

单词 内定
释义 内定 nèidìng1) decide behind closed doors业务部门的工作人员已经内定了。 The work force for the business department has already been decided in secret.2) be cut and dried内定nèidìngto select sb for a position without announcing the decision until laterto decide behind closed doorsall cut and dried内定to be decided internally but not yet announced人选是内定的。 Someone has been lined up for the post.内定 nèi dìng decided at the higher level but not officially announced; cut and dried:  他们使你觉得你也参与决定, 其实早已内定了。 They make you think you're taking part in the decisions, but it's all cut and dried. 内定[nèi dìng] 在内部决定(多指人事安排) decide (oft. regarding personnel arrangement) by authorities in private:出场队员已经内定。The starting lineup for the game has been decided in private.内定1. unofficial (or not yet finalized) decision国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞缺省--内定内定(of an official appointment) decided at the higher level but not officially announced♦ 听说他已~为下一任部长。 It is said that he has been designated as the incoming minister.




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