

单词 倾谈
释义 倾谈 qīngtánhave a good heart-to-heart talk倾谈qīngtánto have a good talk倾谈真诚地谈话;畅快地谈话to have a heartfelt conversation; to have a carefree conversation与同车的人倾谈起来 start a carefree conversation with fellow passengers他们倾谈着自己的理想。 They are having a heartfelt conversation about their personal ideals.倾谈 qīng tán have a good, heart-to-heart talk倾谈[qīng tán] 尽情地交谈 have a heart-to-heart talk; pour (out) one's heart to each other:促膝倾谈 sit knee to knee for a heart-to-heart talk倾谈have a good, heart-to-heart talk




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