

释义 先1. ahead2. ancestor3. before4. earlier5. first6. in advance先 xiānI adv.1) before; earlier; in advance2) for the time being; for the moment (with negative)你先别走。 Don't leave yet.II cons.先 A zài B: first A and then BIII b.f.1) elder generation (先辈)2) ancestor (祖先)3) late; deceased (先父)4) progressive (先进)IV pref.pre-先xiānearlypriorformerin advancefirst先 n. 时间次序在前priority先难后易 the hard before the easy先易后难,循序渐进。 Make steady progress, resolving simple issues before tackling trickier ones.争先恐后 fight to come out on top for fear of falling behind我们有约在先。 We have a prior engagement.我有言在先 I have something to say before we begin<口>参见:先前[xiānqián]现在的生活比先强多了。 Life is much better now than it was before.你先怎么不告诉我? Why didn't you tell me before?祖先;上代ancestor; previous generation adj. 尊称死者late adv. 行动在前first应当先办这件事。 This matter should be handled first.你先听完再反驳。 You should hear it out before you start being contradictory.先把主要问题解决 solve the principal problems first必须先讲好 things must be agreed on first这件事我比你先知道。 I knew about this before you did.我先谈谈经过情形。 Firstly I will talk about the ins and outs of the situation.教育者必须先受教育。 The educators must first be educated.先 xiān 名 (时间或次序在前的) earlier; before; first; in advance:  有言在先 make clear beforehand;  争先恐后 strive to be the first and fear to lag behind;  你不必先付款。 You don't have to pay in advance.  你先拟个提纲再写。 Make an outline before you start writing.  他比我先到。 He arrived earlier than I did.; He arrived there before me.  他在班上遥遥领先。 He is far in advance of his class.  同志们先别走。 Don't go yet, comrades.  我先说几句。 Let me say a few words first.  先做学生,再做先生。 Be a pupil before you become a teacher. (祖先; 上代) elder generation; ancestor:  祖先 ancestor: forefather (尊称死去的人) deceased; late:  先父 my late father  (口) (先前) earlier on; before:  你先怎么不告诉我? Why didn't you tell me before? (姓氏) a surname:  先轸 Xian Zhen 先先 32B05  10.70  部居  畫數 6ㄒㄧㄢ [xian1]  (*ㄒㄧㄢˋ [xian4] ).N.(1)  Place ahead, time before: 在你之先 ahead of you;未開始之先 before it began;see 先前[xian1qian2]↓.(2)  A surname.V.t.(1)  To precede: 先意承志 do things before one is told.(2)  (pr. *[xian4] in AC classics)To go before, precede: 知所先後 to know what should precede, and what follow;先己後人 put self before others;先下手為強 advantage for striking first.Adj.(1)  Ahead in place, before in time, opp. 後 behind: 先路 road ahead, those leading;先例[xian1li4]↓(2)  The deceased, the late (uncle, mother, husband, wife, etc.): 先大夫,先府君 my (our) late father;先秦 pre-Chirn period.(3)  Pertaining to past ages: 先聖,先賢,先哲,先輩 [xian1sheng4], [xian1xian2], [xian1zhe2], [xian1bei4]↓.(4)  Of prime importance or prior in importance: 先要[xian1yao4]↓.Adv.First, before (other things): 我先吃了 I have eaten already (ahead of dinner hour);first: 你先去 or 在先, you go first;以先,之先;(used after vb.) before: 未去之先 before he went away;先發制人(mil.) the advantage of initiative or initial attack, also in social or political fights;先禮後兵 first a courteous exchange of words, then war;先入為主 the first speaker has the advantage to instil certain notions;先入之見 prejudice;先花後果“first flower, then fruit”-first have daughters, then sons;先錢後酒 first pay, then deliver goods;先斬後奏 (general) empowered to kill first then report later;先親後不改 the form of address of a relative does not change if a new relationship develops;先憂後樂 first labor, then enjoy later;先天下之憂而憂,後天下之樂而樂 a leader should plan and worry ahead of the people, and enjoy the fruits after the people.Words1. 先輩 [xian1bei4], n., the elder generation.2. 先妣 [xian1bi3], n., my deceased mother.3. 先前 [xian1qian2], adv., in times before: 先前不這樣 it was not so before.4. 先期 [xian1qi2], (1) adv., beforehand: 先期通知他 inform him beforehand; (2) in earlier period.5. 先驅 [xian1qU1], n., pioneer, vanguard.6. 先達 [xian1dao4], n., the elder leaders, leaders of the past generation, see [xian1sheng4], [xian1xian2]↓.7. 先導 [xian1dao4], n., pioneer; guide, leader setting example for others.8. 先德 [xian1de2], n., (1)the respected elders; (2)(court.) another's ancestors.9. 先鋒 [xian1feng1], n., vanguard; leader of a movement.10. 先河 [xian1he2], n., (LL) beginnings, breaking of path for others to follow (as the sea can be traced back to the rivers).11. 先後 [xian1hou4], (1)adv., successively: 先後到會(guests)come in succession; (2)n., order of precedence.12. 先兆 [xian1zhao4], n., omen, foreboding of what is to come.13. 先正 [xian1zheng4], n., see [xian1xian2]↓.14. 先哲 [xian1zhe2], n., wise men of the past.15. 先見 [xian1jian4], n., foresight, vision: 先見之明 the ability to discern what is coming.16. 先進 [xian1jin4], n., the forerunners: 先進國家 the countries that have progressed ahead.17. 先知 [xian1zhi1], n., prophet, seer.18. 先決 [xian1jUe2]1, adj., first to be determined: 先決問題,條件 problem, terms, to be decided first, precondition.19. 先覺 [xian1jUe2]2, n., prophet: 先知先覺 phr., see[xian1zhi1]↑.20. 先君 [xian1jUn1], n., my late father; 令先君 your late father.21. 先考 [xian1kao3], n., deceased father; cf. 先妣[xian1bi3]↑.22. 先烈 [xian1lie4], n., the martyrs of the past.23. 先例 [xian1li4], n., a precedent: 古無先例 unprecedented in history.24. 先令 [xian1ling4], n., (translit.) a shilling.25. 先民 [xian1min2], n., ancestors of a race, primitive forbears.26. 先人 [xian1ren2], n.,ancestors.27. 先容 [xian1rong2], v.i., to speak for person before one contacts or sees persons on business: 為我先容 speak for me first.28. 先聖 [xian1sheng4], n., sages of the past.29. 先生 [xian1sheng0], n., (1)teacher; (2) Mr.(used after surname) 林先生 Mr. Lin (or after personal name, which is also courteous among friends and acquaintances: 克強先生); 某某先生夫人 Mr. & Mrs. So-and-so; (3) a court. address to scholars, elders: 諸位先生 gentlemen (opening address); (4) as address to literate profession: 賬房先生 Mr. treasurer; 風水先生 necromancer; 星相先生 astrologer; (5) a singsong girl: 小先生 non-adult girl; 大先生 adult girl; (6) reference to husband: 我的,他的先生不在家 my ,her, husband is not at home; (7)(in Yuarn Dyn.) a Taoist priest.30. 先聲 [xian1sheng1], n., first signs, herald, precursor (to an event or change).31. 先賢 [xian1xian2], n., wise men; scholars of the past.32. 先行 [xian1xing2], adv., first: 先行試辦 try first this arrangement.33. 先手 [xian1shou3], n., the first by turn or in action.34. 先師 [xian1shi1], n., teacher or master of the past: 至聖大成先師孔子 Confucius, the ultimate teacher and master.35. 先世 [xian1shi4]1 n., former generations.36. 先事 [xian1shi4]2 adv., first: 先事宣傳 begin first with publicity, propaganda.37. 先是 [xian1shi4]3 adv., (LL) to go back to the beginning (introducing background of story).38. 先室 [xian1shi4]4 n., my late wife.39. 先識 [xian1shi4]5 n., foresight.40. 先緒 [xian1xU4], n., ancestral heritage.41. 先史 [xian1shi3], adj., prehistoric: 先史時代 prehistoric times.42. 先天 [xian1tian1], n., (1) born constitution, physique or mental energy; (2)instinctive, inborn, innate (kindness); n., (3) 先天性 adj.&. n., (disease) congenital.43. 先頭 [xian1tou2], adv.,(1) at first: 先頭他不知道 at first he did not know; [xian1tou2], adv., (2) formerly.44. 先策 [xian1ce4], v.t., to foretell, predict (outcome).45. 先慈 [xian1ci2], n., my deceased mother.46. 先澤 [xian1ze2], n., benefits from one'ancestor(s).47. 先子 [xian1zi3], n., (AC) a deceased father, or ancestor or uncle.48. 先王 [xian1wang2], n., (AC) the great kings of past dynasties; 三代先王 refers to the great kings of early periods: 禹,湯,文王,武王 of 夏,商,周 Dyns.49. 先務 [xian1wu4], phr., 先務之急 first things first.50. 先嚴 [xian1yan2], n., my deceased father.51. 先要 [xian1yao4], n., first essentials.52. 先引 [xian1yin3], n., guide (who leads the way).53. 先塋 [xian1ying2], n., ancestral graveyard.先[xiān](ㄒㄧㄢ)1.时间或次序在前的(跟‘后’相对 as opposed to ‘later’)earlier:先进 advanced先例 precedent事先 beforehand领先 take the lead争先恐后 rush off to the front; strive to be the first and fear to lag behind有言在先 make it clear beforehand 2.祖先;上代 ancestor; elder generation:先人 ancestors 3.〈尊称 honor.〉死去的人 the late ...:先父 the late father先烈 martyrs先哲 great thinker of yore 4.先前 earlier; past:小王的技术比先强多了。Xiao Wang's skill is much better than before.你先怎么不告诉我?Why didn't you tell me beforehand? 5.(Xiān) 姓 a surname相关词组从先 | 当先 | 尽先 | 领先 | 率先 | 起先 | 抢先 | 事先 | 首先 | 头先 | 优先 | 预先 | 原先 | 在先 | 早先 | 占先 | 争先 | 祖先 | 打先锋 | 急先锋 | 少先队 | 小先生 | 承先启后 | 身先士卒 | 争先恐后 | 笨鸟先飞 | 东郭先生 | 好好先生 | 捷足先登 | 未卜先知 | 一马当先 | 有言在先 | 少年先锋队先辈 | 先导 | 先端 | 先锋 | 先行 | 先河 | 先后 | 先觉 | 先进 | 先决 | 先例 | 先烈 | 先期 | 先前 | 先遣 | 先秦 | 先驱 | 先人 | 先容 | 先生 | 先声 | 先世 | 先是 | 先手 | 先天 | 先头 | 先贤 | 先兆 | 先哲 | 先知 | 先祖 | 先不先 | 先行官 | 先行者 | 先验论 | 先睹为快 | 先发制人 | 先见之明 | 先来后到 | 先礼后兵 | 先入为主 | 先声夺人 | 先天不足 | 先意承志 | 先斩后奏 | 先天性免疫先a.previous以前的,先前的,前的,先的ad.first先;首先,在首位;第一(用于列举条目等)n.antecedence先,先行;在前;优先anteriority先,先前phr.of blessed memory先,故(加在已故君王、教皇等称呼后面,表示尊敬)先1. ahead, before, earlier, first, or in advance2. an earlier generation3. (of one's own) the late先prior双向☞前--(词头)--预双向☞预--前--先先[xiān]副1. earlier; before sb. else; before doing sth. else; first; in advance♦ 他比我~到。 He arrived earlier than I did.♦ 我~说两句。 Let me say a few words first.2. (used with a negative word “不”, “别”, etc.) for the time being; for the moment♦ 你~别走, 我有话跟你说。 Don't leave yet, I want to have a word with you.3. 口 earlier on; before; at first♦ 你~怎么不告诉我呢? Why didn't you tell me before?♦ 他~说不去, 后来却又改变了主意。 At first he refused to go, but later on he changed his mind.名elder generation; ancestor♦ 祖先 形deceased; late




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