

单词 冲劲儿
释义 冲劲儿干劲vigour(Britain); vigor(US)这姑娘挺有冲劲儿,一个人干了两个人的活儿。 This girl's got so much energy that she can do the work of two people.年轻人有一股冲劲儿。 Young people are full of energy.强烈的刺激性strength这酒有冲劲儿。 This wine's got a real kick.冲劲儿[chòng jìn r]1.敢做、敢向前冲(chōng)的劲头儿 drive; bold spirit; drive and vigour:这姑娘挺有冲劲儿,一个人干了两个人的活儿。The girl worked with such drive that she single-handedly finished the work of two people. 2.强烈的刺激性 strongly stimulating:这酒有冲劲儿,少喝点儿。This liquor is pretty strong, so don't drink too much. or This liquor has a kick; don't drink too much.冲劲儿1. vim and vigour; dash2. strength (of liquor); kick♦ 这二锅头~大。 This erguotou has a lot of kick in it.




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