

释义 凝1. to cohere2. to form3. to freeze4. to coagulate凝 níng1) v. congeal2) b.f. concentrate attention (凝视)凝níngto congealto concentrate attentionto stare凝 v. 参见:凝结[níngjié]注意力集中intently凝 níng 动 (凝结) congeal; curdle; coagulate:  凝成固体 become solid;  牛奶凝结了。 The milk has curdled. (注意力集中) fix:  凝视天空 gaze into the sky;  她深思地凝视着远方。 She stared thoughtfully into the distance. 凝凝 1022B20  63A.83-2  部居  畫數 16ㄋㄧㄥˊ [ning2] V.i. & t.(1)  (Of liquids) to congeal, freeze, solidify;(of vapor) turn into liquid;(of water) turn into ice: 凝成固體 (of liquids) become solid;凝住 congeal;凝固,凝結,凝凍 [ning2gu4], [ning2jie2], [ning2dong4]↓.(2)  To fix: 凝目,凝眸 focus one's eyes upon (s.t. or s.o.);凝睇,凝視 (of eyes) watch intently, see [ning2shi4]↓.(3)  To gather together;(of liquids) coagulate: 凝神,凝集 [ning2shen2], [ning2ji2]↓.Words1. 凝凍 [ning2dong4], v.i., coagulate, freeze.2. 凝固 [ning2gu4], v.i. & n., (of liquids) solidify, -fication; 凝固點 freezing point; 凝固劑 coagulant.3. 凝結 [ning2jie2], v.i. & n., condense, -ation.4. 凝集 [ning2ji2], v.i., to flock together.5. 凝妝 [ning2zhuang1], adj., (of women) dolled up, prettily dressed.6. 凝儜 [ning2zhu4], v.i., stand transfixed; stand still waiting.7. 凝重 [ning2zhong4], adj., (of manners) dignified.8. 凝脂 [ning2zhi1], n., as in 膚若凝脂 skin smooth like lard or butter.9. 凝滯 [ning2zhi4], adj., (of speech or action) slow-moving, not flowing freely; involved, blocked up.10. 凝聚 [ning2jU4], v.i. & n., (1) (chem.) coagulate, -tion; (2) 凝聚精神 concentrate attention.11. 凝神 [ning2shen2], v.i., to concentrate.12. 凝想 [ning2xiang3], v.i., meditate.13. 凝視 [ning2shi4], v.t., to stare at, look intently.14. 凝思 [ning2si1], v.i., meditate.凝[níng](ㄋㄧㄥˊ)1.凝结 congeal; coagulate; curdle; condense:凝固 solidify凝冻 freeze冷凝 condensate; condensation 2.注意力集中 with riveted attention:凝思 think hard; contemplate凝视 gaze; fix one's eyes on相关词组冷凝 | 混凝土 | 钢筋混凝土凝冻 | 凝固 | 凝合 | 凝华 | 凝集 | 凝结 | 凝聚 | 凝练 | 凝眸 | 凝目 | 凝神 | 凝视 | 凝思 | 凝望 | 凝想 | 凝脂 | 凝滞 | 凝重 | 凝固点 | 凝固热 | 凝聚力 | 凝固汽油弹凝1. (of vapor or steam) to condense; to liquefy2. (of liquid) to solidify; to congeal3. to concentrated attention凝[níng]动1. congeal; coagulate; curdle; condense♦ 他的衬衣都被血~住了。 His shirt was congealed with blood.♦ 用鲜血~成的战斗友谊 militant friendship cemented with blood2. with fixed attention♦ 凝思




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