

释义 備1. to provide2. to get ready備備 1258C55  91A.42-2  部居  畫數 12ㄅㄟˋ [bei4] N. & v.t.(1)  Prepare, provide (preparation, provision), furnish, be furnished with: 備馬,備食物 provide with horse, food.(2)  Prepare for, provide against: 備考 prepare for examination, remark (also 備註);以備不虞 provide against contingency;備用 provide for use;備文 prepare official document;備戰 prepare for war.(3)  Most commonly in combb.: 預備 prepare;籌備 plan and provide (funds, plans);準備 be prepared (to start, escape);防備 provide against;有備無患 with all precautions taken, one is safe;軍備 armament.Adv.All: 備悉 (in letters) I have noted all the contents;備述詳情 detail all that has happened.Words1. 備案 [bei4an4], v.i. & n., communicate or register for the record.2. 備辦 [bei4ban4], v.t. & n., prepare, -ation (行裝 luggage, 筵席 celebration dinner, etc.).3. 備補 [bei4bu3], n., qualified candidate for office, waiting for opening.4. 備取 [bei4qU3], n., candidates on waiting list.5. 備細 [bei4xi4], n., the details.6. 備忘錄 [bei4wang4lu4], n., memo, official memo.7. 備位 [bei4wei4], v.i., (modest) fill the post.8. 備員 [bei4yUan2], n., one filling a post.




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