

单词 充任
释义 充任1. to fill a job2. to hold an office充任 chōngrènhold position of充任chōngrènto fill a postto act as充任参见:充当[chōngdāng]充任 chōng rèn (担任) fill the post of; hold the position of:  挑选某人充任经理 select sb. to fill the post of manager 充任 [chong1ren4], v.t., to take, accept, a post, be appointed.充任[chōng rèn] 担任 hold the position of; act as; serve as:挑选懂得管理并精通技术的人充任车间主任 choose a person who is a technical expert and also knows something about management to be the workshop director充任vt.fill充任;派人充任phr.make like充当,充任充任1. to fill the post of; to hold the position of充任fill the post of; hold the position of♦ 聘请老工程师~顾问 ask senior engineers to be our advisers♦ 他~经理很合适。 He's well suited for the position of manager.英華英華★◀▶英華☞FULFIL英華☞FILL




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