

释义 文馨英漢☞養养 yǎngI v.1) support; provide for全家人靠他一个人养。 The whole family relies on him alone.2) raise; maintain我养了一条小狗。 I have a little dog.3) give birth to4) form; cultivateII b.f.1) rest; recuperate (养病)2) foster; adoptive (养子, 养女)养yǎngto raise (animals)to bring up (children)to keep (pets)to supportto give birth养 n. 修养cultivation有教养的 genteel学养有素 be cultured and refined v. 供养to provide for儿女有义务养父母 it is the children's duty to support their parents饲养;繁殖;培植to keep; to breed; to grow养猪 raise pigs养鸡 keep chickens养蚕 rear silkworms养种马 breed stud horses养花 grow flowers养狗 keep a dog生育to give birth to培养to form调养to recuperate他的病虽然好了,但还须养一个时期。 Even though he's better, he still needs to rest for a period of time.参见:养护留长to let one's hair grow养胡髭 let one's beard grow long扶植to support以农养牧,以牧促农 use agriculture to support animal husbandry, use animal husbandry to promote agriculture adj. 收养的foster养 yǎng 动 (供养) support; provide for:  养家 support a family (饲养; 培植) raise; keep; grow:  养蜂 keep bees;  养花 grow flowers;  养鸟 keep pet birds;  养鸭 raise ducks (生育) give birth to:  她养了个儿子。 She gave birth to a boy. (培养) form; acquire; cultivate:  养成良好的习惯 cultivate ood habits (使身心得到滋补或休息, 以增进精力或恢复健康)rest; convalesce; heal; recuperate one's health:  静养 rest quietly to recuperate; convalesce;  养好伤 heal one's wounds;  养身体 recuperate (养护) maintain; keep in good repair:  养路 maintain a road or railway (毛发留长; 蓄发) wear one's hair long 形 (抚养的; 非亲生的) foster; adoptive:  养父(母) foster father (mother);  养子 (女) adopted son (daughter) 名 (姓氏) a surname:  养由基 Yang Youji 养[yǎng](ㄧㄤˇ)(養)1.供给生活资料或生活费用 support; provide for:抚养 foster赡养 support养家活口 support a family 2.饲养(动物);培植(花草)raise (animals); grow (plants):养猪 raise pigs养蚕 raise silkworms养花 grow flowers 3.生育 give birth to:她养了一个儿子。She gave birth to a boy. 4.抚养的(非亲生的)foster; adoptive:养子 adopted son养女 adopted daughter养父 foster father养母 foster mother 5.培养 form; acquire; cultivate:他从小养成了爱劳动的习惯。He has cultivated a good habit of loving physical labour. 6.使身心得到滋补或休息,以增进精力或恢复健康 rest; convalesce; recuperate one's health; heal:保养 take good care of one's health休养 recuperate疗养 convalesce营养 nutrition养料 nourishment养精蓄锐 conserve strength and store up energy 7.修养 accomplishment:教养 upbringing学养有素 well trained in learning and cultivation 8. 同 same as 养护 yǎnghù ①:养路 maintain a road or railway 9.(毛发)留长;蓄起不剪 let (one's hair) grow long 10.扶植;扶助 support; help:以农养牧,以牧促农 use agriculture to support animal husbandry, and use animal husbandry to promote agriculture相关词组包养 | 保养 | 抱养 | 补养 | 哺养 | 畜养 | 放养 | 奉养 | 扶养 | 抚养 | 给养 | 供养 | 涵养 | 护养 | 豢养 | 寄养 | 家养 | 将养 | 娇养 | 教养 | 静养 | 鞠养 | 疗养 | 领养 | 轮养 | 培养 | 弃养 | 圈养 | 认养 | 赡养 | 生养 | 侍养 | 收养 | 饲养 | 素养 | 调养 | 喂养 | 限养 | 休养 | 修养 | 蓄养 | 学养 | 驯养 | 颐养 | 营养 | 滋养 | 教养员 | 疗养院 | 童养媳 | 营养素 | 休养生息 | 营养元素 | 富营养化 | 姑息养奸 | 韬光养晦 | 娇生惯养 | 劳动教养养兵 | 养病 | 养地 | 养分 | 养父 | 养护 | 养活 | 养老 | 养廉 | 养料 | 养路 | 养母 | 养女 | 养气 | 养人 | 养伤 | 养神 | 养生 | 养性 | 养育 | 养殖 | 养子 | 养老院 | 养媳妇 | 养虎遗患 | 养痈成患 | 养尊处优养vt.beef养(菜牛);宰(菜牛)养1. to raise; to keep; to grow2. to provide for3. adoptive or foster4. to cultivate or acquire5. to recuperate养[yǎng]动1. support; provide for♦ ~家 support a family♦ 我从小没了父母, 是姑姑把我~大的。 I lost my parents when I was a child, and was brought up by my aunt.2. raise; keep; grow♦ ~鸭 raise ducks♦ ~鸟 keep pet birds♦ ~花 grow flowers3. give birth to♦ 她~了个儿子。 She gave birth to a boy.4. form; acquire; cultivate♦ ~成良好的习惯 cultivate good habits5. rest; convalesce; recuperate one's health; heal♦ ~身体 recuperate♦ 你这回病得不轻, 应该好好~~。 You've been seriously ill and should take a good rest.6. let (one's hair) grow7. maintain; keep in good repair♦ 养路 形foster; adoptive♦ ~父(母) foster father (mother)♦ ~子(女) adopted son (daughter)




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