

单词 冷敷
释义 冷敷 lěngfūmed.1) n. cold compress2) v. apply a cold compress护士帮她冷敷肿了的脚腕子。 The nurse applied a cold compress on her swollen ankle.冷敷lěngfūcold compress冷敷【医】to cold compress冷敷 lěng fū {医} cold compress 冷敷布 cold compress; 冷敷法 cold application; cold compress冷敷[lěng fū] 用冰袋或冷水浸湿的毛巾放在身体的局部以降低温度、减轻疼痛或炎症 cold compress; put an ice bag or a cold wet towel on a certain part of the body to reduce the temperature and alleviate pain or inflammation冷敷[医]cold compress




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