

单词 兴趣
释义 文馨英漢☞興趣兴趣 xìngqùinterest大家各有各的兴趣。 Tastes differ.兴趣xìngqùinterest (desire to know about sth)interest (thing in which one is interested)hobbyCL:个[gè]兴趣interest感到兴趣 be interested个人兴趣 personal interest不感兴趣 not interested并不那么感兴趣 really not that interested怀着极大的兴趣 have a huge interest in兴趣 xìng qù interest; taste:  广泛的兴趣 catholic tastes;  不感兴趣 be not interested in;  感兴趣 be interested in;  各有各的兴趣。 Tastes differ.  他对科学发生了兴趣。 He has developed an interest in science.  他的报告引起了大家的兴趣。 His report aroused the interest of all. 兴趣[xìng qù] 喜好的情绪 interest:我对下棋不感兴趣。I'm not interested in chess.人们怀着极大的兴趣参观了画展。People visited the exhibition of paintings with great interest.兴趣n.interest兴趣,兴味;关注;爱好taste(个人的)兴趣,爱好motivation积极性;干劲;兴趣accent注重点;强调;兴趣;赞许 (on)relish胃口;〈喻〉滋味;兴趣;兴味;爱好;饶有趣味的事物zest兴趣,兴味;热情兴趣1. interest; (an) appeal; a kick; (a) relish; (a) zest; a taste兴趣interest兴趣hobbies双向☞利害关系--关心--趣味双向☞注意--利益--利害关系双向☞活动--兴趣--意见双向☞利益--兴趣兴趣interest♦ 对文学产生了~ become interested in literature♦ 我对下棋不感~。 I'm not interested in chess.




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