

单词 击溃
释义 文馨英漢☞擊潰击溃 jīkuì1) rout; defeat2) knock to pieces击溃jīkuìto defeatto smashto rout击溃to rout击溃敌军 rout the enemy击溃敌军一部 rout an enemy division击溃 jī kuì rout; put to flight; defeat utterly; smash:  击溃敌军 rout the enemy; put the enemy to flight 击溃[jī kuì] 打垮;打散 rout; thrash:击溃敌军一个师 put an enemy division to rout击溃vt.destroy彻底打败,击溃confuse〈古〉击溃,打垮rout击溃,打垮;使溃退;使大败swamp〈美〉彻底击败,击溃trounce〈口〉(在体育竞赛等中)彻底打败,击溃wallop击溃,打败scupper突袭并消灭;使伤残;打败,击溃discomfit〈古〉(在战场上)打败,击溃phr.put to rout打垮,击溃chaw up〈美〉消灭;击溃;干掉击溃1. to rout; to smash; to crush; to defeat utterly; to knock to pieces; to scatter to the (four) winds




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