

单词 决心
释义 文馨英漢☞決心决心 juéxīn1) n. determination; resolution2) v.o. be determined to; make up one's mind to决心juéxīndeterminationresolutiondeterminedfirm and resoluteto make up one's mindCL:个[gè]决心坚定的意志determination下最大的决心 have the greatest determination充满决心 be full of determination下定决心 be resolute拿定主张to be determined他决心献身教育事业。 He is determined to commit himself to educational projects.决心 jué xīn determination; resolution:  决心改正错误 be determined to correct one's mistake;  下定决心 make up one's mind; be resolute;  他决心替他的朋友洗清罪名。 He has determined on proving his friends' innocence.  这事并未动摇他的决心。 This did not shake his resolve. 决心书 written pledge; statement of one's determination决心[jué xīn]1.坚定不移的意志 determination; resolution:决心书 statement of one's determination; written pledge to show one's determination下定决心 make up one's mind; resolve 2.一心一意,坚定不移地 resolute:决心钻研学问 be determined to gain professional knowledge决心a.dead-set坚定不移的,坚决的,决心的n.Will决心;决断;主见point〈废〉决心heart精神;勇气;热情;决心decision决定;决心;选定purpose意志;决断;决心resolution决心,决意;决定,决意做的事resolve决心;决定determination决心pluck勇气,胆量;决心;精神intension〈古〉专心致志;决心phr.stout heart勇气;决心决心1. determination; a resolution; a decision2. to make up one's mind; to set one's mind on/upon; to resolve决心DECISION双向☞分解--消除--决心双向☞决心--决定决心determination; resolution♦ 下定~ make up one's mind; be resolute; be determined♦ 有~, 有信心 have both determination and confidence~书 written pledge; statement of one's determination




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