

单词 冲撞
释义 文馨文馨★◀▶文馨☞沖撞文馨☞衝撞冲撞 chōngzhuàng1) collide; bump; ram2) give offense; offend冲撞chōngzhuàngto collidejerking motionto impingeto offendto provoke冲撞参见:冲击巨浪冲撞着山崖。 The gigantic waves crashed into the cliffs.参见:冲犯[chōngfàn]【体】to charge冲撞动作 charge合理冲撞 legitimate attack冲撞 chōng zhuàng (撞击) collide; bump; ram; flewit; blunder against:  两辆汽车冲撞到一起了。 The two cars collided.  她在黑暗中冲撞在我身上。 She bumped into me in the dark. (冲犯) give offense; offend:  我的话冲撞了她。 My words offended her. 冲撞防护 bump shield; 冲撞试验 bump test; 冲撞硬度 sclerometric hardness林语堂林语堂★◀▶林语堂☞沖撞林语堂☞衝撞冲撞[chōng zhuàng]1.撞击 collide; bump; jostle:海浪冲撞着山崖。Ocean waves beat against the cliffs. 2. 同 same as 冲犯 chōngfàn:我很后悔不该失言冲撞她。I regret bitterly for offending her by speaking out of turn.冲撞n.run-in碰撞,冲撞vi.buck(山羊等)低头撞去;顶撞,冲撞butt用头(或角)顶撞;冲撞vt.charge猛攻,冲向;【体】冲撞bump(使)猛击;(使)冲撞;撞伤冲撞1. to collide; to bump; to run into; to ram; to crash2. to offend; to give offence; to hurt; to provoke冲撞charging冲撞bumping双向☞碰击--冲撞--打击双向☞冲撞--侵击双向☞剧沸--冲撞冲撞1. collide; bump; ram♦ 渔船遭到敌舰的~。 The fishing boat was rammed by an enemy warship.2. give offence; offend♦ 我没想到这句话竟~了他。 I didn't expect him to take offence at that remark.英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞Barefacedness英華☞Affronting英華☞CONCUSSION英華☞AFFRONT英華☞Appulse英華☞DASH




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