

单词 充塞
释义 充塞1. to fill充塞 chōngsèfill (up); cram充塞chōngsècongestionto blockto congestto crowdto choketo cramto fill upto stuffto take up all the space充塞塞满to fill库房里充塞着杂乱物品。 The storeroom is filled with all sorts of things.【医】machine used to fill a capsule with medicine充塞 chōng sè (塞满) fill (up); filled with; full of; cram:  充塞市场 overstock the market 充塞物 {医} obturator充塞 [chong1se4], v.i. & t., to fill up (the universe), be stocked up with: 盜賊充塞 thieves abound.充塞[chōng sè] 塞满;填满 be stuffed with; be filled with; cram:库房里充塞着杂乱物品。The depot is crammed with miscellaneous goods.充塞1. to fill (up); to cram; to congest; to crowd; to choke up2. congestion充塞fill (up); cram♦ 我心里~着喜悦的情绪。 My heart is filled with joy.英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞Engorgement英華☞TO CLOY英華☞CROWD英華☞CRAM英華☞FILL英華☞GLUT




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