

释义 兼1. twice2. two兼 jiān1) v. do concurrently2) b.f. double; twice (兼程)3) adv. concurrently; both兼jiāndoubletwicesimultaneousholding two or more (official) posts at the same time兼 v. 同时涉及或具有to do two or more things concurrently兼通数国文字 understand several languages担任教学兼行政工作 carry out both teaching and administrative work兼秘书职务 undertake secretarial duties身兼数职 hold several posts副总理兼外交部长 Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs势难兼办 carry on in both good times and hard times两种可能,兼而有之。 Both possibilities can happen simultaneously.这些情况兼而有之。 All of these situations exist concurrently. adj. 两倍的twice兼年 two years兼倍 double兼 jiān 形 (两倍的) double; twice:  兼旬 twenty days 副 (同时涉及几种事物) simultaneously; concurrently:  兼管 be concurrently in charge of; also look after;  品学兼优 (of a student) good both in character and at studies 动 (同时进行几件事情或占有几样东西) hold two or more jobs concurrently:  身兼数职 hold several posts simultaneously  (书) (兼并; 并吞) bring together; unite in one; annex 名 (姓氏) a surname:  兼仁 Jian Ren 兼兼 1062C35  80.22  部居  畫數 10ㄐㄧㄢ [jian1] Pron.Both: 兼得 have both (of the things);不可得兼 may not have both at one and the same time.V.t.Bring together, unite in one: 兼并[jian1bing4]↓;兼弱攻昧 annex the weak and fall upon the stupid;兼收並蓄 all-embracing;兼容並包 all-inclusive, (of interest) catholic;兼權熟計 give mature consideration to all aspects of a question;兼營 concurrently operating.Adj.(1)  Both: 兼嗣兩房 be heir to two branches of a family.(2)  Concurrent: 兼職 [jian1zhi2]↓;兼業 concurrent business, enterprise.Adv.(1)  Double, twice: 兼人之量 be able to drink (eat, do) twice as much as another.(2)  Also, as well: 兼司他職 also in charge of other duties;兼辦,兼管 have other functions as well.(3)  Both…and: 品學兼優 (of a student) good both in character and at studies.Words1. 兼愛 [jian1ai4], n., the doctrine of universal love, as advocated by Motse 墨子.2. 兼并 [jian1bing4], v.t., annex (territory).3. 兼差 [jian1chai1], v.i. & n., (hold) concurrent posts.4. 兼程 [jian1cheng2], adv., by forced march day and night.5. 兼顧 [jian1gu4], v.t., look after (two things) at one and the same time; take into equal consideration.6. 兼毫 [jian1hao2], n., Chin. writing brush made with a mixture of wolf’s and goat's hair.7. 兼金 [jian1jin1], n., gold of the best quality (“twice the value”).8. 兼職 [jian1zhi2], v.i. & n., (hold) concurrent jobs.9. 兼理 [jian1li3], adv., concurrently.10. 兼任 [jian1ren4], adv., concurrently, a concurrent posts.11. 兼旬 [jian1xUn2], n., a period of twenty days.12. 兼祧 [jian1tiao1], v.i., be heir to two branches of family.兼[jiān](ㄐㄧㄢ)1.两倍的 double; twice:兼程 travel at double speed兼旬 twenty days 2.同时涉及或具有几种事物 simultaneously; concurrently:兼而有之 have both兼收并蓄 take in everything; incorporate things of different nature品学兼优 have good character and scholarship兼听则明,偏信则暗。You will know the truth if you listen to both sides, and be cheated if you heed to only one side. or Listen to both sides and you will be enlightened; heed to only one side and you will be benighted.他是副厂长兼总工程师。He is deputy factory director and concurrently chief engineer.相关词组软硬兼施兼备 | 兼并 | 兼差 | 兼程 | 兼顾 | 兼毫 | 兼课 | 兼任 | 兼容 | 兼祧 | 兼之 | 兼职 | 兼容并包 | 兼收并蓄兼1. concurrent(ly)2. holding more than one job兼[jiān]形double; twice副simultaneously; concurrently♦ 任总理~外交部长 be Premier and concurrently Minister of Foreign Affairs♦ ~管 be concurrently in charge of; also look after♦ 身~数职 hold several posts simultaneously




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