

单词 冲刺
释义 文馨英漢☞衝刺冲刺 chōngcìspurt; sprint冲刺chōngcìto sprintto spurtto dashbig effort冲刺 chōng cì {体} spurt; sprint; dash:  向终点线冲刺 make a spurt (dash) towards the tape;  最后冲刺 a final sprint; a sprint at the finish 冲刺速度 dash speed冲刺[chōng cì] 跑步、滑冰、游泳等体育竞赛中临近终点时全力向前冲 (of sports competition, such as running, ice-skating or swimming, etc.) make a final dash for the finishing line; sprint冲刺n.kick【体】(尤指中距离赛跑将近终点时的)冲刺burst一阵猛劲;冲刺;【军】连发射击;【物】爆丛sprint短(距离赛)跑;(长距离赛跑中的)冲刺spurt(尤指短暂的)突然加速行进,冲刺vi.sprint(尤指短距离)冲刺,用全速奔跑spurt(尤指短暂地)突然加速行进,冲刺vt.kick使(赛马、赛车等)突然加速,使冲刺冲刺1. [Sports] a sprint; a dash冲刺ramp up冲刺dash冲刺[体]spurt; sprint♦ 向终点线~ make a spurt (or dash) towards the tape♦ 最后~ a final sprint; a sprint at the finish♦ ~速度 dash speed




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