

释义 兵1. arms2. military3. pawn4. soldier5. troops6. weapons兵 bīngI n.1) soldier2) rank-and-file soldier3) army; troops4) pawn in Ch. chessII b.f.1) weapons; arms (兵器)2) military (兵力)兵bīngsoldiersa forcean armyweaponsarmsmilitarywarlikeCL:个[gè]兵 n. 参见:兵器[bīngqì]军队armed forces(plural)骑兵 cavalry防化学兵 anti-chemical warfare corps军人soldier新兵 new recruit工农兵 workers, peasants, and soldiers【棋】pawn adj. 军事的military兵 bīng 名 (武器) arms; weapons:  秣马厉兵 feed the horses and sharpen the weapons;  短兵相接 fight hand to hand; in close combat;  坚甲利兵 strong armour and sharp weapons (军人) soldier:  当兵 be a soldier; serve (enlist) in the armed forces;  练兵 train soldiers;  老兵 seasoned soldier; veteran;  新兵 recruit (军队) army; troops:  工程兵 engineer troops (corps);  阅兵 review troops (军队中的最基层成员) rank-and-file soldier; private:  官兵一致 unity between officers and men;  (美军陆军)一等兵 Private First Class (关于军事或战争的) military affairs (strategy):  用兵如神 direct military operations with miraculous skill;  纸上谈兵 be an armchair strategist (中国象棋棋子之一) pawn, one of the pieces in Chinese chess兵兵 1164C35  90.80  部居  畫數 7ㄅㄧㄥ [bing1] N.(1)  Military weapons: 堅甲利兵 good armor and weapons;in combb. 兵器,兵仗,甲兵 such weapons;短兵相接 in close combat.(2)  Soldiers, troops: 士兵,兵士 soldiers, privates;練兵 train soldiers;當兵 enlist;徵兵 conscription;soldiers of various units, such as 砲兵 artillery unit;步兵 infantry;騎兵 cavalry;工兵 labour corps;精兵 crack troops;敗兵,散兵 defeated, stray troops;亂兵 beaten, scattered soldiery;伏兵 ambush.(3)  War, things that have to do with war: 起兵,興兵 raise troops in revolt or war;進兵 advance, advancing troops;用兵 launch troops, quality of war policy, (good, bad) command of troops;交兵 meet in combat;閱兵 review troops;兵不厭詐 phr., all is fair in love and war;兵荒馬亂 phr., troops in bad array;兵連禍結 phr., continual wars.Words1. 兵變 [bing1bian4], n., mutiny.2. 兵柄 [bing1bing4], n., military command.3. 兵部 [bing1bu4], n., anc. department of war.4. 兵差 [bing1chai1], n., conscript labor: 當兵差 enlisted as soldier.5. 兵船 [bing1chuan2], n., gunboat.6. 兵丁 [bing1ding1], n., private soldier.7. 兵端 [bing1duan1], n., as in 開兵端 start hostilities.8. 兵隊 [bing1dui4], n., troops.9. 兵房 [bing1fang2], n., barracks.10. 兵符 [bing1fu2], n., commander's seal or tally.11. 兵戈 [bing1ge1], n., warfare, fighting.12. 兵革 [bing1ge2], n., military weapons.13. 兵工廠 [bing1gong1chang3], n., arsenal, ammunition works.14. 兵站 [bing1zhan4], n., military supplies depot.15. 兵機 [bing1ji1], n., military strategy, plans.16. 兵家 [bing1jia1], n., (AC) one of the nine schools of thinkers, specializing in military science.17. 兵艦 [bing1jian4], n., gunboat.18. 兵略 [bing1liao4], n., military strategy.19. 兵輪 [bing1lun2], n., (obs.) gunboat.20. 兵馬 [bing1ma3], n., military affairs.21. 兵刃 [bing1ren4], n., military weapons.22. 兵戎 [bing1rong2], n., warfare: 兵戎相見 open hostilities.23. 兵燹 [bing1xian3], n., (LL) fire, havoc, turmoil caused by war.24. 兵餉 [bing1xiang3], n., soldier's pay; costs of maintenance and supplies of army.25. 兵士 [bing1shi4]1, n., individual soldiers, privates.26. 兵勢 [bing1shi4]2, n., army power; shape, condition or position of army.27. 兵策 [bing1ce4], n., military strategy.28. 兵役 [bing1yi4], n., military service.29. 兵營 [bing1ying2], n., barracks.兵[bīng](ㄅㄧㄥ)1.兵器 weapons; arms:短兵相接 fight at close quarters秣马厉兵 feed the horses and sharpen the weapons - prepare for battle 2.军人;军队 soldier; army; troops:当兵 join the army; be a soldier兵种 branch of one of the services骑兵 cavalry; horse soldier; cavalryman 3.军队中的最基层成员 members of the army at the grassroots level; rank-and-file soldier; private:上等兵 Private First Class 4.关于军事或战争的 military; related to war:兵法 art of war; military strategy and tactics兵书 book or treatise on the art of war相关词组败兵 | 搬兵 | 标兵 | 步兵 | 裁兵 | 残兵 | 撤兵 | 陈兵 | 称兵 | 出兵 | 大兵 | 刀兵 | 动兵 | 发兵 | 分兵 | 伏兵 | 工兵 | 官兵 | 号兵 | 护兵 | 甲兵 | 尖兵 | 交兵 | 进兵 | 精兵 | 救兵 | 礼兵 | 练兵 | 列兵 | 乱兵 | 弭兵 | 民兵 | 募兵 | 炮兵 | 奇兵 | 骑兵 | 起兵 | 伞兵 | 哨兵 | 士兵 | 收兵 | 水兵 | 逃兵 | 天兵 | 退兵 | 屯兵 | 卫兵 | 宪兵 | 兴兵 | 雄兵 | 养兵 | 疑兵 | 用兵 | 援兵 | 阅兵 | 招兵 | 征兵 | 重兵 | 抓兵 | 募兵制 | 工程兵 | 航空兵 | 雷达兵 | 排头兵 | 勤务兵 | 上等兵 | 坦克兵 | 特种兵 | 通信兵 | 义务兵 | 志愿兵 | 装甲兵 | 子弟兵 | 哀兵必胜 | 按兵不动 | 短兵相接 | 缓兵之计 | 精兵简政 | 厉兵秣马 | 穷兵黩武 | 散兵游勇 | 损兵折将 | 虾兵蟹将 | 招兵买马 | 志愿兵制 | 草木皆兵 | 老弱残兵 | 秣马厉兵 | 先礼后兵 | 纸上谈兵 | 雇佣兵役制 | 义务兵役制 | 赔了夫人又折兵兵变 | 兵差 | 兵车 | 兵船 | 兵丁 | 兵法 | 兵符 | 兵戈 | 兵革 | 兵火 | 兵家 | 兵舰 | 兵谏 | 兵力 | 兵乱 | 兵痞 | 兵棋 | 兵器 | 兵权 | 兵戎 | 兵士 | 兵书 | 兵团 | 兵燹 | 兵饷 | 兵役 | 兵营 | 兵勇 | 兵员 | 兵源 | 兵灾 | 兵站 | 兵种 | 兵卒 | 兵工厂 | 兵马俑 | 兵役法 | 兵油子 | 兵不血刃 | 兵不厌诈 | 兵贵神速 | 兵荒马乱 | 兵临城下 | 兵强马壮 | 兵来将挡,水来土掩兵n.pawn(国际象棋中的)兵,卒(略作P)兵1. arms2. a member (other than an officer whether commissioned) of the armed forces兵non-rated man兵[bīng]名1. weapons; arms2. soldier♦ 当兵 3. rank-and-file soldier; private♦ 官兵 4. army; troops♦ 骑兵 5. military♦ 纸上谈兵 6. pawn, one of the pieces in Chinese chess




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