錾--凿凿[záo]名chisel动cut a hole; chisel or dig♦ ~一个窟窿 bore a hole♦ ~山劈岭 tunnel through mountains and cut across ridges♦ ~冰 make a hole in the ice♦ 把船~沉 scuttle the ship形书 certain; authentic; irrefutable♦ 确凿




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