

单词 全军覆没
释义 文馨英漢☞全軍覆沒全军覆没 quánjūn fùmòThe army was totally annihilated.全军覆没quánjūnfùmòtotal defeat of an army (idiom); fig. a complete wipeout全军覆没to be utterly wiped out; a whole army completely annihilated全军覆没 quán jūn fù mò The whole army was (completely) wiped out.; completely annihilated; roll up horse and foot; roll up horse, foot and guns; The whole army is drowned.; The whole army was destroyed (annihilated).; total destruction of an army全军覆没1. completely annihilated2. total destruction of an army3. The whole army was annihilated.全军覆没the whole army overwhelmed—a complete failure♦ 这一仗第一师~。 The First Division was practically wiped out in the battle.




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