

释义 偷1. stealthily2. to steal3. to swipe4. to thieve偷 tōu1) v. steal有人偷了我的钱。 Someone stole my money.2) adv. secretly偷tōuto stealto pilferto snatchthiefstealthily偷 n. 偷盗的人thief小偷 thief v. 参见:偷窃[tōuqiè]偷钱 steal money凿壁偷光 bore a hole in the wall in order to study using light from the neighbour's house偷走一头牛 make off with a cow偷来的东西 stolen goods抽出时间to take time off忙里偷闲 snatch a little leisure time from a busy schedule苟且敷衍to muddle along adv. 瞒着人做stealthily偷 tōu 动 (私拿别人的东西) steal; pilfer; burglarize; make off with:  钱包被偷 have one's purse stolen;  小偷小摸 pilfer;  他偷了她的钱。 He stole her money.; He stole money from her.  有人把我的雨伞偷走了。 Someone has made off with my umbrella. (抽出) find (time):  偷工夫干私事儿 take time off from work for private affairs; snatch a moment to manage one's own things (苟且敷衍) dispose of sth. perfunctorily:  苟且偷生 drag out an ignoble existence; live on without ambition 名 (偷东西的人) thief; pilferer; burglar 副 (瞒着人) stealthily; secretly; covertly:  偷渡 cross a river stealthily; illegal border crossing;  偷跑 run away covertly;  偷看 steal a glance; peek; peep 林语堂林语堂林语堂★◀▶偷偷 1236C20  91A.00-8  部居  畫數 11ㄊㄡ [tou1] . [Usu. printed ]N.Burglar: 小偷兒 petty thief.V.i. & t.(1)  To steal (oft. forming words with nn. or vbb. like a prefix meaning secretly, stealthily): 偷東西 steal things (jewelry, etc.);偷取,偷來,例得 succeed in stealing;我被偷了 I have been burglarized;偷竊 [tou1qie4]↓;偷雞摸狗 small burglar of the type of dog thieves and chicken thieves;偷工減料 (contractors) save illegally on material and labor;偷棺掘墓 break into tombs to rob the dead;偷天換日 audacious scheme of cheating people;偷龍轉鳳 secretly steal male child and substitute female child;偷人,偷漢子 (of women) have illicit relations with men;偷香竊玉 (of men) have illicit relations with women;偷情,偷期 [tou1qing2], [tou1qi2]↓;偷看,偷窺,偷眼兒 to keep, act like a Peeping Tom;偷聽 eavesdrop;偷嘴 steal food;偷青 steal green crops, melons, fruit;偷雨不偷雪,偷風不偷月 thieves steal on rainy or windy nights, not on snowy or moonlight nights;偷寒送暖 do everything to help, see to the comfort of (friends).(2)  To attack by surprise or at night: 偷營 night attack on camp.(3)  To do s.t. illegally: 偷稅 smuggle, evade tax.(4)  To steal a moment of leisure, live on borrowed time: 苟且偷生 live on without ambition;偷安 [tou1an1]↓;偷工夫 steal a moment;偷空兒 ([tou1kong4er0]) 來 manage to come at what spare moments possible;偷閒 [tou1xian2]↓.Adj.(AC) lazy, mean: 則民不偷 then the people will not be lazy or deceitful;偷薄 mean, decadent (customs).Adv.Secretly: 偷往 go secretly;偷著來 come secretly;偷看書 read, consult books stealthily;偷偷兒 [tou1tou1er0].Words1. 偷安 [tou1an1], v.i., have no higher ambition than just to get by.2. 偷巧 [tou1qiao3], v.i., do s.t. not properly to save trouble.3. 偷竊 [tou1qie4], v.t. & n., to steal; thievery, a thief.4. 偷期 [tou1qi2], v.i., (MC) see [tou1qing2]↓.5. 偷情 [tou2qing2], v.i., have illicit relations with men, women.6. 偷空(兒) [tou1kong4]([er0]), adv., when one can get away from duties (come for a visit, etc.).7. 偷兒 [tou1er0], n., a petty thief: 小偷兒.8. 偷懶(兒) [tou1lan3]([tou1la3er0]), v.i., to idle or be negligent at work.9. 偷冷的 [tou1leng3de0], adv., (coll.) unexpectedly.10. 偷生 [tou1sheng1], v.i., live on without meaning or purpose.11. 偷閒 [tou1xian2], v.i., spare a few moments from work to do s.t. else.12. 偷襲 [tou1xi2], v.t., make a surprise attack on enemy (camp).13. 偷偷(兒) [tou1tou1]([’l), adv., stealthily; tou1tou1](['l), also 偷偷摸摸的 tou1tou1mou1mou1de0].14. 偷嘴 [tou1zui3], v.i., steal food.15. 偷油兒 [tou1you2er0], adj., slippery and lazy.偷偷(兒) [tou1tou1]([’l), adv., stealthily; tou1tou1](['l), also 偷偷摸摸的 tou1tou1mou1mou1de0].林语堂☞媮偷[tōu](ㄊㄡ)(媮)1.私下里拿走别人的东西,据为己有 steal; burglarize; pilfer; make off with:偷窃 steal; pilfer钱包被人偷去了。The wallet was stolen. 2.(偷儿 tōur)指偷盗的人 thief; burglar; pilferer:惯偷 hardened thief 3.瞒着人 secretly; stealthily; covertly; surreptitiously; on the sly:偷看 peep; peek; take a covert look at; steal a glance偷听 bug; tap; eavesdrop; listen in stealthily偷渡 stealthily cross (a blockaded river, etc.)偷跑 sneak; run away stealthily 4.抽出(时间)take (time) off; find (time):偷空儿 take time off (from work to do sth. else); snatch a moment忙里偷闲 snatch a little leisure time in the midst of a busy life; allow oneself a bit of time 5.苟且敷衍,只顾眼前 muddle through, thinking only of the present:偷安 seek temporary ease; muddle along相关词组惯偷 | 小偷 | 忙里偷闲偷安 | 偷盗 | 偷渡 | 偷空 | 偷懒 | 偷摸 | 偷巧 | 偷窃 | 偷情 | 偷生 | 偷手 | 偷税 | 偷偷 | 偷袭 | 偷闲 | 偷眼 | 偷营 | 偷嘴 | 偷工减料 | 偷鸡摸狗 | 偷奸取巧 | 偷梁换柱 | 偷天换日 | 偷偷摸摸偷vi.RAT〈俚〉偷vt.snavel〈澳口〉偷,抢(亦作 snavle, snavvle)WIN〈俚〉偷bag〈口〉(尤指利用计谋)获得;收集;占据;顺手牵羊般拿走,偷lift〈口〉偷bone〈英俚〉偷steal【棒】偷(垒)hook〈口〉偷;扒RAT〈俚〉偷;搜(死尸)的全身掠财cop偷;捞CAB偷(小东西)cabbage〈口〉偷(小东西)nick〈英俚〉偷,捞;(仅凭运气)偶进(一球)Nip〈美口〉悄悄地拿;偷swag(罪犯用语)偷;带着(偷来的东西)逃走NAB攫取;抢;偷lurch〈废〉偷flog〈英俚〉(非法地)出售(赃物等);偷,窃取rustle偷(牛、马等)snitch偷;抢(不太值钱的东西)hooky〈美俚〉偷;扒nim偷,窃,扒;拿取,夺取filch偷(少量或不贵重的东西)glom偷;拿走thieve偷,窃取twoc〈英口〉偷(汽车)purloin偷scrump〈英方〉〈英俚〉偷窃,偷(尤指从果园偷苹果)dognap〈口〉(为取得赎金或转售给实验室)拐(狗),偷(狗)phr.glom on to偷knock into a cocked hat〈口〉抢劫;偷偷1. to steal2. secretly3. stealthily偷[tōu]动1. steal; pilfer; make off with♦ 有人把我的雨衣~走了。 Someone has made off with my raincoat.2. drift along♦ 偷安 3. find (time)♦ 偷空 副stealthily; secretly; on the sly♦ 他没跟人说就~着跑了。 He sneaked off without telling anyone.




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