

释义 文馨英漢☞兇凶 xiōngsyn. 兇凶xiōngterriblefearfulxiōngviciousfierceominousinauspiciousfaminevariant of 凶[xiōng]凶 n. 指杀伤人的行为act of violence行凶 commit an act of violence行凶作恶的人violent criminal元凶 chief culprit帮凶 accomplice adj. 不幸的unlucky年成很坏poor参见:凶恶[xiōng’è]很凶的样子 ferocious manner你凶什么! What are you getting worked up about?厉害terrible闹得很凶 make a terrible racket病势很凶 critically ill这种酒太凶。 This type of alcohol is too strong.凶 xiōng 形 (不幸的) inauspicious; ominous:  吉凶未卜 do not know whether it will turn out good or bad;  凶兆 ill omen (年成 很坏) crop failure:  凶年 a year of crop failure or famine; a bad year (凶恶) fierce; ferocious:  这个人样子真凶。 This chap looks really fierce. (利害)terrible; fearful:  病势很凶 terribly ill;  闹得太凶了! What a terrific row!  这场雨来势很凶。 The rain came down with a vengeance. 名 (杀害或伤害人的行为) act of violence; murder:  行凶 commit physical assault or murder 林语堂林语堂林语堂★◀▶凶凶 311C25  21.21  部居  畫數 4ㄒㄩㄥ [xiong1] . [Interch.兇 in sense “fierce,” “crime”]N.(1)  Culprit: 凶犯,凶手 [xiong1fan4], [xiong1shou3]↓;正凶 chief culprit (dist. accomplice);疑凶 suspect, person suspected of crime.(2)  Murder: 行凶 commit murder.Adj.(1)  Bad, sad, unlucky, unfortunate (event): 凶兆 [xiong1zhao4]↓;吉凶未卜 do not know whether it will turn out good or bad (patient's life uncertain);凶宅 unlucky house where occupant dies or meets other mishaps;凶耗,凶信 bad news (as of person's death);凶門 [xiong1men2]↓.(2)  (Year) of bad crops: 凶年,凶歲 [xiong1nian2], [xiong1sui4]↓.(3)  Fierce, ferocious: 凶 flame of violence;凶象 look of violence;凶聲 sounds of fights or battle;來勢甚凶 enemy advances in great strength;凶狠,凶悍,凶猛 [xiong1hen3], [xiong1han4], [xiong1meng3]↓.(4)  Wicked, brutal: 他太凶了 he is too brutal;凶惡,凶徒,凶暴 [xiong1e4], [xiong1tu2], [xiong1bao4]↓;凶地 (AC) a bad country with bad customs.Adv.Horribly, fearfully: 病得很凶 is extremely or dangerously ill;鬧得太凶了 in a fearful mess;凶終 (friendship, alliance) end disastrously, (of person) die an unnatural death.Words1. 凶暴 [xiong1bao4], adj., brutal, cruel (tyrant).2. 凶氣 [xiong1qi4]1, n., a ferocious mien.3. 凶器 [xiong1qi4]2, n., (1) (AC) military weapons (lit., “weapons of evil”); n., (2) weapons involved in murder (knife, pistol, etc.); (3) funeral appurtenances (including coffin).4. 凶渠 [xiong1qU2], n., gang leaders.5. 凶惡 [xiong1e4], adj., brutish, fearful, ferocious.6. 凶犯 [xiong1fan4], n., culprit in murder case.7. 凶服 [xiong1fu2], n., mourning dress.8. 凶悍 [xiong1han4], adj., ferocious-looking.9. 凶耗 [xiong1hao4], n., bad news; news of s.o.’s death.10. 凶狠 [xiong1hen3], adj., warlike, cruel, merciless.11. 凶兆 [xiong1zhao4], n., a bad omen.12. 凶具 [xiong1jU4], n., coffin.13. 凶禮 [xiong1li3], n., funeral ceremony.14. 凶猛 [xiong1meng3], adj., fierce, brutish.15. 凶門 [xiong1men2], n., white festoon outside door of family during funeral ceremony.16. 凶年 [xiong1nian2], n., year of bad crops or famine.17. 凶殺 [xiong1sha1], v.t., to murder (s.o.).18. 凶煞 [xiong1sha4], n., evil luck, causing illness, death, etc.19. 凶神 [xiong1shen2], n., evil spirit, said to take possession of person: 凶神附體 be possessed by a demon.20. 凶險 [xiong1xian3], adj., extremely hazardous, dangerous.21. 凶信 [xiong1xin4], n., bad news; news of death.22. 凶手 [xiong1shou3], n., murderer, culprit.23. 凶事 [xiong1shi4], n., (1) funeral affairs; (2) news of murder or near-murder; (3) (AC) war.24. 凶歲 [xiong1sui4], n., see [xiong1nian2]↑.25. 凶死 [xiong1si3], n., death by violence.26. 凶殘 [xiong1can2], adj., bloodthirsty, merciless, ruthless.27. 凶徒 [xiong1tu2], n., a villain, cutthroat.凶 flame of violence林语堂☞兇凶[xiōng](ㄒㄩㄥ)(兇)1.不幸的(形容死亡、灾难等现象,跟‘吉’相对 as opposed to ‘auspicious’)inauspicious; ominous:凶事 unfortunate events such as death, injury, accident, etc.凶信 news of sb.'s death 2.年成很坏 famine; crop failure:凶年 year of crop failure; year of famine 3.凶恶 vicious; fierce; ferocious; brutal:穷凶极恶 extremely vicious and brutal; ferocious; fierce这个人样子真凶。This chap looks really fierce. 4.厉害 terrible; fearful:病势很凶 be seriously ill闹得太凶。What a terrific row! 5.指杀害或伤害人的行为 act of violence; murder:行凶 assault; murder 6.行凶作恶的人 murderer; criminal:正凶 principal criminal帮凶 accomplice; accessory元凶 chief culprit; arch criminal; ring leader相关词组帮凶 | 逞凶 | 行凶 | 吉凶 | 疑凶 | 元凶 | 正凶 | 穷凶极恶凶案 | 凶暴 | 凶残 | 凶恶 | 凶犯 | 凶服 | 凶悍 | 凶耗 | 凶狠 | 凶横 | 凶狂 | 凶猛 | 凶年 | 凶虐 | 凶气 | 凶器 | 凶杀 | 凶煞 | 凶神 | 凶手 | 凶死 | 凶嫌 | 凶险 | 凶相 | 凶信 | 凶焰 | 凶宅 | 凶兆凶1. evil; bad2. unlucky; unfortunate; inauspicious3. famine4. fear; fearsome5. very; excessive\\\\1·fierce; violent; cruel; ferocious2. inhuman凶[xiōng]形1. inauspicious; ominous♦ 凶兆 ♦ 吉凶未卜 2. bad for crops; unproductive; threatened with famine3. fierce; ferocious♦ 这个人样子真~。 This chap looks really fierce.4. terrible; fearful♦ 病势很~ be terribly ill♦ 闹得太~了! What a terrific row!♦ 这场雨来势很~。 The rain came down with a vengeance.名act of violence; murder♦ 行凶




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