

单词 公平竞争
释义 公平竞争 gōngpíng jìngzhēngfair play/competition公平竞争gōngpíngjìngzhēngfair competition公平竞争在对等的条件下竞争fair competition十三大提出要搞公务员制度,各方面反映很好,因为这意味着公平竞争。 The 13th Congress proposed setting up a public servant system. The reaction from all quarters was very good, as this signified fair competition.我们要努力营造有利于吸引投资者的投资环境,吸引技术和人才,促进各种市场主体公平竞争。 We must work hard to create an attractive investment environment, pull in technology and talent, and promote fair competition between all types of market entity.公平竞争phr.open go〈澳口〉公平竞争公平竞争1. fair play; fair competition公平竞争fair play




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