单词 | 假 |
释义 | 假1. fake2. false3. holiday4. if5. provided6. day offABCABC★◀▶假 jiǎI s.v.1) false; fake; phony; artificial2) law conditional; tentativeII b.f.1) borrow; avail of (假借)2) if; supposing (假设)假 jià1) holiday; vacation2) leave of absence; furlough假gēisee 假掰[gēi bāi]jiǎfakefalseartificialto borrowifsupposejiàvacationjiǎvariant of 假[jiǎ]to borrow假 v. 借用to borrow久假不还 borrow and not return天不假年 live a short life天假以年 live a long life利用to make use of假...之名,行...之实 to do under the pretence of假...的名义 in the name of参见:假定[jiǎdìng] adj. 虚伪;伪装false; disguised假笑 false smile假病 fake illness假睡 feigned sleep假见证 false testimony假科学 pseudoscience假悔过 false repentance假口供 false confession假批判 false criticism假慈悲 crocodile tears这都是假的,我不信他真不知道。 It's all a lie, I don't believe he doesn't really know.他生气是假的,他不过是和你开开玩笑罢了。 He's not really angry. He's just joking with you.一点也不假 not in the least bit false伪造counterfeit假文件 fake document假护照 fake passport假账 false account造假账 falsify accounts假结婚 sham marriage假学者 pseudo-scholar造假图章 make a counterfeit stamp这是假的金戒指。 This gold ring is fake.人工装的artificial假眼 artificial eye假腿 prosthetic leg假 jià 名 (按照规定不工作或不学习的时间; 假期) holiday; vacation: 寒(暑)假 winter (summer) vacation; 今年夏天你去哪儿度假? Where are you going for your vacation this summer? 学校自7月12日到9月1日放假。 Schools give a vacation from July 12 to September 1. (经过批准暂时不工作或不学习的时间; 休假) leave of absence; furlough: 病假 sick leave; 超假 overstay one's leave of absence; 请假 ask for leave; 事假 leave of absence; 休假 be on leave (furlough); 我每三年休假一次。 I have a furlough every three years. 另见 jiǎ。 2) 假(叚) jiǎ 形 (虚伪的; 不真实的; 伪造的; 人造的) false; fake; sham; phoney; artificial; counterfeit; forged: 假和平 phoney peace; 假检讨 insincere self-criticism; 假民主 bogus (sham) democracy; 假腿 artificial leg; 以假乱真 create confusion by passing off the spurious as genuine; 作假证 bear (give) false witness 动 (借用) borrow; avail oneself of: 假革命之名 usurp the name of revolution; 久假不归 keep putting off returning sth. one has borrowed; appropriate sth. borrowed for one's own use 连 (假如) if; suppose: 假令 in case 名 (姓氏) a surname: 假仓 Jia Cang 另见 jià。林语堂林语堂★◀▶假假 1278A25 91A.82-5 部居 畫數 11ㄐㄧㄚˇ [jia3] (*ㄐㄧㄚˋ [jia4] ).N.(1) A surname.(2) Falsehood, deception, opp. 真 truth-(fulness): 以假亂真 pass fake imitations for genuine.(3) (*[jia4]) Holiday, leave: 假期 [jia3qi2], 假日 [jia3ri4]↓;放假 public holiday;告假,請假 ask for a leave of absence;例假 regular holiday;公假 official leave;病假 sick leave;產假 maternity leave;年假 New Year holidays;暑假,寒假 summer, winter vacation.V.t.Borrow, permit, allow, make use of, take advantage of: 假借 [jia3jie4], 假貸 [jia3dai4], 假托 [jia3tuo1]↓;假道,假途 go (come) by way of;假公濟私 gain private ends in public cause or by public money;假以顏色 put on a pleasant face;假以時日 give(n) sufficient time;天不假年 (his) life was unfortunately cut short;狐假虎威 a fox put on tiger’s skin-a bully with a coward's heart.Adj.(1) False, fake, imitation: 假冒 [jia3mao4], 假充 [jia3chong1]↓;假(頭)髮 wig (“false hair”);假髻 woman's wig;假牙 denture;假撇清 pretend to have nothing to do with, make hypocritical gestures;假模,假式(樣) (of things) imitation, (of persons) hypocritical;假正經 hypocritical, dissembling (“pretend to be a saint”);假老實 double-dealing, double-faced;假仁假義 hypocritical (“pretend to be the paragon of virtue”);假慈悲 pretending to be kindhearted.(2) Pretending: 假王,假皇帝 a pretender king.(3) (Law) conditional, tentative: 假扣押 provisional seizure;假處分 provisional measures;假決議 tentative resolution;假釋 conditional release.Conj.If, supposing: 假定 [jia3ding4], 假令 [jia3ling4], 假使 [jia3shi3], 假設 [jia3she4], 假如 [jia3ru2], 假若 [jia3ruo4]↓.Words1. 假扮 [jia3ban4], v.i., go in disguise, act the part of s.o. else.2. 假期 *[jia4qi2], n., holidays, vacation.3. 假充 [jia3chong1], v.i. & t., pretend: 假充正經 put on as a gentlemen; 假充內行 pretend to know what one does not.4. 假貸 [jia3dai4], v.t., (1) borrow (money, etc.); (2) 假貸顏色 tolerate, bear with, indulge.5. 假定 [jia3ding4], (1) n. & v.t., suppose, -sition; (2) conj., supposing, if (it be granted).6. 假分數 [jia3fen1shu4], n., (math.) an improper fraction.7. 假父 [jia3fu4], n., foster father.8. 假高眼 [jia3gao1yan3], phr., one who poses as an expert.9. 假招子 [jia3zhao1zi0], phr., (make) hypocritical gestures.10. 假借 [jia3jie4], v.t., (1) borrow (money, bcoks, etc.); (2) use one Chin. character with similar pronunciation in place of another, used for (u.f.) in ancient works.11. 假裝(兒) [jia3zhuang1] ([er0]), v.i., disguise, simulate.12. 假柯子 [jia3ke1zi0], adj., hypocritical, dissembling.13. 假令 [jia3ling4], conj., in case, in the event that.14. 假冒 [jia3mao4], v.t., (of persons, things) pose as, pass for (the genuine), counterfeit: 假冒為善 be a hypocrite.15. 假寐 [jia3mei4], v.i. & n., (take) a nap, siesta.16. 假面 [jia3mian4], n., a mask: 假面具 (a) a mask; (b) hypocrisy.17. 假母 [jia3mu3], n., foster mother.18. 假若 [jia3ruo4], conj., supposing (that).19. 假如 [jia3ru2], conj., ditto.20. 假日 *[jia4ri4], n. see [jia4qi2]↑.21. 假山 [jia3shan1], n., a rock garden.22. 假設 [jia3she4], n. & conj., (1) n., hypothesis; n. & conj., (2) conj., supposing (that).23. 假想 [jia2xiang3], n. & adj., & v.t., fancy: 假想敵 simulated enemy.24. 假象 [jia3xiang4], n., (psych.) semblance, appearance.25. 假性 [jia3xing4], adj., pseudo.26. 假惺惺 [jia3xing1xing1], adj., hypocritical.27. 假手 [jia2shou3], v.t., do by proxy.28. 假釋 [jia3shi1], v.t., to free (a prisoner) on probation.29. 假使 [jia2shi3], conj., if, in case.30. 假數 [jia2su4], n., (math.) mantissa, the decimal part of a logarithm.31. 假死 [jia2si3], (1) n., (med.) asphyxia; (2) v.i., pretend to be dead.32. 假托 [jia3tuo1], v.i. & n., (make) false pretenses, (tell) a white lie.33. 假子 [jia3zi3], n., (1) a foster son; (2) a stepson.34. 假意 [jia3yi4], adj. & adv., pretended friendship or cordiality.假(頭)髮wig (“false hair”);假[jiǎ](ㄐㄧㄚˇ)1.虚伪的;不真实的;伪造的;人造的(跟‘真’相对 as opposed to ‘true’)false; fake; sham; phoney; artificial:假话 lie; falsehood假发 wig假山 small artificial hill假证件 fraudulent certificate, fake credentials; fake card假仁假义 pretended benevolence and righteousness; hypocrisy 2.假定 suppose; assume; grant; presume:假设 supposition; hypothesis; assumption假说 postulate; hypothesis 3.假如 if; in case:假若 if; supposing; in case假使 if; in case; supposing that 4.借用 borrow; avail oneself of:久假不归 keep putting off returning sth. one has borrowed; appropriate sth. borrowed for one's own use假公济私 jobbery; abuse public office for private gain不假思索 without thinking; without hesitation; readily另见 jià假[jià](ㄐㄧㄚˋ)按照规定或经过批准暂时不工作或不学习的时间 holiday; vacation; leave of absence; furlough; day or a period of time set aside by law or with approval for suspension of work, business or study:请假 ask for leave暑假 summer vacation病假 sick leave婚假 wedding leave春节有三天假 three-day holiday for the Spring Festival; three days off for the Spring Festival另见 jiǎ相关词组病假 | 补假 | 搀假 | 春假 | 打假 | 度假 | 放假 | 告假 | 寒假 | 宽假 | 例假 | 年假 | 请假 | 使假 | 事假 | 暑假 | 通假 | 销假 | 休假 | 虚假 | 续假 | 长假 | 装假 | 作假 | 度假村 | 节假日 | 斩假石 | 不假思索 | 狐假虎威 | 久假不归 | 弄假成真 | 弄虚作假假扮 | 假充 | 假定 | 假根 | 假果 | 假借 | 假冒 | 假寐 | 假名 | 假期 | 假球 | 假日 | 假如 | 假若 | 假山 | 假设 | 假使 | 假释 | 假手 | 假说 | 假死 | 假条 | 假托 | 假相 | 假想 | 假象 | 假牙 | 假意 | 假造 | 假装 | 假座 | 假道学 | 假面具 | 假撇清 | 假嗓子 | 假想敌 | 假象牙 | 假小子 | 假惺惺 | 假公济私 | 假模假式 | 假仁假义 | 假日经济假a.jivy骗人的,假的;装腔作势的play-play假的;闹着玩的suppositive假的;冒充的schlenter假的;仿造的unveracious不讲真话的,不诚实的;不真实的,假的dog杂种的;假的;质次的;(语言)非纯正的false假的;伪造的;人造的【音】不合调的;(终止)假的,虚伪的,阻碍(式)的;(四度或五度音程)减的fake假的,伪造的;冒充的artificial假的;假装的;矫揉造作的;模拟的straw(投票)假的,仅为测试民意而进行的;(关于)假投票结果的mock假的;仿制的;假装的mimic假的,非真的,假装的dummy假的,仿造的COD开玩笑的;假的bum假的;错误的counterfeit(货币、笔迹等)伪造的;仿造的;假的queer〈俚〉假的;无价值的unreal假的;不真实的,不实在的;不真诚的;虚构的;幻想的bogus〈美〉假的,假冒的,伪造的untrue不真实的,与事实相反的;假的,虚伪的;不正确的lying假的,不真实的;好说谎的,不诚实的fictitious虚构的;非真实的;假的assumed假装的;假的dud伪造的,假的spurious假的;伪造的;欺骗性的【植】假的(指外形相似而结构和功能不同的)quack假的,冒牌的;吹牛的;骗人的jive〈美口〉不对头的;骗人的,假的;装腔作势的snide〈主英〉伪造的,假的pseudo伪的,假的;冒充的adulterous〈古〉掺杂的;伪造的,假的duff伪造的,假的adulterate掺杂的,掺假的;假的,低劣的inauthentic不可靠的,不可信的;不真的,假的ersatz代用的;人造的;合成的;假的;仿制的untruthful不真实的,不正确的;假的Rick伪装的,假的crocodilian假的,不真诚的faux假的,伪的;人工的,人造的hyped-up人为的;假的,伪造的pseud伪的,假的bogue假的;伪造的brummy〈澳〉(珠宝等)假的;艳丽但便宜的supposititious假冒的,顶替的;假的,伪的;(孩子)私生的suppositious假冒的;假的,伪的stumer假的,伪造的postiche假的,伪造的,仿造的got-up假的,骗人的假1. a leave (of absence)2. a holiday3. a vacation\\jia\\ㄐㄧㄚˇ\\1·fake; false2. pseudo双向☞失灵--假--不成立双向☞假--伪〔词头〕双向☞准--伪--假双向☞准--伪--拟双向☞准--拟--假双向☞虚--假假[jiǎ]形false; fake; sham; phoney; artificial♦ ~腿 artificial leg♦ ~民主 bogus democracy; sham democracy♦ ~和平 phoney peace连if; in case; suppose动borrow; avail oneself of♦ 久~不归 keep putting off returning sth. one has borrowed; appropriate sth. borrowed for one's own use另见 jià假[jià]名1. holiday; vacation2. leave of absence; furlough♦ 病假 另见 jiǎ |
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