

单词 偏巧
释义 偏巧1. to happen as luck would have it偏巧 piānqiǎoby chance; as luck would have it我正要找他偏巧他就来了。 I was just looking for him and here he came.偏巧piānqiǎoby coincidenceit so happened thatfortunatelyagainst expectation偏巧恰巧as luck would have it我正想去找他,偏巧他来了。 I was just going to see him when, as luck would have it, he turned up.参见:偏偏偏巧 piān qiǎo it so happened that; as luck would have it; by chance; fortunately:  偏巧那天他不在。 It happened that he was not there that day.  我们正在找她,偏巧她来了。 We were looking for her when she turned up. 偏巧[piān qiǎo]1.恰巧 it so happened that:我们正在找他,偏巧他来了。He showed up just as we were looking for him. 2. 同 same as 偏偏 piānpiān ②:我找他两次,偏巧都不在家。I have been to his house twice, but he happened to be out both times.偏巧1. it so happened that; as luck would have it; by chance; fortunately偏巧it so happened that; as luck would have it♦ 我们正找她, ~她来了。 We were looking for her when she turned up.♦ 我找他两次, ~都不在家。 I called at his house twice, but he happened to be out each time.




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