

释义 克1. gram2. to limit3. to win4. to overcomeABCABC★◀▶克 kèI b.f.1) overcome (克服)2) subdue; capture (city/etc.) (攻克)3) restrain (克己)4) digest (克食)5) set a time limit (刻期)6) can; be able toII v.coll. bullyIII m.gram克 kēicoll. reprimand; scold克kèto be able toto subdueto restrainto overcomegramTibetan unit of land area, about 6 aresKèKe (c. 2000 BC), seventh of the legendary Flame Emperors, 炎帝[Yán dì] descended from Shennong 神农[Shén nóng] Farmer Godkèvariant of 克[kè]to subdueto overthrowto restrainkēito scoldto beatkèvariant of 克[kè]克 n. 公制重量单位gram藏族地区容量单位Tibetan unit of volume or dry measure equal to about 25 jin藏族地区地积单位Tibetan unit of area equal to about 1 mu v. 能can不克分身 be unable to get away参见:克服[kèfú]攻克to subdue克敌 subdue the enemy攻克敌垒 capture the enemy's base攻必克。 Victory is inevitable.消化to digest限定时间to set a time limit严格限定to restrain克 kè 动 (能) can; be able to:  不克分身 be unable to leave what one is doing at the moment; can't get away;  弗克如愿 can not have it as one wished (克服; 克制) restrain; control:  克制 exercise restraint;  柔能克刚。 Softness can overcome strength. (攻下据点; 战胜) overcome; subdue; capture (a city, etc.):  迭克名城 capture one important city after another;  攻无不克 be invincible (消化) digest (减少应给的数量) cut down; reduce (严格限定期限) set a time limit:  克期完工 set a date for completing the wor 量 (公制重量或质量单位) gram (g.) (藏族容量单位,一克青稞约二十五斤) a Tibetan unit of volume or dry measure (holding about 25 jin of barley) (藏族土地面积单位,约合一市亩) a Tibetan unit of land area equal to about 1 mu“剋、尅” 另见 kēi。林语堂林语堂★◀▶克克 33B40  10.70  部居  畫數 7ㄎㄜˋ [ke4] N.Gram, weight unit: 毫克,厘克,克,千克 (公斤) milligram, centigram, gram, kilogram.Aux. vb.(AC, LL) can=modn. 能:不克分身 cannot leave here;克勤克儉 have capacity for industry and thrift;克紹箕裘 can carry on father's tradition;弗克如願 could not have it as one wished;克享 can enjoy;克當 be worthy;克堪 be worthy to receive.V.t.To overcome, conquer: 克難 overcome difficulty, crisis;柔能克剛 softness can overcome strength;克私,克欲 overcome selfishness, desires;克己,克制,克服,克復 [ke4ji3], [ke4zhi4], [ke4fu2], [ke4fu4]↓.Adj.The very (day): 克日,克期完成 finish the very day, on set date (also wr. 剋).Words1. 克復 [ke4fu4], v.t., recover (lost territory).2. 克服 [ke4fu2], v.t., overcome (difficulty, opposition).3. 克家 [ke4jia1], adj., (AC) be worthy to carry on family fortune; 克家子 such worthy son.4. 克己 [ke4ji3], adj., unselfish, or v.i., overcome selfishness; adj., (in business sales) sacrifice, cheap; self-denial.5. 克制 [ke4zhi4], v.t., overcome (feelings, desires), rule over (territory).6. 克拉 [ke4la1], n., (translit.) carat unit of weight (also wr. 卡刺特).林语堂☞剋克1[kè](ㄎㄜˋ)(剋、尅)1.能 can; able to; capable of:克勤克俭 practise diligence and thrift不克分身 have one's hands full 2.克服;克制 restrain:克己 self-restraint; self-abnegation以柔克刚 overcome the tough with the mild 3.攻下据点;战胜 conquer; subjugate:克复 recapture; recover克敌 beat or defeat an enemy攻必克 invincible 4.消化 digest; absorb:克食 help digestion克化 digest克2[kè](ㄎㄜˋ)(剋、尅)严格限定(期限)set a strict time limit:克期 schedule克日 set a deadline亦 also 刻 kè另见 剋(尅)kēi克3[kè](ㄎㄜˋ)国际单位制、公制的质量单位,1克等于1千克(公斤)的千分之一 gramme, the basic unit for measuring weight in the international unit system and metric system. 1 gramme equals one 1,000th of 1 kg. [法 French: gramme]克4[kè](ㄎㄜˋ)1.藏族地区容量单位,1克青稞约重25市斤 ke, a Tibetan unit of volume or dry measure (1 ke equals approximately 12.5 kg. of qingke barley) 2.藏族地区地积单位,播种1克(约25市斤)种子的土地称为1克地,1克约合1市亩 ke, a Tibetan unit of land area (an acreage of land large enough for the sowing of 12.5 kg. of seeds), equal to about 1 mu相关词组不克 | 攻克 | 夹克 | 夸克 | 马克 | 扑克 | 千克 | 茄克 | 坦克 | 休克 | 勒克斯 | 麦克风 | 巧克力 | 萨克管 | 坦克兵 | 马赛克 | 欧佩克 | 丁克家庭 | 麦克斯韦 | 鄂温克族 | 反坦克炮 | 哥萨克人 | 哈萨克族 | 塔吉克族 | 罗曼蒂克 | 孟什维克 | 相生相克 | 爱克斯射线 | 立克次氏体 | 马克思主义 | 柯尔克孜族 | 乌孜别克族 | 布尔什维克 | 马克思列宁主义 | 奥林匹克运动会 | 盎格鲁撒克逊人克服 | 克复 | 克化 | 克己 | 克扣 | 克拉 | 克朗 | 克隆 | 克期 | 克日 | 克食 | 克星 | 克制 | 克格勃 | 克郎球 | 克敌制胜 | 克己奉公 | 克勤克俭 | 克丝钳子 | 克里姆林宫克n.gram克(重量或质量单位,略作 gm.)克1. to scold; to beat\\\\1.[Formal] to be able to2. to subdue3. a gram克gram {=g}克gramme克gram双向☞克--公克克[kè]动1. can; be able to♦ 弗~如愿 could not have it as one wished♦ ~享 be able to enjoy; be in good health2. restrain♦ 克己 3. overcome ; subdue; capture (a city, etc.)♦ 迭~名城 capture one important city after another4. digest♦ 克食 5. set a time limit♦ 克期 量gram (g.)




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