

单词 光度
释义 光度1. brightness2. luminosity3. intensity of light光度 guāngdùphy. luminosity光度guāngdùluminosity光度【理】luminosity光度测量 photometric measurements【天】photon光度 guāng dù {物} luminosity 光度标 photometric scale; 光度标准灯 luminous standard lamp; 光度测定法 photometry; 光度测量法 photometric method; 光度插入法 method of photometric interpolation; 光度滴定 {分化} photometric titration; 光度滴定法 {化} photometric titration; photometry; 光度法 photometry; 光度分布计 {光} distribution photometer; light-distribution photometer; 光度分类 luminosity classification; 光度分析器 photometric analyzer; 光度高温计 pyrophotometer; 光度过大恒星 overluminous star; 光度过低恒星 underluminous star; 光度函数 {天} luminosity function; relative luminosity factor; 光度基准(器) primary photometric standard; 光度积分器 photometric integrator; 光度积分球 photometric integrating sphere; 光度计 {摄} photometer; photometric receiver; luminometer; lightmeter; lumeter; 光度计算机 photometric computer; 光度孔径 {摄} photometric aperture; 光度适应计 biophotometer; 光度视差 {天} photometric parallax; 光度术 photometry; 光度双星 {天} photometric binary; 光度特大恒星 {天} overluminous star; 光度头 optical head (投影器); 光度效率 luminous efficiency; 光度型 {天} luminosity classes; 光度学 {光} light measurement; photometry; 光度佯谬 photometrical paradox; 光度遥测术 telephotometry; 光度值 shading value光度 [guang1du4], n., (phys.) intensity of light.光度[guāng dù]1.光源所发的光的强度。通常以烛光为单位。 luminosity; intensity of light produced by a light source, usu. using candle light as a unit 2.恒星的真实亮度,用整个恒星的表面每秒钟放出的能量来表示 true luminosity of a star, indicated by the energy released by the surface of the whole star per second光度n.photon光度(视网膜照度单位,等于1毫米2的瞳孔看到的1烛光/米2的照度)luminosity光度,亮度fluence【物】能量密度,光度光度1. [Physics] luminosity光度luminance; luminosity光度sunlight intensity光度luminosity光度luminance双向☞光度--主观亮度--发光度双向☞发光效率--光度--发光体双向☞色彩明度--光度--色价双向☞光强--照度--光度双向☞光泽--亮度--光度双向☞量--大小--光度双向☞光度--发光强度双向☞光度--发光度双向☞照度--光度光度[物]luminosity~计 photometer英華字典資料庫英漢部分☞BRIGHTNESS




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