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文馨英漢☞準繩准绳 zhǔnshéng1) criterion; yardstick2) marking line (for carpenters)准绳zhǔnshéngyardstickfig. criterionground rule准绳yardstick以法律为准绳 use the law as a yardstick准绳 zhǔn shéng plummet; criterion; yardstick准绳[zhǔn shéng] 测定平直的器具 yardstick; tool to determine straightness;〈比喻 fig.〉言论、行动等所依据的原则或标准 principle or criterion serving as the basis of one's statements, actions, etc.准绳1. criterion; yardstick; standard准绳criterion; yardstick♦ 以事实为根据, 以法律为~ take facts as the basis and the law as the criterion |