

单词 击剑
释义 文馨英漢☞擊劍击剑 jījiànsport fencing击剑jījiànfencing (sport)击剑【体】fencing击剑教师 fencing instructor击剑运动员 fencer击剑术 fencing击剑比赛 fencing competition花式剑击剑 foil fencing击剑 jī jiàn {体} fencing 击剑场 fencing strip; fencing terrain; piste; 击剑服 fencing clothes; 击剑馆 fencing hall; 击剑技术 sword play; swordsmanship; 击剑裤 fencing breeches; 击剑上衣 fencing jacket; 击剑运动员 fencer击剑[jī jiàn] 体育运动项目之一,比赛时运动员穿着特制的保护服装,用剑互刺或互劈 swordplay; art or sport event with bouts taking place between two athletes wearing protective gear attacking each other using the sabre, the foil or the epee击剑n.fencing击剑(术)swordplay舞剑,击剑;剑术vi.fence击剑击剑1. [Sports] fencing2. to fence with击剑fencing击剑[体]fencing~场 fencing strip; fencing terrian~服 fencing clothes~馆 fencing gall~裤 fencing breeches~上衣 fencing jacket~手套 fencing glove~运动员 fencer




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