

单词 健在
释义 健在1. in good health健在 jiànzàiwr. be still living and in good health我们的父母都还健在。 Both our parents are still in good health.健在<书>to be alive and well他的父母都健在。 His parents are alive and well.健在 jiàn zài (书) (of a person of advanced age) be still living and in good health健在 [jian4zai4], adj, still living, going strong.健在[jiàn zài] 健康地活着(多指上年纪的人 oft. of a person of advanced age)still in good health:父母都健在。One's parents are still in good health.健在1. [Formal] to be still living and in good health; to be alive2. living and well健在书 (of a person of advanced age) be still living and in good health♦ 她本人已年过七十, 而她的父母还~。 She is over seventy and her parents are still alive.




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