

释义 倒1. to collapse2. to fail3. to fall4. to close down5. to go bankrupt6. to pour7. to move backward8. upside downABCABCABC★◀▶倒 dàoI v.1) invert; move backward; place upside down往后倒。 Back up a bit.2) pour把垃圾倒了。 Please throw out the garbage.II adv.1) back; in reverse order2) actually; contrary to what was said/thoughtIII conj.but; still; nevertheless倒 dǎo1) fall over; topple别一边儿倒。 Don't lean to one side.2) collapse3) become hoarse4) exchange; move around; shift我们倒一下座位好吗? Do you mind changing seats with me?5) coll. make money doing business倒 dáofollow up (倒饬)倒dǎoto fallto collapseto lie horizontallyto overthrowto failto go bankruptto change (trains or buses)to move aroundto resell at a profitdàoto place upside downto invertto pourto throw outto move backwardshoweveractuallyas a matter of factcontrary to expectation倒 v. 颠倒to turn upside down请勿倒放。 Please do not place upside down.倒着摆 set upside down倒数第一 first in reverse order孩子把帽子戴倒了。 The child put the hat on upside down.他倒竖起眉毛。 He frowned.向相反方向移动to reverse倒开 back away倒出来;灌注;装;清除to tip out; to pour; to unload; to empty out倒一杯茶 pour out a cup of tea把面粉倒在袋子里 tip flour into a bag把酒倒在几个小瓶里 pour wine into several small bottles从碗里倒到杯子里 pour out of a bowl into a cup倒垃圾 empty out the rubbish倒掉脏水 throw away dirty water把心里的话都倒出来 pour out one's heart adj. 相反opposing他本想有点收益,结果倒赔了钱 he would have liked a little profit but was left out of pocket adv. 跟意料相反unexpectedly我本想节省,不想倒多花了钱。 I had meant to save money, but I ended up spending even more.屋子虽小, 倒还干净。 The room is small but it is really very clean.您忘了,我倒还记得。 You may have forgotten, but I still remember.我倒另有个主意。 Actually, I have an idea.表示反说语气but你说得倒容易,可是事情没有那么好办。 You make it sound easy, but it's not such a simple matter.表示让步indeed东西倒不坏, 可是价钱也够瞧的。 The item is indeed quite good, but that doesn't mean the price isn't shocking.说倒说过,只是他不听。 I told him all right - he just didn't listen.冷一点倒没什么,只是不要有风。 It's fine if it's a bit cold, just as long as there's no wind.表示催促,追问used in imperative contexts, indicating impatience你倒说呀! Out with it!你倒想想主意呀! You think of a better idea then!倒 dào 动 (上下或前后颠倒) reverse:  次序倒了。 The order is reversed. (使向相反的方向移动或颠倒) move backward; turn upside down:  把汽车倒出车库 back a car out of a garage;  你如果把信封倒过来, 钥匙就会掉出。 If you turn the envelope upside down, the key will fall out. (倾斜或反转容器使里面的东西出来) pour; tip:  把炉灰倒入垃圾箱 tip cinders into a dustbin;  把牛奶从瓶子里倒到玻璃杯里去。 Pour milk out of the bottle into the glass.  他把一肚子的冤屈都倒了出来。 He poured out all his grievances. 形 (上下或前后颠倒的) upside down; inverted; inverse:  小孩把画挂倒了。 The children hung the picture upside down. 副 (表示跟意料相反, 相当于“反倒”) but; on the contrary:  病人情况不但没有好转,倒恶化了。 The patient was no better but rather grew worse.  都春天了,倒下起雪了。 It's spring, yet it is snowing.  房子虽然不大,倒挺实用的。 The house is not big, but it fits in with our needs.  你还有什么要说的, 我倒要听听。 I'd like to hear what else you've got to say. (表示事情不是那样) indicating that sth. is not what one thinks:  你说得倒容易, 事情哪有那么简单! It's easy for you to say that, but actually it is not so simple. (表示让步或转折) used to denote a transition or concession:  东西倒不坏, 就是太贵了些。 It is not bad, only it is a bit too dear.  我跟他认识倒认认识 ,就是不太熟。 I know him, but not very well.  这张桌子倒很好看, 不过小了点儿。 This desk looks fine, but it is a little (bit) smaller. (表示催促或追问, 含不耐烦语气) carrying the sense of “urge”:  你倒快点走啊! Can't you be quicker?  你倒去不去呀? Do you want to go or not? 另见 dǎo。 2) 倒 dǎo 动 (人或竖立的东西横躺下来) fall; topple:  摔倒 fall over;  倒在地上 topple down to the ground;  风把树刮倒了。 The gale uprooted the tree.  那个疲劳的旅客往床上一倒就睡着了。 The tired traveller fell back on the bed and at once fell asleep. (事业失败; 垮台) collapse; fail:  那家工厂倒了。 That factory has gone bankrupt.  内阁倒了。 The cabinet collapsed. (嗓子变低或变哑) (of voice) become hoarse:  他的嗓子倒了。 He has lost his voice. (转移; 转换) change; exchange:  倒肩 shift a burden from one shoulder to the other;  你愿意和我倒一下座位吗? Will you change seats with me? (腾挪) move around:  地方太小,倒不开身。 There is no room to move around. (出倒) offer (house, shop) for sale (打倒) down with; down:  倒阁 down with the cabinet 另见 dào。林语堂林语堂★◀▶倒倒 1234B40  91A.00-3  部居  畫數 10ㄉㄠˇ [dao3]  (in sense of “fall down,” “tumble down”), *ㄉㄠˋ [dao4]  (in sense of “reverse”).V.i.Fall down, lie down: 房子倒了 house tumbles down;倒鳳顛鸞 or 顛鸞倒鳳 have sexual intercourse.(2)  Take turns: 倒班兒 take turns;倒不開 cannot meet the turnover in business.(3)  Go bankrupt: 銀行倒了 the bank is bankrupt.V.t.(*[dao4]) Pour out: 倒茶,倒水 pour tea, water;倒拉圾 pour out garbage;倒過來 put in reverse.Vb. complement.Down: 推倒,打倒 push down, overthrow(n);跌倒,摔倒,栽倒 fall down;辯倒 defeat by argument;塌倒,坍倒 or 倒塌,倒坍 tumble down.Adv.(1)  (*[dao4]) Back, in reverse order or wrong direction: 倒退 fall back;倒流 flow back;倒轉 turn in reverse;倒敘 narrate from the end;倒置,倒裝 set upside down, set up wrong;倒懸 hang upside down;倒背著手 hands on the back;倒賠,倒欠 be in deficit;太阿倒持 allow one’s powers to fall into another's hands;倒戈 [dao3ge1]↓;倒行逆施 (of government) exercise tyrannical rule;倒抽一口氣 gasp inwards in surprise;倒繃孩兒 “tie baby the wrong way,” make mistakes in common things or when one assumes too much;倒打鑼兒 orig. a woman's haircoil, “reversed gong,” (fig.) everything upside down;倒打一耙 blame on others while oneself is at fault.Adv. conj.(*[dao4]) Nevertheless, after all (=到底): 他倒底說得不錯 what he said wasn't wrong after all;這倒不要緊 after all, this is not so important;on the contrary (=反而): 倒把事情弄僵了 on the contrary, contrary to what you think, the matter has been made worse;這樣倒好辦 (=反而好辦) as it is, the matter is so much simpler;倒不如 rather: 倒不如死了乾淨 I'd rather die, it would seem better to die;but: 你說是他,倒不是他 you think it is he, but it isn't;倒是他太太拿錢出來 (he refused) but it was his wife who put up the money.Words1. 倒把 [dao3ba3], v.i., (1) back down, fall; (2) [dao2ba3], (coll.) buy stocks on margin.2. 倒包 [dao3bao1], v.i., substitute one thing for another; give away gift received to s.o. else.3. 倒扁兒 [dao2biaaer0], v.i., (coll.) run around to get cash or goods.4. 倒閉 [dao3bi4], v.i., go bankrupt.5. 倒插 *[dao4cha1], n., a literary technique of beginning at the middle of the story or mentioning s.t. to be expanded later.6. 倒欠 *[dao4qian4], v.i., to owe instead of gaining.7. 倒蛋 [dao3dan4], v.i., make trouble, create mischief (also wr. 搗蛋).8. 倒斷 [dao3duan4], v.i., as in 無倒斷 (MC) without stop.9. 倒戈 *[dao4ge1], v.i. & n., mutiny; (of warlords) change sides (Peking coll. pr. [dao3ge2]).10. 倒掛 *[dao4gua4], n., (1) (zoo.) a kind of parakeet; n., (2) v.i., hang upside down.11. 倒好(兒) *[dao4hao3]([er0]), v.i., to hiss at performance (reverse applause).12. 倒換 [dao3huan4], v.i. & t., replace.13. 倒價 [dao3jia4], n., selling-out price.14. 倒嚼 [dao3jiao4], v.i., chew the cud.15. 倒流刺 *[dao4liu2ci4], n., hangnail.16. 倒楣 [dao3mei2], adj., unlucky, run into bad luck.17. 倒嗓 [dao2sang3], adj., having hoarse voice (of opera singers).18. 倒屣 *[dao4xi3], v.i., in 倒屣相迎 hearty welcome (not waiting to put on slippers properly).19. 倒數 *[dao4shu4], n., (math.) reciprocal.20. 倒懸 *[dao4xUan2], v.i., be hanged upside down; extreme oppression under tyranny.21. 倒許 *[dao4xU3], adv., perhaps (=也許).22. 倒踏門 [dao4ta4men2], v.i., (of bridegroom) adopts wife's family name.23. 倒騰 [dao3teng0], v.i., turn upside down (also wr.搗騰).24. 倒貼(兒) *[dao4tie1] (*[dao3tie1er0]), v.i. & t., lose in bargain (like selling below cost); (sl.) (of a woman) pay her paramour instead of being paid.25. 倒替 [dao3ti4], v.i., substitute, replace.26. 倒頭 [dao3tou2], v.i., (1) lay down one's head to sleep; (2) die: 他剛一倒頭 the moment he dies; 倒頭飯,倒頭咒,倒頭紙 meal given, prayer said, paper money burned at death.27. 倒彩 *[dao4cai3], n., as in 喝倒彩 to hiss a speaker or actor.28. 倒倉 [dao3cang1], n., see [dao2sang3]↑.29. 倒曹 [dao3cao2], v.i., (coll.) “lose face.”30. 倒栽蔥 *[dao4zai1cong1], v.i., fall head down first.31. 倒 [dao3zao4], adj., see [dao3mei2]↑.32. 倒字(兒) [dao3zi4] ([dao3ze4er0]), to mispronounce (in Peking opera).33. 倒影 *[dao4ying3], n., inverted image or reflection in water.34. 倒運 [dao3yUn4], n., bad luck; (*[dao4]) reverse.倒 [dao3zao4], adj., see [dao3mei2]↑.倒1[dǎo](ㄉㄠˇ)1.(人或竖立的东西)横躺下来 fall; topple; tumble down:摔倒 slip and fall down卧倒 lie down风把树刮倒了。The gale uprooted the tree. 2.(事业)失败;垮台 collapse; fail; go bankrupt; go out of business:倒闭 go bankrupt倒台 fall打倒 defeat (sb. or sth.); put down; down with 3.进行反对活动,使政府、首脑人物等垮台 wage a movement to overthrow a government or a political leader:倒阁 overturn a cabinet倒袁(世凯)campaign against Yuan Shikai 4.(戏曲演员的嗓子)变低或变哑 (of an opera singer) become hoarse; lose one's voice:他的嗓子倒了,不再登台。He has lost his voice and will not perform again. 5.(食欲)变得不好 spoil (appetite):倒胃口 have no appetite; lose one's appetite倒2[dǎo](ㄉㄠˇ)1.转移;转换 transfer; shift:倒车 change bus or train倒班 change shifts倒手 do sth. through a third party 2.腾挪 make room for; move around:地方太小,倒不开身儿。This place is so small, there is no room to move around. 3.出倒 sell out:铺子倒出去了。The shop has been sold. 4.倒买倒卖 profiteer; speculate:倒汇 profiteer through foreign exchange倒粮食 profiteer from trades in food grains 5.指倒爷 scalper; speculator; profiteer另见 dào倒1[dào](ㄉㄠˋ)1.上下颠倒或前后颠倒 inverted; upside down; inverse:倒影 inverted image; inverted reflection in water倒悬 hang by the feet倒数第一行 first line from the bottom这几本书次序放倒了。These books have been placed in the reverse order. 2.反面的;相反的 reverse; converse:倒彩 booing; hooting; catcalls倒算 counter-attack to settle old scores倒找钱 pay instead of receiving money 3.使向相反的方向移动或颠倒 move backward; turn upside down; reverse; invert:倒车 back a car倒退 go backwards; fall back; regress; retrogress 4.反转或倾斜容器使里面的东西出来;倾倒 tip; pour; dump:倒茶 pour tea倒垃圾 dump rubbish; empty out the garbage他恨不能把心里的话都倒出来。He wanted to pour out everything that was on his mind.倒2[dào](ㄉㄠˋ)〈副词 adv.〉1.表示跟意料相反 [contrary to what is expected or thought]:(a)相反的意思较明显 [the opposite meaning being obvious]:本想省事,没想倒费事了。He thought it would be easy, but it was more difficult than he had expected.你太客气,倒显得见外了。You are so polite that you make me feel like a stranger. (b)相反的意思较轻微 [mildly contrary meaning]:屋子不宽绰,收拾得倒还干净(没想到)。The room isn't large but it is kept (unexpectedly) clean and tidy.你有什么理由,我倒要听听(我还以为你没有什么可说了呢)。What are your reasons? I have to hear them. (I thought you would have nothing to say.)说起他来,我倒想起一件事来了(你不说我不会想起来)。Speaking of him, I am reminded of something.注意 NOTE:a 类可以改用‘反倒’,b 类不能 In the case of(a) 倒 dào can be replaced with 反倒 fǎndào, but In the case of(b) it cannot be replaced. 2.表示事情不是那样,有反说的语气 [used to indicate the contrary]:你说得倒容易,可做起来并不容易。It's easier said than done. 3.表示让步 [ used to indicate concession]:我跟他认识倒认识,就是不太熟。I know him all right, but not very well. 4.表示催促或追问,有不耐烦的语气 [used to urge sb. to respond quickly, indicating impatience]:你倒说呀!Out with it! or Well, say it then!你倒去不去呀?So are you going or not?另见 dǎo相关词组拜倒 | 驳倒 | 出倒 | 打倒 | 颠倒 | 反倒 | 官倒 | 绝倒 | 拉倒 | 潦倒 | 倾倒 | 推倒 | 压倒 | 帮倒忙 | 不倒翁 | 喝倒彩 | 开倒车 | 路倒儿 | 两边倒 | 随风倒 | 一边倒 | 颠倒黑白 | 颠倒是非 | 东倒西歪 | 横倒竖歪 | 扳不倒儿 | 颠来倒去 | 颠三倒四 | 翻江倒海 | 翻箱倒柜 | 反攻倒算 | 解民倒悬 | 排山倒海 | 轻重倒置 | 倾箱倒箧 | 太阿倒持 | 投机倒把 | 移山倒海 | 穷途潦倒 | 墙倒众人推 | 树倒猢狲散 | 竹筒倒豆子倒把 | 倒班 | 倒板 | 倒闭 | 倒毙 | 倒彩 | 倒仓 | 倒茬 | 倒产 | 倒车 | 倒风 | 倒伏 | 倒戈 | 倒挂 | 倒灌 | 倒换 | 倒汇 | 倒剪 | 倒嚼 | 倒噍 | 倒立 | 倒流 | 倒卖 | 倒霉 | 倒赔 | 倒嗓 | 倒是 | 倒手 | 倒数 | 倒算 | 倒塌 | 倒台 | 倒腾 | 倒替 | 倒贴 | 倒头 | 倒退 | 倒休 | 倒序 | 倒叙 | 倒悬 | 倒牙 | 倒烟 | 倒仰 | 倒爷 | 倒影 | 倒映 | 倒运 | 倒灶 | 倒账 | 倒找 | 倒置 | 倒转 | 倒插门 | 倒春寒 | 倒读数 | 倒儿爷 | 倒过儿 | 倒好儿 | 倒计时 | 倒卵形 | 倒轮闸 | 倒牌子 | 倒胃口 | 倒栽葱 | 倒座儿 | 倒背如流 | 倒打一耙 | 倒海翻江 | 倒行逆施 | 倒买倒卖倒a.backward倒的,反向的obverse【植】倒的,倒转的ad.backwards朝反方向;倒,逆n.pour倒;倾泻;涌流superfusion〈废〉倒;浇;注v. aux.should[表示委婉、谦逊]倒,可vi.superfuse〈罕〉倒;被浇在上面vt.superfuse〈废〉倒;浇;注fast-wind(录音机等)倒(带);进(带)turn倒,倾倒pour倒;为…倒;往…倒cloy(因过量而)倒(胃口);使腻烦,使厌倦 (with)birl倒(酒等)phr.go to grass〈英〉倒地,被打倒in reverse向相反方向;倒,逆倒1. to topple2. to collapse3. to close down; to go out of business4. inverted\\dao\\ㄉㄠˋ\\1·to inverse; to place upside down2. in reverse order; in the wrong direction3. to pour out; to empty4. on the contrary5. after all6. but; and yet倒[dǎo]动1. fall; topple♦ 摔~ fall over♦ 风把树刮~了。 The gale uprooted the tree.♦ 我~在床上就睡着了。 I threw myself down on the bed and fell asleep immediately.2. collapse; fail♦ 内阁~了。 The cabinet collapsed.3. close down; go bankrupt; go out of business♦ 这家公司~了。 The company went bankrupt.4. (of voice) become hoarse♦ 他的嗓子~了。 He has lost his voice.5. change; exchange♦ ~肩 shift a burden from one shoulder to the other♦ 请你们两位把座位~一下。 Will you two please swop (or change) seats?6. move around♦ 地方太小, ~不开身。 There is no room to move around.另见 dào倒[dào]动1. upside down; inverted; inverse; reverse♦ 次序~了。 The order is reversed.♦ 小孩把画挂~了。 The child hung the picture upside down.2. move backwards; turn upside down♦ 火车~回去了。 The train backed up.3. pour; tip♦ ~一杯茶 pour a cup of tea♦ ~垃圾 tip (or dump) rubbish♦ 他把一肚子冤屈都~了出来。 He poured out all his grievances副1. (indicating sth. unexpected)♦ 你还有什么要说的, 我~要听听。 I'd like to hear what else you've got to say.2. (indicating contrast)♦ 你说得~容易, 做起来可不容易。 It's easy for you to say that, but it's not so easy to do it. or That's easier said than done.3. (indicating concession)♦ 我跟他认识~认识, 就是不太熟。 Yes, I know him, but not very well.♦ 那本书好~是好, 可是太贵。 That book is good all right, but it's too expensive.4. (used to press sb. for an answer)♦ 你~去不去呀! Do you want to go or don't you?♦ 你~是说话呀! Can't you say something?另见 dǎo




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