

释义 典1. allusion2. ceremony3. law4. pawn5. a rule6. to pawn7. to mortgage典 diǎnI v.1) mortgage2) wr. be in charge ofII b.f.1) standard (典型)2) allusion (典故)3) ceremony (典礼)4) dictionary (字典)5) canon (经典)典diǎncanonlawstandard work of scholarshipliterary quotation or allusionceremonyto be in charge ofto mortgage or pawn典 n. 标准;法则official standard; canon典范性书籍;经典著作standard work of scholarship; classical work参见:典故[diǎngù]用典不当 inappropriate use of literary allusion参见:典礼[diǎnlǐ]盛典 ceremony国庆大典 National Day ceremony v. 主持<书>to be in charge of典试 examiner参见:典当典 diǎn 名 (标准; 法则) standard; law; canon (典范性书籍) standard work of scholarship:  词典 dictionary;  药典 plarmacopoeia;  引经据典 quote from classics; quote great masters (典故) allusion; literary quotation:  用典 use allusion (典礼) ceremony:  开国大典 founding ceremony (of a state);  盛典 a grand ceremony(occasion) (姓氏) a surname:  典韦 Dian Wei 动  (书) (主持; 主管) be in charge of:  典狱 prison warden (向人借钱时用地产、房屋作抵押) mortgage:  被迫典出两亩地 be forced to mortgage two mu of land 典典 374B45  22.80  部居  畫數 8ㄉㄧㄢˇ [dian3] N.(1)  Established or traditional system, institution or laws: 法典 code of laws;典刑 [dian3xing2]1↓;國有常典 established laws of country.(2)  Model, established standard: 典則 model, standard: 典範 [dian3fan4]↓.(3)  Classic: 經典 the classic;佛典 Buddhist classic.(4)  Dictionary, encyclopaedia: 字典 dictionary;辭典 dictionary of phrases;永樂大典 Encyclopaedia (collection) of Emperor Yunglo;會典 encyclopaedia on institutions of a dyn.;通典 name of an encyclopaedia (Tarng Dyn.).(5)  Literary allusion or reference: 語出何典 what is the allusion to? 典故 [dian3gu4]↓.(6)  A surname.V.t.(1)  To mortgage, to pawn: 典業 mortgage property;典賣,典當,典押 [dian3mai4], [dian3dang4], [dian3ya1]↓.(2)  To supervise, be in charge of: 典試 act as chief examiner;典獄 in charge of prison: 典獄官 prison warden.Words1. 典奧 [dian3ao4], adj. & n., profound, profundity.2. 典常 [dian3chang2], n., established laws and customs.3. 典當 [dian3dang4], v.t., pawn (articles).4. 典範 [dian3fan4], n., model to be copied, followed.5. 典故 [dian3gu4], n., literary reference or allusion.6. 典章 [dian3zhang1], n., cultural establishments (典章文物); anc. institutions.7. 典籍 [dian3ji2], n., books in gen., esp. anc. works.8. 典制 [dian3zhi4]1, n., traditional institutions.9. 典質 [dian3zhi4]2, v.t., to pawn (articles).10. 典賣 [dian3mai4], v.t., to mortgage.11. 典舖 [dian3pu4], n., pawnshop.12. 典刑 [dian3xing2]1, n., laws, esp. penalties: 明正典刑 carry out a capital punishment.13. 典型 [dian3xing2]2, n. & adj., model: 典型人物 model personalities.14. 典守 [dian2shou3], v.t., to be in charge of (prisons, etc.).15. 典史 [dian3shi3], n., district chief of police (Manchu Dyn.).16. 典押 [dian3ya1], n. & v.t., mortgage, used as pledge in loan, pawn.17. 典雅 [dian2ya3], adj., refined, cultured (of manners, writing).典1[diǎn](ㄉㄧㄢˇ)1.标准;法则 standard; canon:典范 example典章 laws and rules 2.典范性书籍 standard work of scholarship:词典 dictionary引经据典 quote from classics 3.典故 allusion:用典 (use of) allusion出典 source of an allusion 4.典礼 ceremony:盛典 grand ceremony开国大典 founding ceremony of a sovereign state 5.〈书 fml.〉主持;主管 be in charge of:典试 examiner典狱 warden 6.(Diǎn) 姓 a surname典2[diǎn](ㄉㄧㄢˇ)一方把土地或房屋等押给另一方使用,换取一笔钱,不付利息,议定年限,到期还款,收回原物 pawn; give land or real estate as security for the payment of money borrowed free of interest, with the two parties retrieving their money and property respectively by the end of the agreed period相关词组操典 | 出典 | 词典 | 辞典 | 大典 | 恩典 | 法典 | 佛典 | 古典 | 会典 | 婚典 | 经典 | 庆典 | 盛典 | 事典 | 释典 | 药典 | 应典 | 字典 | 活字典 | 古典文学 | 古典主义 | 数典忘祖 | 明正典刑 | 引经据典典当 | 典范 | 典故 | 典籍 | 典借 | 典礼 | 典型 | 典押 | 典雅 | 典章典n.hock典,当,抵押典,当,抵押;抵押状态;债务vt.engage〈废〉典,当,押phr.standard book典范性书籍,典典1. a statute; law; canon2. books; records3. allusions4. to pawn; to mortgage典[diǎn]名1. standard; law; canon♦ 典范 2. standard work of scholarship♦ 词典 3. allusion; literary quotation♦ 用~ use allusions4. ceremony♦ 盛典 动1. 书 be in charge of♦ 典狱 2. mortgage; pawn




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