

释义 冷1. cold冷 lěngI s.v.1) cold昨晚天气很冷。 It was bitterly cold last night.2) frosty (in manner)3) topo. coolII b.f.1) unfrequented; deserted; out-of-the-way (冷僻)2) strange; rare3) shot from hiding (冷枪)III n.Surname冷Lěngsurname Lenglěngcold冷 v. 使冷<方>to cool把菜冷一下再吃。 Let the food cool down and then eat it.灰心失望to lose heart心冷了半截 heart sinks adj. 温度低;不热情cold手冷 cold hands冷得发抖 shiver from cold他不怕冷。 He can stand the cold.冷空气 cold air冷空气来了。 A cold front has arrived.弱冷空气 weak cold air强冷空气 strong cold air今天外面冷得厉害。 It's freezing outside today.天气一天比一天冷了。 The weather is getting colder by the day.饭冷了。 The food has gone cold.冷心肠 cold-hearted冷心肠的人 cold-hearted person他的热情是不会冷下来的。 His enthusiasm will not cool down.他冷冷地说了一声“好吧”。 He said a frosty "OK"寂静;不热闹silent; deserted生僻rare不受欢迎的unpopular突然unexpected冷 lěng 形 (温度低;感觉温度低) cold:  冷水 cold water;  你冷不冷? Do you feel cold?; Are you feeling cold?  那儿的冬天一向不太冷。 It is never excessively cold in winter there. (不热情;不温和) cold in manner; frosty:  冷冷地盯着某人 give sb. a frosty stare;  他对她冷冰冰的。 He's so cold towards her. (寂静;不热闹) unfrequented; desolate:  冷清清 cold and dreary; cold and cheerless; desolate (背静;偏僻) deserted; out-of-the-way; secluded:  冷僻 deserted; lonely (不受欢迎的;没人过问的) unwelcome; neglected:  冷货 dull goods (生僻;少见的) uncommon; rare; strange:  冷字 unfamiliar word (暗中发射的) shot from hiding; done in secret:  放冷枪 fire sniper's shot;  打冷拳 hit sb. from behind 动  (方) (使冷) cool:  冷一下再吃。 Let it cool off before you eat it. (变凉;变得不关心、淡漠) cool; freeze:  她对我的热情已经冷下来了。 Her passion for me has cooled down.  这件事冷下来了。 The matter has cooled off. (不理会) ignore:  冷他一阵子 ignore him a while 名 (姓氏) a surname:  冷谦 Leng Qian 林语堂林语堂★◀▶冷冷 1002B55  63A.63-8  部居  畫數 7ㄌㄥˇ [leng3] . [Var. usu. printed 冷]N.A surname.V.i. & t.To cool, freeze, ignore: 這件事冷下來了 the matter has cooled down;把他冷在一邊 let him cool his heels;冷他一陣子 give him the cold shoulder, ignore him a while;冷著臉 put on a stern face;心冷了 have lost all interest, become indifferent;心頭一冷 be suddenly seized by fear.Adj.(1)  Cold, cool, chilly: 寒冷 cold, wintry;冰冷 icy cold;冷極了 bitterly cold;冷死了 dead cold;冷峭 [leng3qiao4]↓;冷冰冰 cold like ice: 他對我冷冰冰地 he's so cold towards me;冷森森,冷呵呵 (of room, place, laugh, manner) dreadfully cold;冷凍 [leng3dong4]↓;冷卻 [leng3qUe4]↓;冷藏 [leng3cang2]↓;冷凝 congealed;冷水 (浴) cold water (a cold bath);冷酒 unwarmed wine;冷葷,冷碟,冷盤 hors d'oeuvres, [leng3hun1], [leng3die2], [leng3pan2]↓;冷飲 [leng3yin3], 冷食 [leng3shi2]↓;冷風刺骨 the wind is piercingly cold;冷汗 cold sweat;冷血 cold blood;冷面,冷臉子 a cold face;冷暖 [leng3nuan3]↓.(2)  Secluded, unfamiliar: 冷字 unfamiliar word;冷巷 deserted lane;冷僻 [leng3pi4]↓.(3)  Disinterested, coolheaded: 冷眼 take a cool look, look at coolly.(4)  Neglected, ignored slighted, not in vogue;坐冷板凳 be given a low job without much work, be kept waiting, slighted;冷官 official with not much duty;冷門,冷宮,冷貨 [leng3men2], [leng3gong1], [leng3huo4]↓;冷清清,冷冷清清,冷湫湫 cold and dreary;冷清,冷淡,冷落 [leng3qing0], [leng3dan0], [leng3luo4]↓.(5)  Sarcastic, sneering, jeering, displeased: 冷笑 [leng3xiao4]↓;冷話 [leng3hua4]↓;冷言冷語 shafts of ridicule, talking behind s.o.’s back;冷冷地 in a sneering manner.(6)  Done in secret: 冷箭 a covered barbed remark;放冷槍 (lit. & fig.) to fire sniper shots;打冷拳 hit (s.o.) from behind;抽冷子給他一刀 to stab him unawares;冷不防 be caught unawares;冷酒兒後犯 wait for another chance to avenge oneself on an enemy.Words1. 冷布 [leng3bu4], n., loose-textured gauze for use as screen in summer.2. 冷腸 [leng3chang2], adj., disinterested in human welfare or worldly affairs.3. 冷峭 [leng3qiao4], adj., (of speech) cuttingly cold, biting, sarcastic.4. 冷氣 [leng3qi4], n., cold air; 冷氣機 air-conditioner.5. 冷清 [leng3qing0], adj., solitary, quiet, desolate, also 冷清清的.6. 冷泉 [leng3qUan2], n., (geol.) a cold spring.7. 冷卻 [leng3qUe4], vi., to cool off, to slight; 冷卻器 cooling apparatus.8. 冷淡 [leng3dan0], (1) adj., indifferent, cool, apathetic; adj., 態度冷淡 an indifferent attitude; (2) v.t., 冷淡著他 cool off toward him; (3) v.i., to cool down: 等這一陣狂熱勁冷淡下來 just wait for all this excitement to quiet down; (4) adj., plain, simple, homely: 白花冷淡無人愛 the white flowers are too plain and simple to be popular.9. 冷碟 [leng3die2], n., a cold dish, (also [leng3pan2]↓).10. 冷凍 [leng3dong4], v.t., (1) to freeze; (2) leave in the cold: 把他冷凍起來 give him the cold shoulder, “freeze” person; 冷凍機 freezer.11. 冷宮 [leng3gong1], n., palace where a queen or an imperial concubine fallen into disgrace lived: 打入冷宮 (fig.) fallen into disfavor.12. 冷話 [leng3hua4], n., cool, sacarstic remark.13. 冷葷 [leng3hun1], n., cold meats, hors d'oeuvres.14. 冷貨 [leng3huo4], n., goods not much in demand.15. 冷戰 [leng3zhan4], n., (1) the cold war; (2) a cold shudder.16. 冷劑 [leng3ji4], n., (phys.) a freezing mixture.17. 冷靜 [leng3jing4], (1) adj., (of place) lonely, quiet; (2) v.i., 冷靜一下 keep cool, calm down, for a moment.18. 冷金 [leng3jin1], n., (1) a kind of gold-sprinkled paper; (2) light-yellowish color.19. 冷酷 [leng3ku4], adj., cold-blooded, ruthless; lacking in human warmth.20. 冷落 [leng3luo4], (1) adj., (business, family) on the decline; (2) v.t., to slight or ignore (s.o.).21. 冷門(兒) [leng3men2] ([leng3merer0]), n. & adj., s.t. not in popular demand, not in vogue: 走冷門 choose the less popular course; 爆出冷門 a “sleeper,” a dark horse which has won; an unexpected success.22. 冷面 [leng3mian4], adj., displeased, stern-faced.23. 冷漠 [leng3mo4], adj., (1) indifferent, apathetic; (2) unsentimental: 冷漠無情 sternly cool and unmoved.24. 冷暖 [leng2nuan3], adj. & n., (1) (of weather) degree of warmth: 天氣冷暖 the warmth of temperature; (2) 人情冷暖 fickleness of human nature, change of attitude among friends.25. 冷盤 [leng3pan2], n., (Chin. cuisine) a dish of assorted cold meats (also [leng3die4]↑).26. 冷僻 [leng3pi4], lonely, deserted, obsolete, out-of-the-way; [leng3pi4], (of words, allusions) unusual.27. 冷笑 [leng3xiao4], v.i. & t., sneer at scoff, at, n., a sneer.28. 冷心 [leng3xin1], adj., apathetic, unenthusiastic, discouraged.29. 冷食 [leng3shi2], n., a cold lunch, a cold meal, cold snacks.30. 冷血 [leng2xUe4], adj., cold-blooded, hard-hearted: 冷血動物 cold-blooded animals.31. 冷藏 [leng3cang2], v.t., keep in cold storage.32. 冷 [leng3zao4], n., (1)a cold stove; (2) (fig.) a person out of office: 燒冷 befriend such a person so as to gain his favor in anticipation of his comeback.33. 冷眼 [leng2yan3], adj. & adv., detached: 冷眼旁觀 take a detached point of view.34. 冷罨法 [leng2yan3fa3], n., (med.) the application of a cold compress to an affected part of the patien's body (also 冷敷).35. 冷飲 [leng2yin3], n., cold drinks.冷 [leng3zao4], n., (1)a cold stove; (2) (fig.) a person out of office: 燒冷 befriend such a person so as to gain his favor in anticipation of his comeback.冷[lěng](ㄌㄥˇ)1.温度低;感觉温度低(跟‘热’相对 as opposed to ‘hot’)cold:冷水 cold water现在还不算冷,雪后才冷呢。It's not cold yet. It will be cold after it snows.你冷不冷?Do you feel cold? 2.〈方 dial.〉使冷(多指食物)cool (oft. of food):太烫了,冷一下再吃。It's too hot. Let it cool off before you take it. 3.不热情;不温和 cold in manner; frosty:冷言冷语 sarcastic comments; ironical remarks冷冷地说了声‘好吧’。‘All right,’ he said coldly. 4.寂静;不热闹 unfrequented; deserted; out-of-the-way:冷落 unfrequented; deserted; cold-shoulder someone; treat someone coldly冷清清 desolate; deserted and quiet 5.生僻;少见的 strange; rare:冷僻 out-of-the-way; secluded 6.不受欢迎的;没人过问的 receiving little attention; unwelcome:冷货 goods in little demand冷门 unexpected winner; profession or branch of learning that receives little attention 7.乘人不备的;暗中的;突然的 shot from hiding; unexpected:冷箭 unexpected arrow shot; arrow shot from hiding冷枪 gun shot from hiding; sniper's shot冷不防 suddenly; unexpectedly; by surprise 8.〈比喻 fig.〉灰心或失望 disheartened; disappointed:心灰意冷 be disheartened看到他严厉的目光,我的心冷了半截。I felt disheartened at the sight of his stern glare. 9.(Lěng) 姓 a surname相关词组冰冷 | 齿冷 | 干冷 | 寒冷 | 清冷 | 生冷 | 湿冷 | 阴冷 | 制冷 | 爆冷门 | 炒冷饭 | 抽冷子 | 吹冷风 | 打冷颤 | 打冷枪 | 打冷战 | 放冷风 | 放冷箭 | 浇冷水 | 泼冷水 | 坐冷板凳 | 残杯冷炙冷布 | 冷藏 | 冷场 | 冷床 | 冷淡 | 冷丁 | 冷冻 | 冷风 | 冷锋 | 冷敷 | 冷宫 | 冷光 | 冷柜 | 冷害 | 冷汗 | 冷荤 | 冷货 | 冷寂 | 冷箭 | 冷噤 | 冷静 | 冷峻 | 冷库 | 冷酷 | 冷厉 | 冷落 | 冷门 | 冷漠 | 冷凝 | 冷暖 | 冷盘 | 冷僻 | 冷气 | 冷枪 | 冷峭 | 冷清 | 冷泉 | 冷却 | 冷色 | 冷杉 | 冷食 | 冷水 | 冷烫 | 冷笑 | 冷眼 | 冷饮 | 冷遇 | 冷战 | 冷字 | 冷板凳 | 冷冰冰 | 冷不丁 | 冷不防 | 冷处理 | 冷碟儿 | 冷加工 | 冷脸子 | 冷气团 | 冷清清 | 冷热病 | 冷森森 | 冷丝丝 | 冷飕飕 | 冷嘲热讽 | 冷若冰霜 | 冷血动物 | 冷言冷语 | 冷眼旁观 | 冷语冰人冷a.cold冷的,寒冷的(色、光等)给人冷淡感的,冷的chill冷的;寒飕飕的;冷得发抖的acold[一般作表语]〈古〉冷的;感到寒冷的n.cold冷,寒冷;寒冷天气coolth凉,凉爽;冷冷1. cold; chilly; icy2. deserted3. (of attitude or feeling) frosty; not genial国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞冷--低温--冰冻冷[lěng]形1. cold♦ 今天真~。 It's really cold today.♦ ~天 the cold season; cold days♦ 你~不~?Do you feel cold?2. cold in manner; frosty♦ 他待人很~。 He is very cold towards people.♦ 他~~地说了声“好吧”。 He said coldly, “All right”!3. unfrequented; deserted; out-of-the-way♦ 冷清 4. receiving little attention; unwelcomed♦ 冷货 5. shot from hiding♦ 冷枪 动方 (of food) cool♦ 太烫了, ~一下再吃。 It's too hot. Let it cool off before you eat it.




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